ENH update graphics for optimus-manager

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2020-01-30 23:48:02 -05:00
parent fa0ad15c70
commit 45a3903144
1 changed files with 43 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ local LabelPlot = require 'LabelPlot'
local Util = require 'Util'
local __tonumber = tonumber
local __string_find = string.find
local __string_match = string.match
local _MODULE_Y_ = 145
@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ glob will be of the form:
graphics=<gpu_util>, memory=<mem_util>, video=<vid_util>, PCIe=<pci_util>
local NV_QUERY = 'optirun nvidia-settings -c :8 -t'..
local NV_QUERY = 'nvidia-settings -t'..
' -q UsedDedicatedGPUMemory'..
' -q TotalDedicatedGPUMemory'..
' -q ThermalSensorReading'..
@ -194,63 +193,57 @@ local NV_REGEX = '(%d+)\n'..
local NA = 'N/A'
local nvidia_off = function(cr)
CriticalText.set(internal_temp.value, cr, NA, false)
CriticalText.set(internal_temp.value, cr, NA, false)
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 1, NA)
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 2, NA)
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 1, NA)
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 2, NA)
Text.set(gpu_util.value, cr, NA)
Text.set(mem_util.value, cr, NA)
Text.set(vid_util.value, cr, NA)
Text.set(gpu_util.value, cr, NA)
Text.set(mem_util.value, cr, NA)
Text.set(vid_util.value, cr, NA)
LabelPlot.update(gpu_util.plot, 0)
LabelPlot.update(mem_util.plot, 0)
LabelPlot.update(vid_util.plot, 0)
LabelPlot.update(gpu_util.plot, 0)
LabelPlot.update(mem_util.plot, 0)
LabelPlot.update(vid_util.plot, 0)
local gpu_bus_ctrl = '/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/power/control'
local update = function(cr)
-- check if bbswitch is on
if Util.read_file('/proc/acpi/bbswitch', '.+%s+(%u+)') == 'ON' then
if Util.read_file(gpu_bus_ctrl, nil, '*l') == 'on' then
local nvidia_settings_glob = Util.execute_cmd(NV_QUERY)
if nvidia_settings_glob == '' then
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'Error')
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'On')
-- bbswitch might be on, but only because conky is constantly querying
-- it and there appears to be some lag between closing all optirun
-- processes and flipping bbswitch off. If bbswitch is on and there are
-- no optirun processes, we call this "Mixed." In this case we don't
-- check anything (to allow bbswitch to actually switch off) and set all
-- values to N/A and 0.
if not __string_find(Util.execute_cmd('ps -A -o comm'), 'optirun') then
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'Mixed')
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'On')
local nvidia_settings_glob = Util.execute_cmd(NV_QUERY)
local used_memory, total_memory, temp_reading, gpu_frequency,
memory_frequency, gpu_utilization, vid_utilization
= __string_match(nvidia_settings_glob, NV_REGEX)
local used_memory, total_memory, temp_reading, gpu_frequency,
memory_frequency, gpu_utilization, vid_utilization
= __string_match(nvidia_settings_glob, NV_REGEX)
local is_critical = false
if __tonumber(temp_reading) > 80 then is_critical = true end
local is_critical = false
if __tonumber(temp_reading) > 80 then is_critical = true end
CriticalText.set(internal_temp.value, cr, temp_reading..'°C', is_critical)
CriticalText.set(internal_temp.value, cr, temp_reading..'°C', is_critical)
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 1, gpu_frequency..' Mhz')
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 2, memory_frequency..' Mhz')
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 1, gpu_frequency..' Mhz')
TextColumn.set(clock_speed.values, cr, 2, memory_frequency..' Mhz')
local percent_used_memory = used_memory / total_memory
local percent_used_memory = used_memory / total_memory
Text.set(gpu_util.value, cr, gpu_utilization..'%')
Text.set(mem_util.value, cr, Util.round(percent_used_memory * 100)..'%')
Text.set(vid_util.value, cr, vid_utilization..'%')
Text.set(gpu_util.value, cr, gpu_utilization..'%')
Text.set(mem_util.value, cr, Util.round(percent_used_memory * 100)..'%')
Text.set(vid_util.value, cr, vid_utilization..'%')
LabelPlot.update(gpu_util.plot, gpu_utilization * 0.01)
LabelPlot.update(mem_util.plot, percent_used_memory)
LabelPlot.update(vid_util.plot, vid_utilization * 0.01)
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'Off')
LabelPlot.update(gpu_util.plot, gpu_utilization * 0.01)
LabelPlot.update(mem_util.plot, percent_used_memory)
LabelPlot.update(vid_util.plot, vid_utilization * 0.01)
Text.set(status.value, cr, 'Off')
_MODULE_Y_ = nil
@ -297,13 +290,13 @@ local draw_dynamic = function(cr)
Text.draw(status.value, cr)
Text.draw(internal_temp.value, cr)
TextColumn.draw(clock_speed.values, cr)
Text.draw(gpu_util.value, cr)
LabelPlot.draw_dynamic(gpu_util.plot, cr)
Text.draw(mem_util.value, cr)
LabelPlot.draw_dynamic(mem_util.plot, cr)
Text.draw(vid_util.value, cr)
LabelPlot.draw_dynamic(vid_util.plot, cr)