ADD dhall config

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-08-10 22:22:50 -04:00
parent 4877eece30
commit e290ca79ad
1 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions

config/config.dhall Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
let Vector2 = \(a : Type) -> { x : a, y : a }
let Point = Vector2 Natural
let Margin = Vector2 Natural
let FileSystem = { show_smart : Bool, paths : List Text }
let Graphics =
{ dev_power : Text
, show_temp : Bool
, show_clock : Bool
, show_gpu_util : Bool
, show_mem_util : Bool
, show_vid_util : Bool
let Memory =
{ show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, show_swap : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
let Processor =
{ core_rows : Natural
, core_padding : Natural
, show_stats : Bool
, show_plot : Bool
, table_rows : Natural
let RaplSpec = { name : Text, address : Text }
let Power = { battery : Text, rapl_specs : List RaplSpec }
let ReadWrite = { devices : List Text }
let Modules =
{ Type =
{ filesystem : Optional FileSystem
, graphics : Optional Graphics
, memory : Optional Memory
, processor : Optional Processor
, power : Optional Power
, readwrite : Optional ReadWrite
, default =
{ filesystem = None FileSystem
, graphics = None Graphics
, memory = None Memory
, processor = None Processor
, power = None Power
, readwrite = None ReadWrite
let ModType =
< FileSystem
| Graphics
| Memory
| Network
| Pacman
| Processor
| ReadWrite
| System
let Block = < Pad : Natural | Mod : ModType >
let Column = { blocks : List Block, width : Natural }
let Panel = { columns : List Column, margins : Margin }
let Layout = { anchor : Point, panels : List Panel }
let Sizes =
{ Type =
{ normal : Natural
, plot_label : Natural
, table : Natural
, header : Natural
, default = { normal = 13, plot_label = 8, table = 11, header = 15 }
let Font =
{ Type = { family : Text, sizes : Sizes.Type }
, default = { family = "Neuropolitical", sizes = Sizes::{=} }
let PlotGeometry =
{ Type =
{ spacing : Natural
, height : Natural
, seconds : Natural
, ticks : Vector2 Natural
, default =
{ seconds = 90, ticks = { x = 9, y = 4 }, height = 56, spacing = 20 }
let TableGeometry =
{ Type =
{ name_chars : Natural
, padding : Margin
, header_padding : Natural
, row_spacing : Natural
, default =
{ name_chars = 8
, padding = { x = 6, y = 15 }
, header_padding = 20
, row_spacing = 13
let HeaderGeometry =
{ Type = { underline_offset : Natural, padding : Natural }
, default = { underline_offset = 26, padding = 19 }
let Geometry =
{ Type =
{ plot : PlotGeometry.Type
, table : TableGeometry.Type
, header : HeaderGeometry.Type
, default =
{ plot = PlotGeometry::{=}
, table = TableGeometry::{=}
, header = HeaderGeometry::{=}
let StopRGB = { color : Natural, stop : Double }
let StopRGBA = { color : Natural, stop : Double, alpha : Double }
let ColorAlpha = { color : Natural, alpha : Double }
let Pattern =
< RGB : Natural
| RGBA : ColorAlpha
| GradientRGB : List StopRGB
| GradientRGBA : List StopRGBA
let Patterns =
{ Type =
{ header : Pattern
, panel : { bg : Pattern }
, text : { active : Pattern, inactive : Pattern, critical : Pattern }
, border : Pattern
, plot :
{ grid : Pattern
, outline : Pattern
, data : { border : Pattern, fill : Pattern }
, indicator :
{ bg : Pattern, fg : { active : Pattern, inactive : Pattern } }
, default =
{ header = Pattern.RGB 0xefefef
, = Pattern.RGBA { color = 0x121212, alpha = 0.7 }
, text =
{ active = Pattern.RGB 0xbfe1ff
, inactive = Pattern.RGB 0xc8c8c8
, critical = Pattern.RGB 0xff8282
, border = Pattern.RGB 0x888888
, plot =
{ grid = Pattern.RGB 0x666666
, outline = Pattern.RGB 0x777777
, data =
{ border =
[ { color = 0x003f7c, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0x1e90ff, stop = 1.0 }
, fill =
[ { color = 0x316ece, stop = 0.2, alpha = 0.5 }
, { color = 0x8cc7ff, stop = 1.0, alpha = 1.0 }
, indicator =
{ bg =
[ { color = 0x565656, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0xbfbfbf, stop = 0.5 }
, { color = 0x565656, stop = 1.0 }
, fg =
{ active =
[ { color = 0x316BA6, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0x99CEFF, stop = 0.5 }
, { color = 0x316BA6, stop = 1.0 }
, inactive =
[ { color = 0xFF3333, stop = 0.0 }
, { color = 0xFFB8B8, stop = 0.5 }
, { color = 0xFF3333, stop = 1.0 }
let Theme =
{ Type =
{ font : Font.Type
, geometry : Geometry.Type
, patterns : Patterns.Type
, default =
{ font = Font::{=}, geometry = Geometry::{=}, patterns = Patterns::{=} }
let layout =
{ anchor = { x = 12, y = 11 }
, panels =
[ { columns =
[ { blocks =
[ Block.Mod ModType.Network
, Block.Pad 10
, Block.Mod ModType.Memory
, Block.Pad 10
, Block.Mod ModType.Processor
, width = 436
, margins = { x = 20, y = 10 }
: List Panel
: Layout
let modules =
, memory = Some
( { show_stats = False
, show_swap = False
, show_plot = True
, table_rows = 3
: Memory
, processor = Some
( { core_rows = 0
, core_padding = 0
, show_stats = False
, show_plot = True
, table_rows = 3
: Processor
in { bootstrap = { update_interval = 1, dimensions = { x = 1920, y = 1080 } }
, theme = Theme::{=}
, layout
, modules