local M = {} local Util = require 'Util' local Common = require 'Common' local __tonumber = tonumber local __string_match = string.match local _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ = 20 local _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = 56 local BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES = 512 local STAT_FILE = '/sys/block/sda/stat' -- fields 3 and 7 (sectors read and written) local RW_REGEX = '%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)' local read_stat_file = function() local bytes_r, bytes_w = __string_match(Util.read_file(STAT_FILE), RW_REGEX) return __tonumber(bytes_r) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, __tonumber(bytes_w) * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES end local update_stat = function(cr, stat, byte_cnt, update_frequency) local delta_bytes = byte_cnt - stat.prev_byte_cnt stat.prev_byte_cnt = byte_cnt -- local text_value = '0.00 B/s' local plot_value = 0 if delta_bytes > 0 then local bps = delta_bytes * update_frequency -- local unit, value = Util.convert_data_val(bps) -- text_value = Util.precision_round_to_string(value, 3)..' '..unit..'B/s' plot_value = bps end -- Common.annotated_scale_plot_set(stat, cr, text_value, plot_value) Common.annotated_scale_plot_set(stat, cr, plot_value) end local io_label_function = function(bytes) local new_unit, new_value = Util.convert_data_val(bytes) local precision = 0 if new_value < 10 then precision = 1 end return Util.round_to_string(new_value, precision)..' '..new_unit..'B/s' end local format_value_function = function(bps) local unit, value = Util.convert_data_val(bps) return Util.precision_round_to_string(value, 3)..' '..unit..'B/s' end local header = Common.Header( _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X, _G_INIT_DATA_.TOP_Y, _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, 'INPUT / OUTPUT' ) local reads = Common.initLabeledScalePlot( _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X, header.bottom_y, _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, _PLOT_HEIGHT_, format_value_function, io_label_function, _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_, 'Reads', 2 ) local writes = Common.initLabeledScalePlot( _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X, header.bottom_y + _PLOT_HEIGHT_ + _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ * 2, _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, _PLOT_HEIGHT_, format_value_function, io_label_function, _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_, 'Writes', 2 ) _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ = nil _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = nil reads.byte_cnt = 0 writes.byte_cnt = 0 reads.prev_byte_cnt, writes.prev_byte_cnt = read_stat_file() local update = function(cr, update_frequency) local read_byte_cnt, write_byte_cnt = read_stat_file() update_stat(cr, reads, read_byte_cnt, update_frequency) update_stat(cr, writes, write_byte_cnt, update_frequency) end local draw_static = function(cr) Common.drawHeader(cr, header) Common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_static(reads, cr) Common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_static(writes, cr) end local draw_dynamic = function(cr, update_frequency) update(cr, update_frequency) Common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_dynamic(reads, cr) Common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_dynamic(writes, cr) end M.draw_static = draw_static M.draw_dynamic = draw_dynamic return M