local Widget = require 'Widget' local Text = require 'Text' local Line = require 'Line' local ScalePlot = require 'ScalePlot' local util = require 'util' local schema = require 'default_patterns' local _TONUMBER = tonumber local _STRING_MATCH = string.match local HW_BLOCK_SIZE = 512 --bytes local STAT_FILE = '/sys/block/sda/stat' local RW_REGEX = '%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)' --fields 3 and 7 (sectors read and written) --construction params local PLOT_SEC_BREAK = 20 local PLOT_HEIGHT = 56 local __read_stat_file = function() local bytes_read, bytes_written = _STRING_MATCH(util.read_file(STAT_FILE), RW_REGEX) return _TONUMBER(bytes_read) * HW_BLOCK_SIZE, _TONUMBER(bytes_written) * HW_BLOCK_SIZE end local __update_stat = function(cr, stat, cumulative, update_frequency) local bytes = (cumulative - stat.prev_cumulative) * update_frequency stat.prev_cumulative = cumulative if bytes < 0 then bytes = 0 end --mask wrap local unit = util.get_unit(bytes) stat.rate.append_end = ' '..unit..'/s' Text.set(stat.rate, cr, util.precision_convert_bytes(bytes, 'B', unit, 3)) ScalePlot.update(stat.plot, cr, bytes) end local __io_label_function = function(bytes) local new_unit = util.get_unit(bytes) local converted = util.convert_bytes(bytes, 'B', new_unit) local precision = 0 if converted < 10 then precision = 1 end return util.round_to_string(converted, precision)..' '..new_unit..'/s' end local header = Widget.Header{ x = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X, y = G_DIMENSIONS_.TOP_Y, width = G_DIMENSIONS_.SECTION_WIDTH, header = "INPUT / OUTPUT" } local HEADER_BOTTOM_Y = header.bottom_y local RIGHT_X = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X + G_DIMENSIONS_.SECTION_WIDTH local READS_PLOT_Y = header.bottom_y + PLOT_SEC_BREAK local reads = { label = Widget.Text{ x = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X, y = HEADER_BOTTOM_Y, text = 'Reads', }, rate = Widget.Text{ x = RIGHT_X, y = HEADER_BOTTOM_Y, x_align = 'right', append_end=' B/s', text_color = schema.blue }, plot = Widget.ScalePlot{ x = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X, y = READS_PLOT_Y, width = G_DIMENSIONS_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = PLOT_HEIGHT, y_label_func = __io_label_function, } } local WRITE_Y = READS_PLOT_Y + PLOT_HEIGHT + PLOT_SEC_BREAK local WRITES_PLOT_Y = WRITE_Y + PLOT_SEC_BREAK local writes = { label = Widget.Text{ x = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X, y = WRITE_Y, text = 'Writes', }, rate = Widget.Text{ x = RIGHT_X, y = WRITE_Y, x_align = 'right', append_end =' B/s', text_color = schema.blue }, plot = Widget.ScalePlot{ x = G_DIMENSIONS_.CENTER_LEFT_X, y = WRITES_PLOT_Y, width = G_DIMENSIONS_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = PLOT_HEIGHT, y_label_func = __io_label_function, } } Widget = nil schema = nil PLOT_SEC_BREAK = nil PLOT_HEIGHT = nil HEADER_BOTTOM_Y = nil RIGHT_X = nil READS_PLOT_Y = nil WRITE_Y = nil WRITES_PLOT_Y = nil reads.cumulative = 0 writes.cumulative = 0 reads.prev_cumulative, writes.prev_cumulative = __read_stat_file() local __update = function(cr, update_frequency) local cumulative_reads, cumulative_writes = __read_stat_file() __update_stat(cr, reads, cumulative_reads, update_frequency) __update_stat(cr, writes, cumulative_writes, update_frequency) end local draw = function(cr, current_interface, update_frequency) __update(cr, update_frequency) if current_interface == 0 then Text.draw(header.text, cr) Line.draw(header.underline, cr) Text.draw(reads.label, cr) Text.draw(reads.rate, cr) ScalePlot.draw(reads.plot, cr) Text.draw(writes.label, cr) Text.draw(writes.rate, cr) ScalePlot.draw(writes.plot, cr) end end return draw