local _CR = require 'CR' local Widget = require 'Widget' local Text = require 'Text' local CriticalText = require 'CriticalText' local Line = require 'Line' local TextColumn = require 'TextColumn' local util = require 'util' local schema = require 'default_patterns' local _STRING_FIND = string.find local _STRING_MATCH = string.match local _STRING_GMATCH = string.gmatch local NUM_ROWS = 12 local USERNAME_FORMAT = '(%S+)%s+' local START_TIME_FORMAT = '%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)%s+' --construction params local SPACING = 20 local SEPARATOR_SPACING = 17 local MODULE_Y = 285 local header = Widget.Header{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = MODULE_Y, width = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.SIDE_WIDTH, header = 'REMOTE CONNECTIONS' } local FIREWALL_Y = header.bottom_y local TUNNEL_Y = FIREWALL_Y + SEPARATOR_SPACING * 2 local SOCKS_Y = TUNNEL_Y + SPACING + SEPARATOR_SPACING * 2 local TABLE_Y = SOCKS_Y + SPACING + SEPARATOR_SPACING * 2 local TABLE_BODY_Y = TABLE_Y + SPACING + 6 local RIGHT_X = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X + CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.SIDE_WIDTH local firewall = { label = Widget.Text{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = FIREWALL_Y, text = 'Firewall Status', }, info = Widget.CriticalText{ x = RIGHT_X, y = FIREWALL_Y, x_align = 'right', text_color = schema.blue, } } local tunnel = { labels = Widget.TextColumn{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = TUNNEL_Y, spacing = SPACING, 'Tunnel Loaded', 'Tunnel Running', }, info = Widget.TextColumn{ x = RIGHT_X, y = TUNNEL_Y, spacing = SPACING, x_align = 'right', text_color = schema.blue, num_rows = 2, } } local socks = { labels = Widget.TextColumn{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = SOCKS_Y, spacing = SPACING, 'Socks Loaded', 'Socks Running', }, info = Widget.TextColumn{ x = RIGHT_X, y = SOCKS_Y, spacing = SPACING, x_align = 'right', text_color = schema.blue, num_rows = 2, } } local tbl = { headers = { Widget.Text{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_Y, text = 'Username', text_color = schema.blue }, Widget.Text{ x = RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_Y, text = 'Date / Time', text_color = schema.blue, x_align = 'right' } }, columns = { Widget.TextColumn{ x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_BODY_Y, spacing = SPACING, num_rows = NUM_ROWS, font_size = 10, max_length = 9 }, Widget.TextColumn{ x = RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_BODY_Y, spacing = SPACING, num_rows = NUM_ROWS, font_size = 10, x_align = 'right', } } } local separators = { Widget.Line{ p1 = { x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = TUNNEL_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING }, p2 = { x = RIGHT_X, y = TUNNEL_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING } }, Widget.Line{ p1 = { x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = SOCKS_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING }, p2 = { x = RIGHT_X, y = SOCKS_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING } }, Widget.Line{ p1 = { x = CONSTRUCTION_GLOBAL.RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING }, p2 = { x = RIGHT_X, y = TABLE_Y - SEPARATOR_SPACING } } } local __set_ssh_status = function(status, obj, cr) TextColumn.set(obj, cr, 1, _STRING_MATCH(status, '/autossh') and 'Yes' or 'No') TextColumn.set(obj, cr, 2, _STRING_MATCH(status, '/ssh') and 'Yes' or 'No') end local __parse_log_line = function(log_line) if not log_line then return end local username = _STRING_MATCH(log_line, USERNAME_FORMAT) local start_date = _STRING_MATCH(log_line, START_TIME_FORMAT) local start_time_unix = util.execute_cmd('date --date="'..start_date..'" +"%s"', nil, '*n') local start_time_formatted = util.execute_cmd( 'date --date="'..start_date..'" +"%-m-%-d-%y (%H:%M)"', '(.+)\n') if _STRING_FIND(log_line, 'still logged in', 1, true) then return username, start_time_unix, '*!* '..start_time_formatted..' *!*' else return username, start_time_unix, start_time_formatted end end local __update = function(cr) __set_ssh_status(util.execute_cmd('systemctl status tunnel'), tunnel.info, cr) __set_ssh_status(util.execute_cmd('systemctl status socks'), socks.info, cr) if util.execute_cmd('systemctl is-active ufw') == 'active\n' then CriticalText.set(firewall.info, cr, 'Up', 1) else CriticalText.set(firewall.info, cr, 'Down', 0) end local next_wtmp = _STRING_GMATCH(util.execute_cmd( "last -iw --time-format iso | grep -v '' | head -n -2"), '[^\n]+') local next_btmp = _STRING_GMATCH(util.execute_cmd( "lastb -iw --time-format iso | grep -v '' | head -n -2"), '[^\n]+') local wtmp_username, wtmp_time, wtmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_wtmp()) local btmp_username, btmp_time, btmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_btmp()) local column1 = tbl.columns[1] local column2 = tbl.columns[2] for r = 1, NUM_ROWS do if wtmp_time and btmp_time then if wtmp_time > btmp_time then TextColumn.set(column1, cr, r, wtmp_username) TextColumn.set(column2, cr, r, wtmp_str) wtmp_username, wtmp_time, wtmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_wtmp()) else TextColumn.set(column1, cr, r, '*'..btmp_username) TextColumn.set(column2, cr, r, btmp_str) btmp_username, btmp_time, btmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_btmp()) end elseif wtmp_time then TextColumn.set(column1, cr, r, wtmp_username) TextColumn.set(column2, cr, r, wtmp_str) wtmp_username, wtmp_time, wtmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_wtmp()) elseif btmp_time then TextColumn.set(column1, cr, r, '*'..btmp_username) TextColumn.set(column2, cr, r, btmp_str) btmp_username, btmp_time, btmp_str = __parse_log_line(next_btmp()) else TextColumn.set(column1, cr, r, '--') TextColumn.set(column2, cr, r, '--') end end end __update(_CR) Widget = nil schema = nil SPACING = nil SEPARATOR_SPACING = nil MODULE_Y = nil RIGHT_X = nil TUNNEL_Y = nil SOCKS_Y = nil FIREWALL_Y = nil TABLE_Y = nil TABLE_BODY_Y = nil _CR = nil local draw = function(cr, current_interface, trigger) if trigger == 0 then __update(cr) end if current_interface == 1 then Text.draw(header.text, cr) Line.draw(header.underline, cr) TextColumn.draw(tunnel.labels, cr) TextColumn.draw(tunnel.info, cr) Line.draw(separators[1], cr) TextColumn.draw(socks.labels, cr) TextColumn.draw(socks.info, cr) Line.draw(separators[2], cr) Text.draw(firewall.label, cr) CriticalText.draw(firewall.info, cr) Line.draw(separators[3], cr) local headers = tbl.headers Text.draw(headers[1], cr) Text.draw(headers[2], cr) local column1 = tbl.columns[1] local column2 = tbl.columns[2] TextColumn.draw(column1, cr) TextColumn.draw(column2, cr) end end return draw