--[[ Boolean conventions: 0 is true, 1 is false Module format: LIBRARY STRUCTURE (a collection of functions/values in a table): local M = {} -- define module-level table to return local modname = requires 'modname' -- import all required modules local foo = function() -- code end -- define more functions M.foo = foo -- dump all functions into table return M -- return entire table (use functions as modname.foo) RENDERING MODULE STRUCTURE (only used in this module; main.lua): local modname = requires 'modname' -- import all required modules local foo = function() -- code end local draw = function(args) -- drawing code that uses foo() end return draw -- only draw is returned (use as modname(args)) Var names: - delimiters: all words separated by _ (unless camalCase) - booleans: preceed by is_ (as in is_awesome) - Spacial scope: - Everything declared local by default - reassigning to local: - upval to local: prefix with _ - global to local: prefix with __ - replace . with _ if callng from table - the only reason to do either of these is for performance, therefore no need to localize variables that are only used during init - global: preceed with g_ - Temporal Scope - init: only relevent to startup (nil'ed before first rendering loop) - persistant: always relevent (potentially) - flank init vars with _ - Mutability - variable: lowercase - constant: ALL_CAPS - constants can be anything except functions - Module Names: - CapCamalCase - var name is exactly the same as module name --]] local UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1 --Hz _G_INIT_DATA_ = { UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY, LEFT_X = 32, SECTION_WIDTH = 436, CENTER_PAD = 20, PANEL_HORZ_SPACING = 10, PANEL_MARGIN_X = 20, PANEL_MARGIN_Y = 10, TOP_Y = 21, SIDE_HEIGHT = 1020, CENTER_HEIGHT = 220, -- silly hack, the price of a litewait language ABS_PATH = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)") } _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X + _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH + _G_INIT_DATA_.PANEL_MARGIN_X * 2 + _G_INIT_DATA_.PANEL_HORZ_SPACING _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X + _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH + _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_PAD _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_WIDTH = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH * 2 + _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_PAD _G_INIT_DATA_.RIGHT_X = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_LEFT_X + _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_WIDTH + _G_INIT_DATA_.PANEL_MARGIN_X * 2 + _G_INIT_DATA_.PANEL_HORZ_SPACING package.path = _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/drawing/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/schema/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/func/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/super/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/arc/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/text/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/plot/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/rect/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/poly/?.lua;'.. _G_INIT_DATA_.ABS_PATH..'/core/widget/image/?.lua;' conky_set_update_interval(_G_INIT_DATA_.UPDATE_INTERVAL) require 'cairo' _G_Widget_ = require 'Widget' _G_Patterns_ = require 'Patterns' local Util = require 'Util' local Panel = require 'Panel' local System = require 'System' local Network = require 'Network' local Processor = require 'Processor' local FileSystem = require 'FileSystem' local Pacman = require 'Pacman' local Power = require 'Power' local ReadWrite = require 'ReadWrite' local Graphics = require 'Graphics' local Memory = require 'Memory' local _unrequire = function(m) package.loaded[m] = nil end _G_Widget_ = nil _G_Patterns_ = nil _unrequire('Super') _unrequire('Color') _unrequire('Gradient') _unrequire('Widget') _unrequire('Patterns') _unrequire = nil _G_INIT_DATA_ = nil local updates = -2 local __cairo_xlib_surface_create = cairo_xlib_surface_create local __cairo_create = cairo_create local __cairo_surface_destroy = cairo_surface_destroy local __cairo_destroy = cairo_destroy local __collectgarbage = collectgarbage local using_ac = function() return Util.conky('${acpiacadapter AC}') == 'on-line' end local current_last_log_entry = Util.execute_cmd('tail -1 /var/log/pacman.log') local check_if_log_changed = function() local new_last_log_entry = Util.execute_cmd('tail -1 /var/log/pacman.log') if new_last_log_entry == current_last_log_entry then return 1 end current_last_log_entry = new_last_log_entry return 0 end -- kept for historic reasons, if we choose to make another panel then this -- will be useful local current_interface = 0 local cs_p local uninit = 1 conky_startup = function() cs_p = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 1920, 1080) local cr = __cairo_create(cs_p) Panel(cr) uninit = nil end function conky_main() if uninit then return end local _cw = conky_window if not _cw then return end local cs = __cairo_xlib_surface_create(_cw.display, _cw.drawable, _cw.visual, 1920, 1080) local cr = __cairo_create(cs) cairo_set_source_surface(cr, cs_p, 0, 0) cairo_paint(cr) updates = updates + 1 local t1 = updates % (UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 10) local t2 local is_using_ac = using_ac() if is_using_ac then t2 = updates % (UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 60) else t2 = updates % (UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 300) end local log_is_changed = false if t2 == 0 then log_is_changed = check_if_log_changed() end -- local pt1 = os.clock() System(cr, current_interface, log_is_changed) Graphics(cr, current_interface) Processor(cr, current_interface) ReadWrite(cr, current_interface, UPDATE_FREQUENCY) Network(cr, current_interface, UPDATE_FREQUENCY) Pacman(cr, current_interface, log_is_changed) FileSystem(cr, current_interface, t1) Power(cr, current_interface, UPDATE_FREQUENCY, is_using_ac) Memory(cr, current_interface) -- local pt2 = os.clock() - pt1 -- print(pt2) __cairo_surface_destroy(cs) __cairo_destroy(cr) __collectgarbage() end