local M = {} local Util = require 'Util' local Theme = require 'Patterns' local Startup = require 'Widget' local Dial = require 'Dial' local CompoundDial = require 'CompoundDial' local Arc = require 'Arc' local Text = require 'Text' local CompoundBar = require 'CompoundBar' local CriticalText = require 'CriticalText' local TextColumn = require 'TextColumn' local Line = require 'Line' local LabelPlot = require 'LabelPlot' local ScalePlot = require 'ScalePlot' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- constants local FONT = 'Neuropolitical' local NORMAL_FONT_SIZE = 13 local PLOT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE = 8 local TABLE_FONT_SIZE = 11 local HEADER_FONT_SIZE = 15 local HEADER_HEIGHT = 45 local HEADER_UNDERLINE_CAP = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND local HEADER_UNDERLINE_OFFSET = 26 local HEADER_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS = 3 local SEPARATOR_THICKNESS = 1 local TABLE_BODY_FORMAT = 8 local TABLE_VERT_PAD = 15 local TABLE_HORZ_PAD = 5 local TABLE_HEADER_PAD = 20 local TABLE_LINE_THICKNESS = 1 local PLOT_NUM_POINTS = 90 local PLOT_GRID_X_N = 9 local PLOT_GRID_Y_N = 4 local ARC_WIDTH = 2 local DIAL_THETA0 = 90 local DIAL_THETA1 = 360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helper functions M.make_font_spec = function(f, s, bold) return { family = f, size = s, weight = bold and CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD or CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, slant = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, } end M.normal_font_spec = M.make_font_spec(FONT, NORMAL_FONT_SIZE, false) M.label_font_spec = M.make_font_spec(FONT, PLOT_LABEL_FONT_SIZE, false) local _text_row_style = function(x_align, color) return Startup.text_style(M.normal_font_spec, color, x_align, 'center') end M.left_text_style = _text_row_style('left', Theme.INACTIVE_TEXT_FG) M.right_text_style = _text_row_style('right', Theme.PRIMARY_FG) local _bare_text = function(pt, text, style) return Startup.plainText(pt, text, style) end local _left_text = function(pt, text) return _bare_text(pt, text, M.left_text_style) end local _right_text = function(pt, text) return _bare_text(pt, text, M.right_text_style) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- header M.Header = function(x, y, w, s) local bottom_y = y + HEADER_HEIGHT local underline_y = y + HEADER_UNDERLINE_OFFSET return { text = Startup.plainText( Startup.make_point(x, y), s, Startup.text_style( M.make_font_spec(FONT, HEADER_FONT_SIZE, true), Theme.HEADER_FG, 'left', 'top' ) ), bottom_y = bottom_y, underline = Startup.Line( Startup.make_point(x, underline_y), Startup.make_point(x + w, underline_y), Startup.line_style( HEADER_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS, Theme.HEADER_FG, HEADER_UNDERLINE_CAP ) ) } end M.drawHeader = function(cr, header) Text.draw(header.text, cr) Line.draw(header.underline, cr) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- label plot M.default_grid_style = Startup.grid_style( PLOT_GRID_X_N, PLOT_GRID_Y_N, Theme.PLOT_GRID_FG ) M.default_plot_style = Startup.plot_style( PLOT_NUM_POINTS, Theme.PLOT_OUTLINE_FG, Theme.PLOT_FILL_BORDER_PRIMARY, Theme.PLOT_FILL_BG_PRIMARY, M.default_grid_style ) M.percent_label_style = Startup.label_style( Theme.INACTIVE_TEXT_FG, M.label_font_spec, function(_) return function(z) return Util.round_to_string(z * 100)..'%' end end ) M.initThemedLabelPlot = function(x, y, w, h, label_style, update_freq) return Startup.LabelPlot( Startup.make_box(x, y, w, h), update_freq, M.default_plot_style, label_style ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- percent plot (label plot with percent signs and some indicator data above it) M.initPercentPlot_formatted = function(x, y, w, h, spacing, label, update_freq, format) return { label = _left_text(Startup.make_point(x, y), label), value = Startup.formattedThresholdText( Startup.make_point(x + w, y), nil, M.right_text_style, format, Startup.threshold_text_style(Theme.CRITICAL_FG, 80) ), plot = M.initThemedLabelPlot( x, y + spacing, w, h, M.percent_label_style, update_freq ), } end M.initPercentPlot = function(x, y, w, h, spacing, label, update_freq) return M.initPercentPlot_formatted(x, y, w, h, spacing, label, update_freq, '%s%%') end M.percent_plot_draw_static = function(pp, cr) Text.draw(pp.label, cr) LabelPlot.draw_static(pp.plot, cr) end M.percent_plot_draw_dynamic = function(pp, cr) CriticalText.draw(pp.value, cr) LabelPlot.draw_dynamic(pp.plot, cr) end -- TODO this is pretty confusing, nil means -1 which gets fed to any text -- formatting functions M.percent_plot_set = function(pp, cr, value) local t = -1 local p = 0 if value ~= nil then t = math.floor(value) p = value * 0.01 end Text.set(pp.value, cr, t) LabelPlot.update(pp.plot, p) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scaled plot -- Generate a format string for labels on y axis of plots. If the max of the -- plot if numerically less than the number of grid lines, this means that -- some number of decimal places are necessary to accurately display the number. -- Note that this for now only works when the number of y grid lines if 4, as -- it gives enough resolution for 1, 0.75, 0.5, and 0.25 but no more M.y_label_format_string = function(plot_max, unit) local num_fmt if plot_max < 2 then num_fmt = '%.2f' elseif plot_max < 4 then num_fmt = '%.1f' else num_fmt = '%.0f' end return string.format('%s %s', num_fmt, unit) end M.converted_y_label_format_generator = function(unit) return function(plot_max) local new_prefix, new_max = Util.convert_data_val(plot_max) local conversion_factor = plot_max / new_max local fmt = M.y_label_format_string(new_max, new_prefix..unit..'/s') return function(bytes) return string.format(fmt, bytes / conversion_factor) end end end M.base_2_scale_data = function(m) return Startup.scale_data(2, m, 0.9) end M.initThemedScalePlot = function(x, y, w, h, f, min_domain, update_freq) return Startup.ScalePlot( Startup.make_box(x, y, w, h), update_freq, M.default_plot_style, Startup.label_style( Theme.INACTIVE_TEXT_FG, M.label_font_spec, f ), M.base_2_scale_data(min_domain) ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- scaled plot (with textual data above it) M.initLabeledScalePlot = function(x, y, w, h, format_fun, label_fun, spacing, label, min_domain, update_freq) return { label = _left_text(Startup.make_point(x, y), label), value = Startup.formatted_text( Startup.make_point(x + w, y), 0, M.right_text_style, format_fun ), plot = M.initThemedScalePlot(x, y + spacing, w, h, label_fun, min_domain, update_freq), } end M.annotated_scale_plot_draw_static = function(asp, cr) Text.draw(asp.label, cr) end M.annotated_scale_plot_draw_dynamic = function(asp, cr) Text.draw(asp.value, cr) ScalePlot.draw_dynamic(asp.plot, cr) end M.annotated_scale_plot_set = function(asp, cr, value) Text.set(asp.value, cr, value) ScalePlot.update(asp.plot, cr, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- arc (TODO this is just a dummy now to make everything organized -- TODO perhaps implement this is a special case of compound dial where -- I have multiple layers on top of each other M.arc = function(x, y, r, thickness, pattern) return Arc.build( Startup.make_semicircle(x, y, r, 90, 360), Arc.style(thickness, pattern) ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ring M.initRing = function(x, y, r) return Arc.build( Startup.make_semicircle(x, y, r, 0, 360), Arc.style(ARC_WIDTH, Theme.BORDER_FG) ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ring with text data in the center M.initTextRing = function(x, y, r, fmt, limit) return { ring = M.initRing(x, y, r), value = Startup.formattedThresholdText( Startup.make_point(x, y), nil, Startup.text_style( M.normal_font_spec, Theme.PRIMARY_FG, 'center', 'center' ), fmt, Startup.threshold_text_style(Theme.CRITICAL_FG, limit) ), } end M.text_ring_draw_static = function(tr, cr) Arc.draw(tr.ring, cr) end M.text_ring_draw_dynamic = function(tr, cr) CriticalText.draw(tr.value, cr) end M.text_ring_set = function(tr, cr, value) CriticalText.set(tr.value, cr, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dial local threshold_indicator = function(threshold) return Startup.threshold_style( Theme.INDICATOR_FG_PRIMARY, Theme.INDICATOR_FG_CRITICAL, threshold ) end M.dial = function(x, y, radius, thickness, threshold) return Dial.build( Startup.make_semicircle(x, y, radius, DIAL_THETA0, DIAL_THETA1), Arc.style(thickness, Theme.INDICATOR_BG), threshold_indicator(threshold) ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- compound dial M.compound_dial = function(x, y, outer_radius, inner_radius, thickness, threshold, num_dials) return CompoundDial.build( Startup.make_semicircle(x, y, outer_radius, DIAL_THETA0, DIAL_THETA1), Arc.style(thickness, Theme.INDICATOR_BG), threshold_indicator(threshold), inner_radius, num_dials ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- annotated compound bar M.compound_bar = function(x, y, w, pad, labels, spacing, thickness, threshold) return { labels = Startup.TextColumn( Startup.make_point(x, y), labels, M.left_text_style, nil, spacing ), bars = Startup.CompoundBar( Startup.make_point(x + pad, y), w - pad, Startup.line_style( thickness, Theme.INDICATOR_BG, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER ), threshold_indicator(threshold), spacing, #labels, false ) } end M.compound_bar_draw_static = function(cb, cr) TextColumn.draw(cb.labels, cr) CompoundBar.draw_static(cb.bars, cr) end M.compound_bar_draw_dynamic = function(cb, cr) CompoundBar.draw_dynamic(cb.bars, cr) end M.compound_bar_set = function(cb, i, value) CompoundBar.set(cb.bars, i, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- separator (eg a horizontal line) M.initSeparator = function(x, y, w) return Startup.Line( Startup.make_point(x, y), Startup.make_point(x + w, y), Startup.line_style( SEPARATOR_THICKNESS, Theme.BORDER_FG, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT ) ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- text row (label with a value, aligned as far apart as possible) M.initTextRow = function(x, y, w, label) return { label = _left_text(Startup.make_point(x, y), label), value = _right_text(Startup.make_point(x + w, y), nil), } end M.text_row_draw_static = function(row, cr) Text.draw(row.label, cr) end M.text_row_draw_dynamic = function(row, cr) Text.draw(row.value, cr) end M.text_row_set = function(row, cr, value) Text.set(row.value, cr, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- text row with critical indicator M.initTextRowCrit = function(x, y, w, label, append_end, limit) return{ label = _left_text(Startup.make_point(x, y), label), value = Startup.formattedThresholdText( Startup.make_point(x + w, y), nil, Startup.text_style( M.normal_font_spec, Theme.PRIMARY_FG, 'right', 'center' ), append_end, Startup.threshold_text_style(Theme.CRITICAL_FG, limit) ) } end M.text_row_crit_draw_static = M.text_row_draw_static M.text_row_crit_draw_dynamic = function(row, cr) CriticalText.draw(row.value, cr) end M.text_row_crit_set = function(row, cr, value) CriticalText.set(row.value, cr, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- text column M.text_column = function(x, y, spacing, labels, x_align, color) return Startup.TextColumn( Startup.make_point(x, y), labels, _text_row_style(x_align, color), nil, spacing ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- multiple text row separated by spacing M.initTextRows_color = function(x, y, w, spacing, labels, color, format) return { labels = Startup.TextColumn( Startup.make_point(x, y), labels, M.left_text_style, nil, spacing ), values = Startup.initTextColumnN( Startup.make_point(x + w, y), #labels, _text_row_style('right', color), format, spacing ) } end M.initTextRows_formatted = function(x, y, w, spacing, labels, format) return M.initTextRows_color( x, y, w, spacing, labels, Theme.PRIMARY_FG, format ) end M.initTextRows = function(x, y, w, spacing, labels) return M.initTextRows_formatted( x, y, w, spacing, labels, nil ) end M.text_rows_draw_static = function(rows, cr) TextColumn.draw(rows.labels, cr) end M.text_rows_draw_dynamic = function(rows, cr) TextColumn.draw(rows.values, cr) end M.text_rows_set = function(rows, cr, i, value) TextColumn.set(rows.values, cr, i, value) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- table M.default_table_font_spec = M.make_font_spec(FONT, TABLE_FONT_SIZE, false) M.default_table_style = Startup.table_style( Startup.rect_style( TABLE_LINE_THICKNESS, Theme.BORDER_FG ), Startup.line_style( TABLE_LINE_THICKNESS, Theme.BORDER_FG, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT ), Startup.table_header_style( M.default_table_font_spec, Theme.PRIMARY_FG, TABLE_HEADER_PAD ), Startup.table_body_style( M.default_table_font_spec, Theme.INACTIVE_TEXT_FG, TABLE_BODY_FORMAT ), Startup.padding( TABLE_HORZ_PAD, TABLE_VERT_PAD, TABLE_HORZ_PAD, TABLE_VERT_PAD ) ) M.initTable = function(x, y, w, h, n, labels) return Startup.Table( Startup.make_box(x, y, w, h), n, labels, M.default_table_style ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- panel M.initPanel = function(x, y, w, h, thickness) return Startup.FillRect( Startup.make_box(x, y, w, h), Startup.rect_style(thickness, Theme.BORDER_FG), Theme.PANEL_BG ) end return M