local Arc = require 'Arc' local CompoundDial = require 'CompoundDial' local CriticalText = require 'CriticalText' local Text = require 'Text' local Line = require 'Line' local LabelPlot = require 'LabelPlot' local Table = require 'Table' local Util = require 'Util' local CORETEMP_PATH = '/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon%i/%s' local NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES = 4 local NUM_THREADS_PER_CORE = 2 local NUM_ROWS = 5 local TABLE_CONKY = {{}, {}, {}} for r = 1, NUM_ROWS do TABLE_CONKY[1][r] = '${top name '..r..'}' TABLE_CONKY[2][r] = '${top pid '..r..'}' TABLE_CONKY[3][r] = '${top cpu '..r..'}' end local _MODULE_Y_ = 636 local _DIAL_INNER_RADIUS_ = 30 local _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_ = 42 local _DIAL_SPACING_ = 1 local _TEXT_Y_OFFSET_ = 15 local _SEPARATOR_SPACING_ = 20 local _PLOT_SECTION_BREAK_ = 23 local _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = 56 local _TABLE_SECTION_BREAK_ = 20 local _TABLE_HEIGHT_ = 114 local _create_core_ = function(cores, id, x, y) local conky_threads = {} for c = 0, NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES * NUM_THREADS_PER_CORE - 1 do if Util.read_file('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu'..c..'/topology/core_id', nil, '*n') == id then table.insert(conky_threads, '${cpu cpu'..c..'}') end end local hwmon_index = -1 while Util.read_file(string.format(CORETEMP_PATH, hwmon_index, 'name'), nil, '*l') ~= 'coretemp' do hwmon_index = hwmon_index + 1 end cores[id +1] = { dials = _G_Widget_.CompoundDial{ x = x, y = y, inner_radius = _DIAL_INNER_RADIUS_, outer_radius = _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_, spacing = _DIAL_SPACING_, num_dials = NUM_THREADS_PER_CORE, critical_limit = '>0.8' }, inner_ring = _G_Widget_.Arc{ x = x, y = y, radius = _DIAL_INNER_RADIUS_ - 2, theta0 = 0, theta1 = 360 }, coretemp_text = _G_Widget_.CriticalText{ x = x, y = y, x_align = 'center', y_align = 'center', append_end = '°C', critical_limit = '>90' }, coretemp_path = string.format(CORETEMP_PATH, hwmon_index, 'temp'..(id + 2)..'_input'), conky_threads = conky_threads } end local header = _G_Widget_.Header{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _MODULE_Y_, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, header = "PROCESSOR" } --we assume that this cpu has 4 physical cores with 2 logical each local cores = {} for c = 0, NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES - 1 do local dial_x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X + _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_ + (_G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH - 2 * _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_) * c / 3 local dial_y = header.bottom_y + _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_ _create_core_(cores, c, dial_x, dial_y) end local _RIGHT_X_ = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X + _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH local _PROCESS_Y_ = header.bottom_y + _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_ * 2 + _PLOT_SECTION_BREAK_ local process = { labels = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _PROCESS_Y_, text = 'R | S | D | T | Z' }, values = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _RIGHT_X_, y = _PROCESS_Y_, x_align = 'right', text_color = _G_Patterns_.BLUE, text = '' } } local _SEP_Y_ = _PROCESS_Y_ + _SEPARATOR_SPACING_ local separator = _G_Widget_.Line{ p1 = {x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _SEP_Y_}, p2 = {x = _RIGHT_X_, y = _SEP_Y_} } local _LOAD_Y_ = _SEP_Y_ + _SEPARATOR_SPACING_ local total_load = { label = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _LOAD_Y_, text = 'Total Load' }, value = _G_Widget_.CriticalText{ x = _RIGHT_X_, y = _LOAD_Y_, x_align = 'right', append_end = '%', critical_limit = '>80' } } local _PLOT_Y_ = _LOAD_Y_ + _PLOT_SECTION_BREAK_ local plot = _G_Widget_.LabelPlot{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _PLOT_Y_, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = _PLOT_HEIGHT_ } local tbl = _G_Widget_.Table{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.LEFT_X, y = _PLOT_Y_ + _PLOT_HEIGHT_ + _TABLE_SECTION_BREAK_, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = _TABLE_HEIGHT_, num_rows = NUM_ROWS, 'Name', 'PID', 'CPU (%)' } local update = function(cr) local conky = Util.conky local char_count = Util.char_count local sum = 0 for c = 1, NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES do local core = cores[c] local conky_threads = core.conky_threads for t = 1, NUM_THREADS_PER_CORE do local percent = Util.conky_numeric(conky_threads[t]) * 0.01 CompoundDial.set(core.dials, t, percent) sum = sum + percent end CriticalText.set(core.coretemp_text, cr, Util.round(0.001 * Util.read_file(core.coretemp_path, nil, '*n'))) end local process_glob = Util.execute_cmd('ps -A -o s') --subtract one from running b/c ps will always be "running" Text.set(process.values, cr, (char_count(process_glob, 'R') - 1)..' | '.. char_count(process_glob, 'S')..' | '.. char_count(process_glob, 'D')..' | '.. char_count(process_glob, 'T')..' | '.. char_count(process_glob, 'Z')) local load_percent = Util.round(sum / NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES / NUM_THREADS_PER_CORE, 2) CriticalText.set(total_load.value, cr, load_percent * 100) LabelPlot.update(plot, load_percent) for c = 1, 3 do local column = TABLE_CONKY[c] for r = 1, NUM_ROWS do Table.set(tbl, cr, c, r, conky(column[r], '(%S+)')) end end end _MODULE_Y_ = nil _DIAL_INNER_RADIUS_ = nil _DIAL_OUTER_RADIUS_ = nil _DIAL_SPACING_ = nil _TEXT_Y_OFFSET_ = nil _SEPARATOR_SPACING_ = nil _PLOT_SECTION_BREAK_ = nil _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = nil _TABLE_SECTION_BREAK_ = nil _TABLE_HEIGHT_ = nil _create_core_ = nil _LOAD_Y_ = nil _RIGHT_X_ = nil _SEP_Y_ = nil _PROCESS_Y_ = nil _PLOT_Y_ = nil local draw = function(cr, current_interface) update(cr) if current_interface == 0 then Text.draw(header.text, cr) Line.draw(header.underline, cr) for c = 1, NUM_PHYSICAL_CORES do local core = cores[c] CompoundDial.draw(core.dials, cr) Arc.draw(core.inner_ring, cr) CriticalText.draw(core.coretemp_text, cr) end Text.draw(process.labels, cr) Text.draw(process.values, cr) Line.draw(separator, cr) Text.draw(total_load.label, cr) CriticalText.draw(total_load.value, cr) LabelPlot.draw(plot, cr) Table.draw(tbl, cr) end end return draw