-- -- initialialize global geometric data -- local UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 1 --Hz _G_INIT_DATA_ = { UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1 / UPDATE_FREQUENCY, } -- -- init cairo -- require 'cairo' local __cairo_xlib_surface_create = cairo_xlib_surface_create local __cairo_set_source_surface = cairo_set_source_surface local __cairo_image_surface_create = cairo_image_surface_create local __cairo_paint = cairo_paint local __cairo_create = cairo_create local __cairo_surface_destroy = cairo_surface_destroy local __cairo_destroy = cairo_destroy local __cairo_translate = cairo_translate local ABS_PATH = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)") package.path = ABS_PATH..'?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'drawing/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'schema/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/func/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/super/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/arc/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/text/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/plot/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/rect/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/poly/?.lua;'.. ABS_PATH..'core/widget/image/?.lua;' local Util = require 'Util' local FillRect = require 'FillRect' local System = require 'System' local Network = require 'Network' local Processor = require 'Processor' local FileSystem = require 'FileSystem' local Pacman = require 'Pacman' local Power = require 'Power' local ReadWrite = require 'ReadWrite' local Graphics = require 'Graphics' local Memory = require 'Memory' local Common = require 'Common' local Geometry = require 'Geometry' -- -- initialize static surfaces -- local _make_static_surface = function(x, y, w, h, modules) local panel_line_thickness = 1 -- move over by half a pixel so the lines don't need to be antialiased local _x = x + 0.5 local _y = y + 0.5 local panel = Common.initPanel(_x, _y, w, h, panel_line_thickness) local cs_x = _x - panel_line_thickness * 0.5 local cs_y = _y - panel_line_thickness * 0.5 local cs_w = w + panel_line_thickness local cs_h = h + panel_line_thickness local cs = __cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, cs_w, cs_h) local cr = __cairo_create(cs) __cairo_translate(cr, -cs_x, -cs_y) FillRect.draw(panel, cr) for _, f in pairs(modules) do f(cr) end __cairo_destroy(cr) return { x = cs_x, y = cs_y, s = cs } end local draw_static_surface = function(cr, cs_obj) __cairo_set_source_surface(cr, cs_obj.s, cs_obj.x, cs_obj.y) __cairo_paint(cr) end local cs_left = _make_static_surface( Geometry.LEFT_X - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_X, Geometry.TOP_Y - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y, Geometry.SECTION_WIDTH + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_X * 2, Geometry.SIDE_HEIGHT + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y * 2, {System.draw_static, Graphics.draw_static, Processor.draw_static} ) local cs_center = _make_static_surface( Geometry.CENTER_LEFT_X - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_X, Geometry.TOP_Y - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y, Geometry.CENTER_WIDTH + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y * 2 + Geometry.CENTER_PAD, Geometry.CENTER_HEIGHT + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y * 2, {ReadWrite.draw_static, Network.draw_static} ) local cs_right = _make_static_surface( Geometry.RIGHT_X - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_X, Geometry.TOP_Y - Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y, Geometry.SECTION_WIDTH + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_X * 2, Geometry.SIDE_HEIGHT + Geometry.PANEL_MARGIN_Y * 2, {Pacman.draw_static, FileSystem.draw_static, Power.draw_static, Memory.draw_static} ) -- -- kill all the stuff we don't need for the main loop -- local _unrequire = function(m) package.loaded[m] = nil end _unrequire('Super') _unrequire('Color') _unrequire('Widget') _unrequire('Patterns') _unrequire = nil _make_static_surface = nil FillRect = nil _G_INIT_DATA_ = nil collectgarbage() -- -- main loop -- local using_ac = function() -- for some reason it is much more efficient to test if the battery -- is off than if the ac is on return Util.read_file('/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status', nil, '*l') ~= 'Discharging' end local updates = -2 -- this accounts for the first few spazzy iterations local STATS_FILE = '/tmp/.conky_pacman' function conky_start(update_interval) conky_set_update_interval(update_interval) end function conky_main() local _cw = conky_window if not _cw then return end local cs = __cairo_xlib_surface_create(_cw.display, _cw.drawable, _cw.visual, 1920, 1080) local cr = __cairo_create(cs) draw_static_surface(cr, cs_left) draw_static_surface(cr, cs_center) draw_static_surface(cr, cs_right) updates = updates + 1 local t1 = updates % (UPDATE_FREQUENCY * 10) local is_using_ac = using_ac() local pacman_stats = Util.read_file(STATS_FILE) System.draw_dynamic(cr, pacman_stats) Graphics.draw_dynamic(cr) Processor.draw_dynamic(cr, t1) ReadWrite.draw_dynamic(cr, UPDATE_FREQUENCY) Network.draw_dynamic(cr, UPDATE_FREQUENCY) Pacman.draw_dynamic(cr, pacman_stats) FileSystem.draw_dynamic(cr, t1) Power.draw_dynamic(cr, UPDATE_FREQUENCY, is_using_ac) Memory.draw_dynamic(cr) __cairo_surface_destroy(cs) __cairo_destroy(cr) end