local pure = require 'pure' local i_o = require 'i_o' return function(update_freq, config, common, width, point) local SEPARATOR_SPACING = 20 local TEXT_SPACING = 20 local PLOT_SEC_BREAK = 20 local PLOT_HEIGHT = 56 local NA = 'N/A' local __string_match = string.match local __tonumber = tonumber ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- nvidia state -- vars to process the nv settings glob -- -- glob will be of the form: -- -- -- -- , -- graphics=, memory=, video=, PCIe= local NV_QUERY = 'nvidia-settings -t'.. ' -q UsedDedicatedGPUmemory'.. ' -q TotalDedicatedGPUmemory'.. ' -q ThermalSensorReading'.. ' -q [gpu:0]/GPUCurrentClockFreqs'.. ' -q [gpu:0]/GPUutilization' local NV_REGEX = '(%d+)\n'.. '(%d+)\n'.. '(%d+)\n'.. '(%d+),(%d+)\n'.. 'graphics=(%d+), memory=%d+, video=(%d+), PCIe=%d+\n' local GPU_BUS_CTRL = '/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/power/control' local mod_state = { error = false, used_memory = 0, total_memory = 0, temp_reading = 0, gpu_frequency = 0, memory_frequency = 0, gpu_utilization = 0, vid_utilization = 0 } local update_state = function() if i_o.read_file(GPU_BUS_CTRL, nil, '*l') == 'on' then local nvidia_settings_glob = i_o.execute_cmd(NV_QUERY) if nvidia_settings_glob == '' then mod_state.error = 'Error' else mod_state.used_memory, mod_state.total_memory, mod_state.temp_reading, mod_state.gpu_frequency, mod_state.memory_frequency, mod_state.gpu_utilization, mod_state.vid_utilization = __string_match(nvidia_settings_glob, NV_REGEX) mod_state.error = false end else mod_state.error = 'Off' end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- helper functions local _from_state = function(def, get, set) return function() if mod_state.error == false then set(get(mod_state)) else set(def) end end end local _mk_plot = function(label, getter, y) local obj = common.make_tagged_maybe_percent_timeseries( point.x, y, width, PLOT_HEIGHT, PLOT_SEC_BREAK, label, update_freq ) local update = _from_state( false, getter, pure.partial(common.tagged_maybe_percent_timeseries_set, obj) ) local static = pure.partial(common.tagged_percent_timeseries_draw_static, obj) local dynamic = pure.partial(common.tagged_percent_timeseries_draw_dynamic, obj) return common.mk_acc( width, PLOT_HEIGHT + PLOT_SEC_BREAK, update, static, dynamic ) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu status local mk_status = function(y) local obj = common.make_text_row( point.x, y, width, 'Status' ) local update = function() if mod_state.error == false then common.text_row_set(obj, 'On') else common.text_row_set(obj, mod_state.error) end end local static = pure.partial(common.text_row_draw_static, obj) local dynamic = pure.partial(common.text_row_draw_dynamic, obj) return common.mk_acc(width, 0, update, static, dynamic) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu temperature local mk_temp = function(y) local obj = common.make_threshold_text_row( point.x, y, width, 'Internal Temperature', function(s) if s == -1 then return NA else return string.format('%s°C', s) end end, 80 ) local update = _from_state( -1, function(s) return __tonumber(s.temp_reading) end, pure.partial(common.threshold_text_row_set, obj) ) local static = pure.partial(common.threshold_text_row_draw_static, obj) local dynamic = pure.partial(common.threshold_text_row_draw_dynamic, obj) return common.mk_acc(width, 0, update, static, dynamic) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu clock speeds local mk_clock = function(y) local obj = common.make_text_rows( point.x, y, width, TEXT_SPACING, {'GPU Clock Speed', 'memory Clock Speed'} ) local update = function() if mod_state.error == false then common.text_rows_set(obj, 1, mod_state.gpu_frequency..' Mhz') common.text_rows_set(obj, 2, mod_state.memory_frequency..' Mhz') else common.text_rows_set(obj, 1, NA) common.text_rows_set(obj, 2, NA) end end local static = pure.partial(common.text_rows_draw_static, obj) local dynamic = pure.partial(common.text_rows_draw_dynamic, obj) return common.mk_acc(width, TEXT_SPACING, update, static, dynamic) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu utilization plot local mk_gpu_util = pure.partial( _mk_plot, 'GPU utilization', function(s) return s.gpu_utilization end ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu memory consumption plot local mk_mem_util = pure.partial( _mk_plot, 'Memory utilization', function(s) return s.used_memory / s.total_memory * 100 end ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- gpu video utilization plot local mk_vid_util = pure.partial( _mk_plot, 'Video utilization', function(s) return s.vid_utilization end ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main drawing functions return { header = 'NVIDIA GRAPHICS', point = point, width = width, set_state = update_state, top = {{mk_status, true, SEPARATOR_SPACING}}, common.mk_section( SEPARATOR_SPACING, {mk_temp, config.show_temp, SEPARATOR_SPACING} ), common.mk_section( SEPARATOR_SPACING, {mk_clock, config.show_clock, SEPARATOR_SPACING} ), common.mk_section( SEPARATOR_SPACING, {mk_gpu_util, config.show_gpu_util, PLOT_SEC_BREAK}, {mk_mem_util, config.show_mem_util, PLOT_SEC_BREAK}, {mk_vid_util, config.show_vid_util, 0} ) } end