local M = {} local Text = require 'Text' local Line = require 'Line' local ScalePlot = require 'ScalePlot' local Util = require 'Util' local __string_gmatch = string.gmatch local _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ = 20 local _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = 56 local network_label_function = function(bits) local new_unit, new_value = Util.convert_data_val(bits) local precision = new_value < 10 and 1 or 0 return Util.round_to_string(new_value, precision)..' '..new_unit..'b/s' end local header = _G_Widget_.Header{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X, y = _G_INIT_DATA_.TOP_Y, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, header = 'NETWORK' } local _RIGHT_X_ = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X + _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH local dnload = { label = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X, y = header.bottom_y, text = 'Download', }, speed = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _RIGHT_X_, y = header.bottom_y, x_align = 'right', text_color = _G_Patterns_.PRIMARY_FG }, plot = _G_Widget_.ScalePlot{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X, y = header.bottom_y + _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = _PLOT_HEIGHT_, y_label_func = network_label_function } } local _UPLOAD_Y_ = header.bottom_y + _PLOT_HEIGHT_ + _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ * 2 local upload = { label = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X, y = _UPLOAD_Y_, text = 'Upload', }, speed = _G_Widget_.Text{ x = _RIGHT_X_, y = _UPLOAD_Y_, x_align = 'right', text_color = _G_Patterns_.PRIMARY_FG }, plot = _G_Widget_.ScalePlot{ x = _G_INIT_DATA_.CENTER_RIGHT_X, y = _UPLOAD_Y_ + _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_, width = _G_INIT_DATA_.SECTION_WIDTH, height = _PLOT_HEIGHT_, y_label_func = network_label_function } } local interface_counters_tbl = {} local get_bits = function(path) return Util.read_file(path, nil, '*n') * 8 end local update = function(cr, update_frequency) local dspeed, uspeed = 0, 0 local rx_delta, tx_delta -- iterate through the route file and filter on interfaces that are gateways (flag = 0003) local iterator = __string_gmatch(Util.read_file('/proc/net/route'), '(%w+)%s+%w+%s+%w+%s+0003%s+') for interface in iterator do local interface_counters = interface_counters_tbl[interface] if not interface_counters then local rx_path = '/sys/class/net/'..interface..'/statistics/rx_bytes' local tx_path = '/sys/class/net/'..interface..'/statistics/tx_bytes' interface_counters = { rx_path = rx_path, tx_path = tx_path, prev_rx_byte_cnt = get_bits(rx_path, nil, '*n'), prev_tx_byte_cnt = get_bits(tx_path, nil, '*n'), } interface_counters_tbl[interface] = interface_counters end local rx_byte_cnt = get_bits(interface_counters.rx_path, nil, '*n') local tx_byte_cnt = get_bits(interface_counters.tx_path, nil, '*n') rx_delta = rx_byte_cnt - interface_counters.prev_rx_byte_cnt tx_delta = tx_byte_cnt - interface_counters.prev_tx_byte_cnt interface_counters.prev_rx_byte_cnt = rx_byte_cnt interface_counters.prev_tx_byte_cnt = tx_byte_cnt -- mask overflow if rx_delta > 0 then dspeed = dspeed + rx_delta * update_frequency end if tx_delta > 0 then uspeed = uspeed + tx_delta * update_frequency end end local dspeed_unit, dspeed_value = Util.convert_data_val(dspeed) local uspeed_unit, uspeed_value = Util.convert_data_val(uspeed) dnload.speed.append_end = ' '..dspeed_unit..'b/s' upload.speed.append_end = ' '..uspeed_unit..'b/s' Text.set(dnload.speed, cr, Util.precision_round_to_string(dspeed_value, 3)) Text.set(upload.speed, cr, Util.precision_round_to_string(uspeed_value, 3)) ScalePlot.update(dnload.plot, cr, dspeed) ScalePlot.update(upload.plot, cr, uspeed) end _PLOT_SEC_BREAK_ = nil _PLOT_HEIGHT_ = nil _RIGHT_X_ = nil _UPLOAD_Y_ = nil local draw_static = function(cr) Text.draw(header.text, cr) Line.draw(header.underline, cr) Text.draw(dnload.label, cr) Text.draw(upload.label, cr) end local draw_dynamic = function(cr, update_frequency) update(cr, update_frequency) Text.draw(dnload.speed, cr) ScalePlot.draw_dynamic(dnload.plot, cr) Text.draw(upload.speed, cr) ScalePlot.draw_dynamic(upload.plot, cr) end M.draw_static = draw_static M.draw_dynamic = draw_dynamic return M