local timeseries = require 'timeseries' local text_table = require 'text_table' local i_o = require 'i_o' local pure = require 'pure' local sys = require 'sys' return function(update_freq, config, common, width, point) local DIAL_THICKNESS = 8 local DIAL_RADIUS = 32 local DIAL_SPACING = 40 local CACHE_Y_OFFSET = 7 local CACHE_X_OFFSET = 50 local TEXT_SPACING = 20 local PLOT_SECTION_BREAK = 23 local PLOT_HEIGHT = 56 local TABLE_SECTION_BREAK = 20 local __math_floor = math.floor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- state local _show_swap = config.show_stats and config.show_swap local mod_state = {mem = {total = sys.meminfo_field_reader('MemTotal')()}} local update_state if _show_swap == true then mod_state.swap = {total = sys.meminfo_field_reader('SwapTotal')()} update_state = sys.meminfo_updater_swap(mod_state.mem, mod_state.swap) else update_state = sys.meminfo_updater_noswap(mod_state.mem) end local read_state = function() update_state() -- see manpage for free command for formulas local m = mod_state.mem m.used_percent = (m.total - m.memfree - m.cached - m.buffers - m.sreclaimable) / m.total end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mem stats (dial + text) local mk_stats = function(y) local MEM_X = point.x + DIAL_RADIUS + DIAL_THICKNESS / 2 local DIAL_DIAMETER = DIAL_RADIUS * 2 + DIAL_THICKNESS local CACHE_X local SWAP_X if _show_swap == true then SWAP_X = MEM_X + DIAL_DIAMETER + DIAL_SPACING CACHE_X = SWAP_X + CACHE_X_OFFSET + DIAL_DIAMETER / 2 else CACHE_X = MEM_X + CACHE_X_OFFSET + DIAL_DIAMETER / 2 end local CACHE_WIDTH = point.x + width - CACHE_X local format_percent = function(x) return string.format('%i%%', x) end -- memory bits (used no matter what) local mem = common.make_dial( MEM_X, y + DIAL_RADIUS, DIAL_RADIUS, DIAL_THICKNESS, 80, format_percent, __math_floor ) local cache = common.make_text_rows_formatted( CACHE_X, y + CACHE_Y_OFFSET, CACHE_WIDTH, TEXT_SPACING, {'Page Cache', 'Buffers', 'Shared', 'Kernel Slab'}, '%.1f%%' ) local update_mem = function() local m = mod_state.mem local mtot = m.total common.dial_set(mem, m.used_percent * 100) common.text_rows_set(cache, 1, m.cached / mtot * 100) common.text_rows_set(cache, 2, m.buffers / mtot * 100) common.text_rows_set(cache, 3, m.shmem / mtot * 100) common.text_rows_set(cache, 4, m.sreclaimable / mtot * 100) end local static_mem = function(cr) common.dial_draw_static(mem, cr) common.text_rows_draw_static(cache, cr) end local dynamic_mem = function(cr) common.dial_draw_dynamic(mem, cr) common.text_rows_draw_dynamic(cache, cr) end local ret = pure.partial(common.mk_acc, width, DIAL_DIAMETER) -- add swap bits if needed if _show_swap == true then local swap = common.make_dial( SWAP_X, y + DIAL_RADIUS, DIAL_RADIUS, DIAL_THICKNESS, 80, format_percent, __math_floor ) local update_swap = function() local w = mod_state.swap common.dial_set(swap, (w.total - w.free) / w.total * 100) end local static_swap = pure.partial(common.dial_draw_static, swap) local dynamic_swap = pure.partial(common.dial_draw_dynamic, swap) return ret( pure.sequence(update_mem, update_swap), pure.sequence(static_mem, static_swap), pure.sequence(dynamic_mem, dynamic_swap) ) else return ret(update_mem, static_mem, dynamic_mem) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- memory consumption plot local mk_bare_plot = function(y) local obj = common.make_percent_timeseries( point.x, y, width, PLOT_HEIGHT, update_freq ) return common.mk_acc( width, PLOT_HEIGHT, function() timeseries.update(obj, mod_state.mem.used_percent) end, pure.partial(timeseries.draw_static, obj), pure.partial(timeseries.draw_dynamic, obj) ) end local mk_tagged_plot = function(y) local obj = common.make_tagged_percent_timeseries( point.x, y, width, PLOT_HEIGHT, PLOT_SECTION_BREAK, "Total Memory", update_freq ) return common.mk_acc( width, PLOT_HEIGHT + PLOT_SECTION_BREAK, function() common.tagged_percent_timeseries_set( obj, mod_state.mem.used_percent * 100 ) end, pure.partial(common.tagged_percent_timeseries_draw_static, obj), pure.partial(common.tagged_percent_timeseries_draw_dynamic, obj) ) end local mk_plot = config.show_stats and mk_bare_plot or mk_tagged_plot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- memory top table local mk_tbl = function(y) local num_rows = config.table_rows local table_height = common.table_height(num_rows) local table_conky = pure.map_n( function(i) return { comm = '${top_mem name '..i..'}', pid = '${top_mem pid '..i..'}', mem = '${top_mem mem '..i..'}', } end, num_rows) local obj = common.make_text_table( point.x, y, width, table_height, num_rows, 'Mem (%)' ) local update = function() for r = 1, num_rows do text_table.set(obj, 1, r, i_o.conky(table_conky[r].comm, '(%S+)')) text_table.set(obj, 2, r, i_o.conky(table_conky[r].pid)) text_table.set(obj, 3, r, i_o.conky(table_conky[r].mem)) end end return common.mk_acc( width, table_height, update, pure.partial(text_table.draw_static, obj), pure.partial(text_table.draw_dynamic, obj) ) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main functions return { header = 'MEMORY', point = point, width = width, set_state = read_state, top = { {mk_stats, config.show_stats, PLOT_SECTION_BREAK}, {mk_plot, config.show_plot, TABLE_SECTION_BREAK}, {mk_tbl, config.table_rows > 0, 0}, } } end