local Util = require 'Util' local common = require 'common' local geometry = require 'geometry' local func = require 'func' return function(update_freq) local PLOT_SEC_BREAK = 20 local PLOT_HEIGHT = 56 local DEVICES = {'sda', 'nvme0n1'} -- the sector size of any block device in linux is 512 bytes -- see https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/include/linux/types.h?id=v4.4-rc6#n121 local BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES = 512 -- fields 3 and 7 (sectors read and written) local RW_REGEX = '%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+%d+%s+(%d+)' local __tonumber = tonumber local __string_match = string.match -- TODO any way to make better lambda functions? local DEVICE_PATHS = func.map( function(s) return string.format('/sys/block/%s/stat', s) end, DEVICES ) local read_devices = function() local read_bytes = 0 local write_bytes = 0 for _, path in pairs(DEVICE_PATHS) do local r, w = __string_match(Util.read_file(path), RW_REGEX) read_bytes = read_bytes + __tonumber(r) write_bytes = write_bytes + __tonumber(w) end return read_bytes * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES, write_bytes * BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES end local init_read_bytes, init_write_bytes = read_devices() local format_value_function = function(bps) local unit, value = Util.convert_data_val(bps) return Util.precision_round_to_string(value, 3)..' '..unit..'B/s' end local build_plot = function(y, label, init) return common.build_rate_timeseries( geometry.CENTER_LEFT_X, y, geometry.SECTION_WIDTH, PLOT_HEIGHT, format_value_function, common.converted_y_label_format_generator('B'), PLOT_SEC_BREAK, label, 2, update_freq, init ) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- header local header = common.Header( geometry.CENTER_LEFT_X, geometry.TOP_Y, geometry.SECTION_WIDTH, 'INPUT / OUTPUT' ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- reads local reads = build_plot(header.bottom_y, 'Reads', init_read_bytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- writes local writes = build_plot( header.bottom_y + PLOT_HEIGHT + PLOT_SEC_BREAK * 2, 'Writes', init_write_bytes ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- main drawing functions local update = function() local read_bytes, write_bytes = read_devices() common.update_rate_timeseries(reads, read_bytes) common.update_rate_timeseries(writes, write_bytes) end local draw_static = function(cr) common.drawHeader(cr, header) common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_static(reads, cr) common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_static(writes, cr) end local draw_dynamic = function(cr) common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_dynamic(reads, cr) common.annotated_scale_plot_draw_dynamic(writes, cr) end return {static = draw_static, dynamic = draw_dynamic, update = update} end