ENH remove silly R wrapper

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-06-14 23:43:07 -04:00
parent d47da74b0d
commit 17c3763693
1 changed files with 0 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/bash
# Run R interpreter, optionally launching inside a docker container
# Launch in docker iff a file called '.rundocker' exists and contains
# the name of a valid image in the current directory
## TODO the env args here are not DRY
system_r=(env "MAKEFLAGS=-j8" /bin/R --quiet "$@")
# launch in docker if we find a .rundocker file
if [ -f ".rundocker" ]; then
image=$(cat .rundocker)
if ! docker info > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Docker daemon not running"
echo "Using Systemwide R Installation"
if ! docker image inspect "$image" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Invalid image: $image"
echo "Using Systemwide R Installation"
# TODO what about host user's environ file and such?
# TODO not all images have a docker user
# start container using the docker user
# start container in docker's home directory
# mount the current host directory to docker's user home
# add X11 socket/env so we can see pretty plots
# from here https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker-versioned/tree/master/X11
touch "$xauth"
xauth nlist "$DISPLAY" | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | \
xauth -f "$xauth" nmerge -
x11=(-v "$xsock:$xsock"
-v "$xauth:$xauth"
-e "XAUTHORITY=${xauth}"
# for some reason this won't work if you aren't root
opts=(-ti --rm -w "$work_dir" --mount "$pwd_mnt" -u 0 #--user "$user"
# TODO not all images have the same path for R
# TODO add env vars somehow
cmd=(/usr/local/bin/R --quiet "$@")
# if we are in Emacs, do some special tricks to satisfy ESS
if [[ -n "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]]; then
# TODO do we need to pass any environmental variables?
# ESS sends some 'source' commands to the running R process
# after it starts; these are in the emacs user directory
opts+=(--mount "$emacs_mnt")
# ESS gets confused if lines are terminated with \r\n (which
# unfortunately is the default in docker). Set the terminal
# to not echo inputs before starting R
docker run "${opts[@]}" "$image" /bin/sh -c "stty -echo -onlcr && ${cmd[*]}"
docker run "${opts[@]}" "$image" "${cmd[@]}"
## remove X11 auth file
rm -f "$xauth"