ENH launch brave differently depending on system

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2023-10-12 13:59:38 -04:00
parent e362dcc91f
commit dfce270f47
12 changed files with 42 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ data:
vpn: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "vpn" false) }}
seafile: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "seafile" false) }}
activitywatch: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "activitywatch" false) }}
conky_alias: {{ if $desktop -}}{{ (promptString "conky" "none") }}{{ else }}none{{ end }}
rofi_alias: {{ if $desktop -}}{{ (promptString "rofi-alias" "none") }}{{ else }}none{{ end }}
desktop_alias: {{ if $desktop -}}{{ (promptString "alias" "none") }}{{ else }}none{{ end }}
{{- /* emacs implies that most development options are true */}}

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
type: git-repo
url: https://lambdahub.yavin4.ch/ndwarshuis/xman.git
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .features.conky_alias "none" }}
{{- if ne .features.desktop_alias "none" }}
type: git-repo
url: https://lambdahub.yavin4.ch/ndwarshuis/conky-config.git

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
{{ if eq .features.conky_alias "none" -}}
{{ if eq .features.desktop_alias "none" -}}

.files/brave-bins/work-laptop Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#! /bin/bash
# call the brave browser with some nice flags
# NOTE, the vulkan ICD is specified to force the intel GPU rather than the
# Nvidida gpu (which otherwise would be chosen by default and cause it to
# be woken up every time I do anything with video/graphics/cameras/etc)
# NOTE use-angle=vulkan is extremely important (for some reason)
# NOTE obviously this entails vulkan being installed with the indel drive
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json \
/usr/bin/brave \
--process-per-site \
--disk-cache-dir="/tmp/brave-cache" \
--use-angle=vulkan \
--enable-gpu-compositing \
--enable-gpu-rasterization \
--enable-oop-rasterization \
--enable-features=VaapiVideoEncoder,WebUIDarkMode \
--ignore-gpu-blocklist \
--enable-zero-copy \
--enable-raw-draw \
--use-vulkan \
--force-dark-mode \

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ run_stack_in_dir ~/.config/xmonad
run_stack_in_dir ~/.config/xman
{{ if ne .features.conky_alias "none" -}}
{{ if ne .features.desktop_alias "none" -}}
## ASSUME luarocks is installed
{{- end }}

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ pkgs+="\n"
pkgs+=$(cat "$conf_dir/xman/make_pkgs")
{{- if ne .features.conky_alias "none" }}
{{- if ne .features.desktop_alias "none" }}
pkgs+=$(cat "$conf_dir/conky/make_pkgs")
{{- end }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{{- if eq .features.desktop_alias "work-laptop" -}}
{{- include ".files/brave-bins/work-laptop" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- include ".files/brave-bins/default" -}}
{{- end -}}

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
feh --no-fehbg --bg-scale --bg-fill "$XDG_DATA_HOME/backgrounds/moon_forest.jpg" &
{{ if ne .features.conky_alias "none" -}}
{{ if ne .features.desktop_alias "none" -}}
killall conky > /dev/null 2>&1
conky -d > /dev/null 2>&1
{{- end }}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{{- if eq .features.conky_alias "laptop" -}}
{{- if eq .features.desktop_alias "laptop" -}}
{{- include ".files/conky-configs/laptop.dhall" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.conky_alias "workstation" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.desktop_alias "workstation" -}}
{{- include ".files/conky-configs/workstation.dhall" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.conky_alias "work-laptop" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.desktop_alias "work-laptop" -}}
{{- include ".files/conky-configs/work-laptop.dhall" -}}
{{- end -}}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{{- if eq .features.conky_alias "laptop" -}}
{{- if eq .features.desktop_alias "laptop" -}}
{{- include ".files/rofi-dev-configs/laptop.dhall" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.conky_alias "workstation" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.desktop_alias "workstation" -}}
{{- include ".files/rofi-dev-configs/workstation.dhall" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.conky_alias "work-laptop" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.desktop_alias "work-laptop" -}}
{{- include ".files/rofi-dev-configs/work-laptop.dhall" -}}
{{- end -}}

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
let C = ../rofi-extras/dhall/rofi-dev.dhall
let cryptdir =
{{ if eq .features.rofi_alias "laptop" -}}
{{- else if eq .features.rofi_alias "workstation" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
let sshKey =
{{ if eq .features.rofi_alias "workstation" -}}
"ssh workstation"
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
let gpgKey =
{{ if eq .features.rofi_alias "workstation" -}}
"gpg workstation"
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}
let bwConfig =
\(k : Text) ->
C.PasswordConfig.PwdBW ({ bwKey = k, bwTries = 2 } : C.BitwardenConfig)
let sshData =
\(r : Text) ->
( { sshfsRemote = r, sshfsPassword = None C.PasswordConfig }
let sshfsTree =
\(m : Text) ->
\(l : Text) ->
\(r : Text) ->
{ tcParent =
{ deviceMount = { mpPath = m, mpLabel = Some l } : C.MountConfig
, deviceData = sshData r
: C.DeviceConfig
, tcChildren = [ "ssh" ]
: C.TreeConfig
let crypt = \(b : Text) -> "${cryptdir}/${b}"
let vcName = \(n : Text) -> "Veracrypt (${n})"
let vcryptTree =
\(m : Text) ->
\(l : Optional Text) ->
\(v : Text) ->
\(k : Text) ->
{ tcParent =
{ deviceMount = { mpPath = m, mpLabel = l } : C.MountConfig
, deviceData =
( { vcVolume = crypt v
, vcPassword = Some (bwConfig (vcName k))
: C.VeracryptData
: C.DeviceConfig
, tcChildren = [] : List Text
: C.TreeConfig
let defaultDevs =
[ { tKey = "ssh"
, tVal =
"${env:HOME as Text}/.ssh"
(Some "ssh")
, { tKey = "gnupg"
, tVal =
"${env:GNUPGHOME as Text}"
(None Text)
let otherDevs =
{{- if eq .features.rofi_alias "laptop" -}}
[ { tKey = "accounts"
, tVal = vcryptTree "accounts" (None Text) "accounts" "accounts"
, { tKey = "ansible-pki"
, tVal = vcryptTree "ansible-pki" (None Text) "ansible" "Ansible PKI"
, { tKey = "call_logs"
, tVal = vcryptTree "call-logs" (None Text) "call_logs" "ACR"
, { tKey = "ebm_snakemake"
, tVal =
, { tKey = "nist_workstation"
, tVal =
"NIST Workstation"
, { tKey = "music"
, tVal =
, { tKey = "videos"
, tVal =
{{- else if eq .features.rofi_alias "workstation" -}}
[ { tKey = "ebm_snakemake"
, tVal =
{{- else -}}
[] : C.TreeMap
{{- end }}
in { scTmpPath = Some "/tmp/media/${env:LOGNAME as Text}"
, scVerbose = Some False
, scDevices = defaultDevs # otherDevs