diff --git a/dot_config/X11/xresources b/dot_config/X11/xresources index ca1a2e0..b928f20 100644 --- a/dot_config/X11/xresources +++ b/dot_config/X11/xresources @@ -83,3 +83,10 @@ URxvt.keysym.Control-B: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped ! URxvt.keysym.Control-Shift-Right: perl:tabbedex:move_tab_right ! URxvt.keysym.Control-Shift-R: perl:tabbedex:rename_tab ! URxvt.tabbed.no-tabbedex-keys: true + +! WARNING: this is a giant hack to 'enable' extended keys support (like xterm has). +! See here: http://www.leonerd.org.uk/hacks/fixterms/ +! The main reason for this is that I really really wanted to use C-Tab in tmux +! but also didn't want to use xterm since urxvt is lighter and awesome-r +URxvt.keysym.C-Tab: \033[27;5;9~ +URxvt.keysym.C-ISO_Left_Tab: \033[Z diff --git a/dot_config/tmux/tmux.conf.tmpl b/dot_config/tmux/tmux.conf.tmpl index 639fd80..b763625 100644 --- a/dot_config/tmux/tmux.conf.tmpl +++ b/dot_config/tmux/tmux.conf.tmpl @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ set -g status-keys vi set -g mode-keys vi +# enable extended keys +set -s extended-keys on +set -as terminal-features 'xterm*:extkeys' + # change prefix unbind C-b set -g prefix C-f @@ -26,10 +30,10 @@ bind - split-window -v bind | split-window -h # window navigation -bind -n M-Tab next-window -bind -n M-BTab previous-window -bind -n M-] swap-window -t +1 \; next-window -bind -n M-[ swap-window -t -1 \; previous-window +bind -n C-Tab next-window +bind -n BTab previous-window # idk if there is even an extended sequence for Shift-Tab +bind C-Tab swap-window -t +1 \; next-window +bind BTab swap-window -t -1 \; previous-window bind -n M-| choose-window "join-pane -h -t '%%'" bind -n M-- choose-window "join-pane -v -t '%%'"