diff: args: --color pager: less -r {{ $desktop := promptBool "desktop" false -}} {{- $laptop := and $desktop (promptBool "laptop" false) -}} {{- $emacs := and $desktop (promptBool "emacs" true) -}} {{- $xdg_config_home := .chezmoi.homeDir | printf "%s/.config" -}} {{- $xdg_cache_home := .chezmoi.homeDir | printf "%s/.cache" -}} {{- $xdg_data_home := .chezmoi.homeDir | printf "%s/.local/share" -}} {{- $xdg_runtime_dir := output "id" "-u" | trim | printf "/run/user/%s" -}} data: desktop: {{ $desktop }} laptop: {{ $laptop }} features: ansible: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "ansible" true) }} clevo: {{ and $laptop (promptBool "clevo keyboard" false) }} optimus: {{ and $laptop (promptBool "optimus" false) }} virtualbox: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "virtualbox" false) }} xsane: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "xsane" false) }} networkmanager: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "networkmanager" false) }} vpn: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "vpn" false) }} seafile: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "seafile" false) }} activitywatch: {{ and $desktop (promptBool "activitywatch" false) }} desktop_alias: {{ if $desktop -}}{{ (promptString "alias" "none") }}{{ else }}none{{ end }} development: {{- /* emacs implies that most development options are true */}} emacs: {{ $emacs }} ruby: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "ruby" true) }} python: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "python" true) }} rust: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "rust" true) }} clojure: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "clojure" true) }} latex: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "LaTeX" true) }} r: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "R" true) }} conda: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "conda" true) }} {{- /* these aren't implied by emacs */}} matlab: {{ or $emacs (promptBool "MATLAB" true) }} github: {{ promptBool "GitHub" true }} paths: config: {{ $xdg_config_home }} cache: {{ $xdg_cache_home }} data: {{ $xdg_data_home }} runtime: {{ $xdg_runtime_dir }} stack: {{ $xdg_data_home }}/stack