#! /bin/bash # Install all required packages for this user. It only needs to be run once # when setting up the HOME directory. # ASSUME # - git repos referenced here are pulled/updated conf_dir={{ .paths.config }} list_rofi_pkgs() { args=(--autorandr --bitwarden --devices --bluetooth) {{ if .features.vpn -}} args+=(--expressvpn) {{- end }} "$conf_dir/rofi-extras/runtime_pkgs" "${args[@]}" } # notifications pkgs=(dunst papirus-icon-theme) # gtk pkgs+=(zuki-themes) # sleep enhancement pkgs+=(redshift) {{- if .features.seafile }} # seafile pkgs+=(seafile-client) {{- end }} # elegant terminal pkgs+=(rxvt-unicode urxvt-perls) # shell pkgs+=(zsh zsh-completions xclip) # xmonad mapfile -t xmonad < <("$conf_dir/xmonad/runtime_pkgs") pkgs=("${pkgs[@]}" "${xmonad[@]}") # rofi extras mapfile -t rofix < <(list_rofi_pkgs) pkgs=("${pkgs[@]}" "${rofix[@]}") # xman pkgs+=(xcape) {{- if .development.emacs }} mapfile -t emacs < <("$conf_dir/emacs/runtime_pkgs") pkgs=("${pkgs[@]}" "${emacs[@]}") {{- end }} echo "${pkgs[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq