%% Copyright 2010 Erich Hoover %% E-mail: ehoover@mines.edu %% %% ============================================= %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this %% license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is available at %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% ============================================= %% %% This package provides the "\JournalTitle{}" command, where %% "<title>" is a journal title that you wish to have automatically %% abbreviated. For example, %% \JournalTitle{Journal of the Optical Society of America} %% will be replaced to read %% J. Opt. Soc. Am. %% %% The default behavior of this package is to place a period after %% each abbreviation. For publications that require period-less %% abbreviations simply include the package option "noperiod": %% \usepackage[noperiod]{jabbrv} %% %% This package also ignores undefined abbreviations (does not %% abbreviate them) by default. In order to make sure that all the %% words you expect to be abbreviated are actually abbreviated then %% include the "warnundef" option: %% \usepackage[warnundef]{jabbrv} %% Please note that this option outputs a LaTeX warning for each %% title word that does not have an abbreviation, possibly resulting %% in a large number of warnings in the output log. %% %% To change the language used for the set of abbreviations (english %% by default), use the ``lang=<value>'' option with the Unix %% language code for <value>; for example: %% \usepackage[lang=es]{jabbrv} %% sets the abbreviation language to Spanish. %% %% In order to add customize abbreviations this package provides %% three additional commands: \DefineJournalAbbreviation, %% \DefineJournalPartialAbbreviation and \DefineSpuriousJournalWord. %% \DefineSpuriousJournalWord simply takes a single case-sensitive %% parameter, this parameter will be added to the list of words to %% completely remove in the output. \DefineJournalAbbreviation takes %% two parameters, the first parameter is the case-sensitive word to %% abbreviate and the second parameter is the actual abbreviation, %% for example: %% \DefineJournalAbbreviation{Journal}{J} %% Important Note!: Adding a period after the abbreviation is %% automatically handled by the package, if you do not wish to %% have periods after abbreviations then enable the "noperiod" %% package option. \DefineJournalPartialAbbreviation takes two %% parameters juts like \DefineJournalAbbreviation; however, %% \DefineJournalPartialAbbreviation creates an entry that matches %% any title that begins with the first parameter, for example: %% \DefineJournalPartialAbbreviation{Communica}{Commun} %% will match longer words such as ``Communications'' and %% abbreviate any such word with the given abbreviated form. Please %% note that care should be taken with creating custom partial %% abbreviations, as such abbreviations that are not approved by %% the ISSN may match unintended title words. %% %% Please note that this package is still very much in the beta %% stage, while it should work just fine it has not yet been %% extensively tested. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{jabbrv}[2010/08/18 v0.2 Automatic Journal Title Abbreviation Package] \RequirePackage{kvoptions}[2006/08/17] % Special if statement for ensuring there are no double-spaces in the resulting entries \newif\if@gobble@space@ % Special if for warning when an abbreviation is not defined \newif\if@warn@noabbrv@ \@warn@noabbrv@false % Special if for if a partial abbreviation match was found \newif\if@partial@found@ % Special if for handling exceptions to the abbreviation rules \newif\if@abbreviate@journal@ % Special definition for the period so that a double-period doesn't result at the end of the entry \newif\if@show@period@ \@show@period@true \newif\if@end@period@ \newif\if@no@space@ \@no@space@false \newif\if@special@period@ \def\journal@abbrv@period@noperiod{\global\@end@period@true} \def\journal@abbrv@period@period{% \if@show@period@% .% \fi% } \def\journal@abbrv@period{% \ifx\journal@char@stop\@jrnl@temp@char% \journal@abbrv@period@noperiod% \else% \ifx.\@jrnl@temp@char% \else% \journal@abbrv@period@period% \fi% \fi% } % Custom ``comma below'' command (use only if \textcommabelow is defined): \global\let\jabbrv@textcommabelow=\textcommabelow \gdef\J@C{% \expandafter\ifx\csname jabbrv@textcommabelow\endcsname\relax% \def\jabbrv@comma{}% \else% \def\jabbrv@comma{\jabbrv@textcommabelow}% \fi% \jabbrv@comma% } % Redefinitions for diacritical marks so that they can be processed as command names \def\jabbrv@redefine@diacritic{% \def\`{@GRAVEACCENT@}% \def\'{@ACUTEACCENT@}% \def\^{@CIRCUMFLEX@}% \def\"{@UMLAUT@}% \def\={@MACRONACCENT@}% \def\~{@TILDE@}% \def\aa{@RINGa@}% \def\AA{@RINGA@}% \def\ae{@aeDIPHTHONG@}% \def\AE{@AEDIPHTHONG@}% \def\c{@CEDILLA@}% \def\o{@SLASHo@}% \def\O{@SLASHO@}% \def\oe{@oeDIPHTHONG@}% \def\OE{@OEDIPHTHONG@}% \def\ss{@ESZETT@}% \def\t{@TIE@}% \def\v{@CARON@}% \def\&{@AND@}% % Custom \J@C may be called directly or defined through \textcommabelow: \def\J@C{@JABBRVCOMMA@}% \let\textcommabelow=\J@C% } \global\let\jabbrv@graveaccent=\` \global\let\jabbrv@accuteaccent=\' \global\let\jabbrv@circumflex=\^ \global\let\jabbrv@umlaut=\" \global\let\jabbrv@macronaccent=\= \global\let\jabbrv@tilde=\~ \global\let\jabbrv@ringa=\aa \global\let\jabbrv@ringA=\AA \global\let\jabbrv@aediphthong=\ae \global\let\jabbrv@AEdiphthong=\AE \global\let\jabbrv@cedilla=\c \global\let\jabbrv@slasho=\o \global\let\jabbrv@slashO=\O \global\let\jabbrv@oediphthong=\oe \global\let\jabbrv@OEdiphthong=\OE \global\let\jabbrv@eszett=\ss \global\let\jabbrv@tie=\t \global\let\jabbrv@caron=\v \global\let\jabbrv@and=\& % Custom: \global\let\jabbrv@comma=\J@C % When outputing abbreviations or un-abbreviated words the diacritic match % list should be disabled (return things to normal): \def\jabbrv@normal@diacritic{% \let\`=\jabbrv@graveaccent% \let\'=\jabbrv@accuteaccent% \let\^=\jabbrv@circumflex% \let\"=\jabbrv@umlaut% \let\==\jabbrv@macronaccent% \let\~=\jabbrv@tilde% \let\c=\jabbrv@cedilla% \let\aa=\jabbrv@ringa% \let\AA=\jabbrv@ringA% \let\ae=\jabbrv@aediphthong% \let\AE=\jabbrv@AEdiphthong% \let\o=\jabbrv@slasho% \let\O=\jabbrv@slashO% \let\oe=\jabbrv@oediphthong% \let\OE=\jabbrv@OEdiphthong% \let\ss=\jabbrv@eszett% \let\t=\jabbrv@tie% \let\v=\jabbrv@caron% \let\&=\jabbrv@and% % Custom \J@C may be called directly or defined through \textcommabelow: \let\J@C=\jabbrv@comma% \let\textcommabelow=\jabbrv@comma% } % Define Common Abbreviations (see language definition files for the list): \providecommand{\DefineJournalAbbreviation}[2]{ \begingroup \jabbrv@redefine@diacritic \expandafter\gdef\csname journal@abbrv@#1\endcsname{% \begingroup% \jabbrv@normal@diacritic% #2% \endgroup% \@gobble@space@false% \journal@abbrv@period% } \endgroup } % Define specific journals that are exceptions: \providecommand{\DefineJournalException}[2]{ \begingroup \jabbrv@redefine@diacritic \expandafter\gdef\csname journal@exception@#1\endcsname{% \begingroup% \jabbrv@normal@diacritic% #2% \endgroup% \@gobble@space@false% } \endgroup } % Define Common Partial Abbreviations (see language definition files for the list): \providecommand{\DefineJournalPartialAbbreviation}[2]{ \begingroup \jabbrv@redefine@diacritic \expandafter\gdef\csname journal@partial@abbrv@#1\endcsname{% \begingroup% \jabbrv@normal@diacritic% #2% \endgroup% \@gobble@space@false% \journal@abbrv@period% } \endgroup } % Define Suprious Word Removal: \providecommand{\DefineSpuriousJournalWord}[1]{% \expandafter\def\csname journal@abbrv@#1\endcsname{\journal@output@space}% } \DefineSpuriousJournalWord{of} \DefineSpuriousJournalWord{in} \DefineSpuriousJournalWord{and} \DefineSpuriousJournalWord{the} % Handle the rather generic \futurelet code: \newtoks\temp@journal@text \newtoks\temp@journal@text@ \temp@journal@text{} \def\journal@char@stop{} \def\@journal@space{\afterassignment\@journal@space@\let\@tempa= } \def\@journal@space@{\journal@char@loop} \def\@journal@gobble#1{\journal@char@loop} \def\@journal@character#1{% \temp@journal@text\expandafter{\the\temp@journal@text#1}% \journal@char@loop% } \def\journal@char@loop{% \futurelet\@jrnl@temp@char% \journal@char@loop@% } % Code for finding the length of a string: \newcounter{jabbrv@strlen@count} \def\jabbrv@strlen@stop{} \def\jabbrv@strlen#1{% \setcounter{jabbrv@strlen@count}{1}% \expandafter\jabbrv@strlen@ #1\jabbrv@strlen@stop% } \def\jabbrv@strlen@#1{% \@ifnextchar\jabbrv@strlen@stop% {}% {% \addtocounter{jabbrv@strlen@count}{1}% \expandafter\jabbrv@strlen@% }% } % The following ``for loop'' command is a convenience function for going over the word's characters \newcommand{\jabbrv@for@loop}[5][1]{% \setcounter{#2}{#3}% \ifnum#4\relax% #5% \addtocounter{#2}{#1}% \jabbrv@for@loop[#1]{#2}{\value{#2}}{#4}{#5}% \fi% } % Gobble a given number of characters off the end of a string \newcounter{jabbrv@gobble@temp} \def\jabbrv@gobble@stop{} \def\jabbrv@gobble@ending#1#2#3{% \setcounter{jabbrv@gobble@temp}{#3}% \addtocounter{jabbrv@gobble@temp}{-#2}% \temp@journal@text@{}% \expandafter\jabbrv@gobble@ending@ #1\jabbrv@gobble@stop% } \def\jabbrv@gobble@ending@#1{% \expandafter\ifnum\value{jabbrv@gobble@temp} > 0\relax% \temp@journal@text@\expandafter{\the\temp@journal@text@#1}% \fi% \@ifnextchar\jabbrv@gobble@stop% {}% {% \addtocounter{jabbrv@gobble@temp}{-1}% \expandafter\jabbrv@gobble@ending@% }% } % Find partial title word matches \newcounter{jabbrv@loop@i} \newcounter{jabbrv@loop@max} \def\journal@output@abbrv@partial{% \@partial@found@false% \jabbrv@strlen{\the\temp@journal@text}% \setcounter{jabbrv@loop@max}{\value{jabbrv@strlen@count}}% \jabbrv@for@loop{jabbrv@loop@i}{0}{\value{jabbrv@loop@i} < \value{jabbrv@loop@max}}{% \jabbrv@gobble@ending{\the\temp@journal@text}{\value{jabbrv@loop@i}}{\value{jabbrv@loop@max}}% \expandafter\ifx\csname journal@partial@abbrv@\the\temp@journal@text@\endcsname\relax% % No known partial abbreviation \else% \@partial@found@true% \csname journal@partial@abbrv@\the\temp@journal@text@\endcsname% \setcounter{jabbrv@loop@i}{\value{jabbrv@loop@max}}% \fi% }% } % Output single spaces even when there are multiple spaces together \def\journal@output@space{% \if@gobble@space@% \else% \space% \@gobble@space@true% \fi% } % Output the correct abbreviation for a title word \def\journal@output@abbrv{% \if@special@period@% \journal@abbrv@period% \else% \if@no@space@% .% There was a user-entered period with no space after it \else% \journal@output@space% \fi% \expandafter\ifx\csname journal@abbrv@\the\temp@journal@text\endcsname\relax% \journal@output@abbrv@partial% \if@partial@found@% % Partial match was output, do nothing. \else% % No known abbreviation \if@warn@noabbrv@% \@latex@warning{No abbreviation defined for `\the\temp@journal@text'}% \fi% \begingroup% \jabbrv@normal@diacritic% \the\temp@journal@text% \endgroup% \global\@end@period@false % reset the "need a period at the end" indicator \@gobble@space@false% \fi% \else% % Replace with abbreviation \expandafter\csname journal@abbrv@\the\temp@journal@text\endcsname% \fi% \fi% \@special@period@false% } % Loop through the \futurelet characters finding title words to replace \def\journal@char@loop@{% % The space character is the ``special token'' - use this character to find % title words to abbreviate \ifx \@sptoken\@jrnl@temp@char% \journal@output@abbrv% \temp@journal@text{}% \@no@space@false% \let\@tempa\@journal@space% \else% % Properly handle where the user has entered abbreviations themselves, % in that case we don't want to get a double-period at the end of the entry. \ifx .\@jrnl@temp@char% \journal@output@abbrv% \temp@journal@text{}% \@no@space@true% \@special@period@true% \let\@tempa\@journal@gobble% \else% % \journal@char@stop is specially defined so this routine knows % when the entire text has been read (where to stop) \ifx \journal@char@stop\@jrnl@temp@char% \journal@output@abbrv% \let\@tempa\@gobble% \else% % Measure all other characters and include them in the title word \@special@period@false% \let\@tempa\@journal@character% \fi% \fi% \fi% \@tempa% } % Eat a period at the end of the entry if the next character is also a period \def\@jrnl@eat@period#1{% \if@end@period@% \ifx.#1\else% \ifx\newblock#1% .\newblock% \else% \journal@abbrv@period@period% \fi% \fi% \fi% #1% } % Skip groups after the \JournalTitle command \def\@jrnl@eat@period@groupskip{% \@ifnextchar\egroup% {\@jrnl@eat@period@groupskip@}% {\@jrnl@eat@period}% } \def\@jrnl@eat@period@groupskip@{% \egroup \expandafter\@jrnl@eat@period\bgroup% } % Call \journal{<title>}, where <title> is the title for which % journal abbreviation replacements should be performed. \providecommand{\JournalTitle}[1]{% \@abbreviate@journal@true% \@end@period@false% \begingroup% \jabbrv@redefine@diacritic% \edef\journal@fulltitle{#1}% \ifcsname journal@exception@#1\endcsname% \csname journal@exception@#1\endcsname% \global\@abbreviate@journal@false% \fi% \endgroup% \if@abbreviate@journal@% \begingroup% \@gobble@space@true% \@special@period@false% \jabbrv@redefine@diacritic% \expandafter\journal@char@loop% #1% \journal@char@stop% \endgroup% \fi% % If the next character is not a period then add one in % if the last character would have been a period \@jrnl@eat@period@groupskip% } % Declare an option for disabling periods \DeclareVoidOption{noperiod}{\@show@period@false} % Declare an option for enabling undefined abbreviation warnings \DeclareVoidOption{warnundef}{\@warn@noabbrv@true} % Declare an option for the default abbreviation list \gdef\jabbrv@lang{en} \define@key{jabbrv}{lang}{\gdef\jabbrv@lang{#1}} % Process the option list and input the language definitions \ProcessKeyvalOptions{jabbrv} \InputIfFileExists{jabbrv-ltwa-all.ldf}{}{% \@latex@error{The master abbreviation language file `jabbrv-ltwa-all.ldf' was not found}{Make sure the file is in the appropriate folder and recompile.}% } \InputIfFileExists{jabbrv-ltwa-\jabbrv@lang.ldf}{}{% \@latex@error{Abbreviation language `jabbrv-ltwa-\jabbrv@lang.ldf' not found}{Select a valid language and recompile.}% }