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2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
;;; org-x-dag-test.el --- Smesh my API -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; run tests with this (in the org-x directory above this one):
;; emacs -batch -l init.el -l local/lib/org-x/test/org-x-dag-test.el -f buttercup-run
2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
;;; Code:
(require 's)
(require 'dash)
(require 'either)
2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
(require 'org-x)
(defun setup ()
(setq org-directory (nd/expand-lib-directory "org-x/test/dag")
2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
org-x-action-files (list "action1.org" "action2.org")
org-x-endpoint-goal-file "endpoint.org"
org-x-lifetime-goal-file "lifetime.org"
org-x-survival-goal-file "survival.org"
org-x-daily-plan-file "daily.org"
org-x-weekly-plan-file "weekly.org"
org-x-quarterly-plan-file "quarterly.org"))
(defun partition-timestamp (s)
(->> (org-ml-from-string 'timestamp s)
2022-06-11 22:56:07 -04:00
(defun timestamp-to-datetime (s)
(->> (org-ml-from-string 'timestamp s)
2022-06-12 19:32:38 -04:00
(defun timestamp-to-epoch (s)
(->> (org-ml-from-string 'timestamp s)
2022-06-08 19:27:16 -04:00
(buttercup-define-matcher :to-be-left-with (a x)
((a-expr . a) (x-expr . x))
(mapcar #'buttercup--expr-and-value (list a x))
(either-from a
(lambda (l)
(if (equal l x)
`(t . ,(format "Expected %s left with %s" a-expr x))
`(nil . ,(format "Expected %s left with %s, but got left with %s"
a-expr x l))))
(lambda ()
`(nil . ,(format "Expected %s to be a left, got a right" a-expr))))))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(buttercup-define-matcher :to-be-right-with (a x)
2022-06-08 19:27:16 -04:00
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
((a-expr . a) (x-expr . x))
(mapcar #'buttercup--expr-and-value (list a x))
(either-from a
(lambda ()
`(nil . ,(format "Expected %s to be a right, got a left" a-expr)))
(lambda (r)
(if (equal r x)
`(t . ,(format "Expected %s right with %s" a-expr x))
`(nil . ,(format "Expected %s right with %s, but got right with %s"
a-expr x r)))))))
(defun split-plists (eq-funs a b)
(->> (-partition 2 x)
(-map #'car)))
(let ((av (plist-get a k))
(bv (plist-get b k))
(f (or (plist-get eq-funs k) #'equal)))
(funcall f av bv))))
(let* ((a* (get-keys a))
(b* (get-keys b))
(a- (-difference a* b*))
(b- (-difference b* a*))
(common (->> (-intersection a* b*)
(--reduce-from (if (key-eq it) acc
(cons (list it
(plist-get a it)
(plist-get b it))
`(,a- ,b- ,common))))
(defun plists-equal-p (a b)
(equal (split-plists nil a b) '(nil nil nil)))
(defun element-equal-p (a b)
;; NOTE this does not compare children of elements/objects
(->> (org-ml-get-all-properties node)
(-partition 2)
(--remove (memq (car it) '(:parent :begin :end :contents-begin :contents-end)))
(-flatten-n 1))))
(and (eq (org-ml-get-type a) (org-ml-get-type b))
(plists-equal-p (get-useful-props a) (get-useful-props b)))))
2022-06-12 19:32:38 -04:00
(defun pts-equal-p (a b)
(-let (((&plist :datetime da :repeater ra :warning wa :length la) a)
((&plist :datetime db :repeater rb :warning wb :length lb) b))
(and (equal da db)
(equal ra rb)
(equal wa wb)
(equal la lb))))
(defun plist-diff-msg (eq-funs expr a b)
(-let (((a-diff b-diff common-diffs) (split-plists eq-funs a b)))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
((and a-diff b-diff)
(format "Expected %s to have keys '%s' and not to have keys '%s'"
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
expr b-diff a-diff))
(format "Expected %s not to have keys '%s'" expr a-diff))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(format "Expected %s to have keys '%s'" expr b-diff))
(-let (((as bs)
(->> common-diffs
(--map `((,(car it) ,(nth 1 it)) (,(car it) ,(nth 2 it))))
(apply #'-zip-lists))))
(format "Expected %s to have key/value pairs '%s' but instead had '%s'"
expr as bs))))))
(defun status-diff-msg (eq-funs expr type subtype data to-test)
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(-let* (((type* . rest) to-test)
((subtype* last) (-split-at (length subtype) rest))
(data* (car last)))
((not (eq type* type))
(format "Expected %s to have type '%s' but instead had type '%s'"
expr type type*))
((and subtype (not (equal subtype* subtype)))
(format "Expected %s to have subtype '%s' but instead had subtype '%s'"
expr subtype subtype*))
(plist-diff-msg eq-funs expr data data*)))))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(defun ancestry-diff-msg (eq-funs expr ancestry inner-fun to-test)
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(declare (indent 3))
(-let* (((&plist :ancestry A :local L) to-test))
(or (plist-diff-msg eq-funs expr A ancestry)
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(funcall inner-fun L))))
(defun buffer-status-diff-msg (expr type inner-fun to-test)
(declare (indent 3))
(-let (((type* . rest) to-test))
(if (eq type type*) (funcall inner-fun rest)
(format "Expected buffer-status %s to be type '%s' but instead was type '%s'"
expr type type*))))
(defun right-diff-msg (expr inner-fun to-test)
(declare (indent 2))
(either-from to-test
(lambda ()
(format "Expected %s to be a right, got a left" expr))
2022-08-07 22:50:14 -04:00
;; TODO this will eventually have canceled as part of it
(buttercup-define-matcher :id-to-be-tlg (to-test type status)
((test-expr . test) (_ . y) (_ . s))
(->> (list to-test type status)
(-map #'buttercup--expr-and-value))
(let ((f (->> (-partial #'status-diff-msg nil test-expr s nil nil)
(-partial #'buffer-status-diff-msg test-expr y)
(-partial #'right-diff-msg test-expr))))
(-if-let (m (funcall f (org-x-dag-id->bs test)))
(cons nil m)
(cons t (format "Expected '%s' not to be the indicated action" test-expr))))))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(buttercup-define-matcher :id-to-be-action (to-test canceled held deadline
type subtype data)
((test-expr . test) (_ . c) (_ . h) (_ . e) (_ . y) (_ . s) (_ . d))
(->> (list to-test canceled held deadline type subtype data)
(-map #'buttercup--expr-and-value))
(let* ((ancestry (list :canceled-parent-p c
:held-parent-p h
:parent-deadline e))
2022-06-12 19:32:38 -04:00
(ancestry-eq-funs nil)
(local-eq-funs (list :sched #'element-equal-p
2022-06-12 19:32:38 -04:00
:child-scheds #'pts-equal-p))
(f (->> (-partial #'status-diff-msg local-eq-funs test-expr y s d)
(-partial #'ancestry-diff-msg ancestry-eq-funs test-expr ancestry)
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(-partial #'buffer-status-diff-msg test-expr :action)
(-partial #'right-diff-msg test-expr))))
(-if-let (m (funcall f (org-x-dag-id->bs test)))
(cons nil m)
(cons t (format "Expected '%s' not to be the indicated action" test-expr))))))
2022-08-14 14:46:05 -04:00
(buttercup-define-matcher :id-to-be-qtp (to-test status deadline date)
((test-expr . test) (_ . s) (_ . d) (_ . D))
(->> (list to-test status deadline date)
(-map #'buttercup--expr-and-value))
(let* ((local-eq-funs (list :deadline #'element-equal-p :date #'eq))
(abs-date (org-x-dag-date-to-absolute D))
(data (list :deadline d :date abs-date))
(f (->> (-partial #'status-diff-msg local-eq-funs test-expr s nil data)
(-partial #'buffer-status-diff-msg test-expr :quarterly)
(-partial #'right-diff-msg test-expr))))
(-if-let (m (funcall f (org-x-dag-id->bs test)))
(cons nil m)
(cons t (format "Expected '%s' not to be the indicated action" test-expr))))))
;; (buttercup-define-matcher :id-to-be-wkp (to-test status subtype date)
;; (cl-destructuring-bind
;; ((test-expr . test) (_ . s) (_ . y) (_ . d))
;; (->> (list to-test status subtype date)
;; (-map #'buttercup--expr-and-value))
;; (let* ((abs-date (org-x-dag-date-to-absolute d))
;; (f (->> (-partial #'status-diff-msg nil test-expr y `(,s) abs-date)
;; (-partial #'buffer-status-diff-msg test-expr :weekly)
;; (-partial #'right-diff-msg test-expr))))
;; (-if-let (m (funcall f (org-x-dag-id->bs test)))
;; (cons nil m)
;; (cons t (format "Expected '%s' not to be the indicated action" test-expr))))))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
;; (buttercup-define-matcher :to-have-same-as-plist (a b)
;; (cl-destructuring-bind
;; ((a-expr . a) (b-expr . b))
;; (mapcar #'buttercup--expr-and-value (list a b))
;; (let* ((a* (-partition 2 a))
;; (b* (-partition 2 b))
;; (a-diff (->> (-difference a* b*) (--map (format "%S" it)) (s-join ", ")))
;; (b-diff (->> (-difference b* a*) (--map (format "%S" it)) (s-join ", "))))
;; (cond
;; ((and a-diff b-diff)
;; (cons nil (format "Expected %s to have pairs '%s' and not to have pairs '%s'"
;; a-expr b-diff a-diff)))
;; (a-diff
;; (cons nil (format "Expected %s not to have pairs '%s'" a-expr a-diff)))
;; (b-diff
;; (cons nil (format "Expected %s to have pairs '%s'" a-expr b-diff)))
;; (t
;; (cons t (format "Expected %s not to have same items as '%s'"
;; a-expr b-expr)))))))
(defmacro bs-ltg-active (id)
(declare (indent 1))
`(expect (org-x-dag-id->bs ,id) :to-be-right-with '(:lifetime :active)))
2022-06-08 19:27:16 -04:00
2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
(describe "Sync DAG"
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
2022-06-08 19:27:16 -04:00
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(it "Sync completes without error"
(expect (org-x-dag-sync t) :not :to-throw))
2022-08-07 22:50:14 -04:00
(describe "Lifetime buffer statuses"
(it "Active (toplevel)"
(expect "d6e92244-b1a0-4161-83bc-5a1f0af5541d" :id-to-be-tlg
:lifetime :active))
(it "Active (nested)"
(expect "adc08873-b9fa-423d-950d-db645db05fe5" :id-to-be-tlg
:lifetime :active)))
(describe "Survival buffer statuses"
(it "Active (toplevel)"
(expect "4e7a934a-62ec-4ed5-ab84-e9e7e745b495" :id-to-be-tlg
:survival :active))
(it "Active (nested)"
(expect "e16514a0-626c-476f-b647-1eaf6580c57a" :id-to-be-tlg
:survival :active)))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(describe "Action buffer statuses"
(describe "Projects"
(it "Active"
(expect "a98df83f-bc98-4767-b2bc-f1054dbf89f9" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-active) '(:child-scheds nil)))
(it "Active (scheduled)"
(let ((sched (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-10 Fri>")))
(expect "3788c7bc-390e-4caf-af8e-06831ff3276b" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-active)
`(:child-scheds (,sched)))))
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(it "Wait"
(expect "26586b4d-7fc7-4a9f-b86f-e3c26a83a507" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-wait) nil))
(it "Held (toplevel)"
(expect "d5065c21-b717-41fe-8232-22afbd6b2243" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-held) nil))
(it "Held (subtask)"
(expect "a771dc18-0c5f-4196-903d-ada3c8a9d817" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-held) nil))
(it "Stuck"
(expect "c93fe96f-7130-4433-a960-98c07a3b21f4" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-stuck) nil))
(it "Completed"
(expect "87682ef6-cd4c-41a7-8f0d-6ac41e572b05" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-complete)
'(:canceledp nil :epoch 1654902600)))
(it "Canceled"
(expect "eca77dea-4a40-4697-a69d-d1ec798fe9ba" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-proj '(:proj-complete)
'(:canceledp t :epoch 1654902780))))
(describe "Project Tasks"
2022-06-10 19:34:11 -04:00
(it "Active"
(expect "2db32ed8-0a1f-488c-8e41-dd3549ac8b1b" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-active)
'(:todo "NEXT" :sched nil :dead nil)))
(it "Waiting"
(expect "cf58280a-ac7c-4951-a3de-a3f79f92f2b0" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-active)
'(:todo "WAIT" :sched nil :dead nil)))
(it "Held"
(expect "4f743d31-2df4-4e32-85de-cedae0cffeb2" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-active)
'(:todo "HOLD" :sched nil :dead nil)))
(it "Completed"
(expect "61866e72-7153-44d1-ae0f-af527fe5f9f4" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-complete)
'(:canceledp nil :epoch 1654903560)))
(it "Canceled"
(expect "322af50a-f431-4940-8caf-cc5acdf5a555" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-complete)
2022-06-12 19:32:38 -04:00
'(:canceledp t :epoch 1654903560)))
(it "Deadlined"
(let ((d (timestamp-to-epoch "<2022-06-12 Sun>")))
(expect "fc1f3dda-a4b7-4b0d-b37c-fa67e112023a" :id-to-be-action
nil nil d :sp-task '(:task-active)
'(:todo "NEXT" :sched nil :dead nil)))))
(describe "Standalone Tasks"
(it "Active"
(expect "cda28b1a-2b7d-48ea-b1df-e006be799c2f" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-task '(:task-active)
'(:sched nil :dead nil :todo "TODO"))))
(describe "Iterators"
(it "Active non-empty"
(let ((s0 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-07 Tue>"))
(s1 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-14 Tue>"))
(s2 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-21 Tue>")))
(expect "2711e9b9-f765-415d-930f-b7ff16b3140b" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-iter '(:iter-nonempty :nonempty-active)
(list :child-scheds `(,s0 ,s1 ,s2)
:leading-sched-dt (plist-get s2 :datetime)
:dead nil))))
(it "Active non-empty (with project)"
(let ((s0 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-12 Tue>"))
(s1 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-14 Tue>")))
(expect "6b33c33b-2ce8-405d-b2bb-917305dfa840" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-iter '(:iter-nonempty :nonempty-active)
(list :child-scheds `(,s0 ,s1)
:leading-sched-dt (plist-get s1 :datetime)
:dead nil))))
(it "Active empty"
(expect "15cfb339-358a-49ce-8cb3-9bcfb1c5a126" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-iter '(:iter-empty :empty-active) nil))
(it "Complete non-empty"
(expect "f2002c13-5ddd-46ec-9895-67182d89dd19" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-iter '(:iter-nonempty :nonempty-complete)
'(:canceledp nil :epoch 1654902780)))
(it "Active empty"
(expect "6ac25533-ba98-4cce-b8a3-9dcf2ada5d77" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-iter '(:iter-empty :empty-complete)
'(:canceledp nil :epoch 1654902780))))
(describe "Sub-iterators"
(it "Active task"
(let ((s (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-07 Tue>")))
(expect "b02619f6-b9da-4d78-acdd-409a4c5d747b" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-subiter '(:si-task :task-active)
(list :sched s :dead nil))))
(it "Complete task"
(expect "fa290644-ba9a-42ac-a25a-a0cca5704d44" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-subiter '(:si-task :task-complete)
'(:canceledp nil :epoch 1654902780)))
(it "Active project"
(let ((s0 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-12 Sun>"))
(s1 (partition-timestamp "<2022-06-14 Sun>")))
(expect "ed5ff869-2d98-457e-8718-ebb0ca9c1e72" :id-to-be-action
nil nil nil :sp-subiter '(:si-proj :proj-active)
(list :dead nil
:child-scheds `(,s0 ,s1)
:leading-sched-dt (plist-get s1 :datetime)))))))
2022-08-14 14:46:05 -04:00
;; TODO add deadline to this (but in absolute form)
(describe "Quarterly buffer statuses"
(it "Active"
(expect "aa3e549c-b309-40a2-a687-6d9791653a18" :id-to-be-qtp
:active nil '(2022 4 1))))
;; (describe "Weekly buffer statuses"
;; (it "Active (leaf)"
;; (expect "ed1406ad-1231-46de-b026-8067411133dc" :id-to-be-wkp
;; :active :leaf '(2022 6 6))))
(describe "Metadata Tests"
(it "parent tag"
(expect (org-x-dag-id->tags "3de25d74-b90e-4c77-9f7f-8190187e7ed0")
:to-equal '("nice_tag")))
(it "local tag"
(expect (org-x-dag-id->local-tags "e4876e82-c8c8-4ff8-ad23-f78e3904b927")
:to-equal '("random_tag")))))
2022-06-07 23:12:03 -04:00
(provide 'org-x-dag-test)
;;; org-x-dag-test.el ends here