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2022-04-10 18:56:00 -04:00
;;; org-x-const.el --- Extra Org Constants -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Nathan Dwarshuis
;; Author: Nathan Dwarshuis <natedwarshuis@gmail.com>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(defconst org-x-kw-todo "TODO"
"Headline todo keyword for open task or project.")
(defconst org-x-kw-next "NEXT"
"Headline todo keyword for next task.")
(defconst org-x-kw-wait "WAIT"
"Headline todo keyword for task that is waiting on something.")
(defconst org-x-kw-hold "HOLD"
"Headline todo keyword for task or project that is held.")
(defconst org-x-kw-done "DONE"
"Headline todo keyword for completed task or project.")
(defconst org-x-kw-canc "CANC"
"Headline todo keyword for canceled task or project.")
(defconst org-x-done-keywords `(,org-x-kw-done ,org-x-kw-canc)
"Headline todo keywords that mark a task as 'complete'.")
(defconst org-x-meeting-keywords (cons org-x-kw-todo org-x-done-keywords)
"Allowed keywords for meetings.")
;;; TAGS
(defun org-x-prepend-char (char string)
"Return STRING with CHAR appended to the front."
(concat (char-to-string char) string))
(defconst org-x-tag-location-prefix ?@
"Prefix character denoting location context tag.")
(defconst org-x-tag-resource-prefix ?#
"Prefix character denoting resource context tag.")
(defconst org-x-tag-misc-prefix ?%
"Prefix character denoting misc tag.")
(defconst org-x-tag-category-prefix ?_
"Prefix character denoting life category tag.")
(defconst org-x-exclusive-prefixes (list org-x-tag-category-prefix
"Tag prefixes which denote mutually exclusive groups.")
(defconst org-x-tag-errand
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-location-prefix "errand")
"Tag denoting an errand location.")
(defconst org-x-tag-home
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-location-prefix "home")
"Tag denoting a home location.")
(defconst org-x-tag-work
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-location-prefix "work")
"Tag denoting a work location.")
(defconst org-x-tag-travel
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-location-prefix "travel")
"Tag denoting a travel location.")
(defconst org-x-tag-laptop
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-resource-prefix "laptop")
"Tag denoting a laptop resource.")
(defconst org-x-tag-phone
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-resource-prefix "phone")
"Tag denoting a phone resource.")
(defconst org-x-tag-deep
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "deep")
"Tag denoting deep work.")
(defconst org-x-tag-note
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "note")
"Tag denoting a note.")
(defconst org-x-tag-incubated
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "inc")
"Tag denoting an incubated task.")
(defconst org-x-tag-maybe
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "maybe")
"Tag denoting a maybe task.")
(defconst org-x-tag-subdivision
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "subdiv")
"Tag denoting a task awaiting subdivision.")
(defconst org-x-tag-flagged
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "flag")
"Tag denoting a flagged task.")
(defconst org-x-tag-meeting
(org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-misc-prefix "meeting")
"Tag denoting a meeting.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-environmental
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "env")
;; "Tag denoting an environmental life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-financial
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "fin")
;; "Tag denoting a financial life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-intellectual
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "int")
;; "Tag denoting an intellectual life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-metaphysical
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "met")
;; "Tag denoting an metaphysical life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-physical
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "phy")
;; "Tag denoting an physical life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-professional
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "pro")
;; "Tag denoting a professional life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-recreational
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "rec")
;; "Tag denoting a recreational life category.")
;; (defconst org-x-tag-social
;; (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix "soc")
;; "Tag denoting a social life category.")
(defconst org-x-tag-no-agenda "NA"
"Tag denoting a headlines that shouldn't go in the agenda.")
(defconst org-x-tag-no-archive "NRXIV"
"Tag denoting a headlines that shouldn't go in the archive.")
(defconst org-x-tag-refile "REFILE"
"Tag denoting a headlines that are to be refiled.")
(defconst org-x-life-categories
(->> (list "environmental"
(--map (let* ((abbr (substring it 0 3))
(key (intern abbr))
(tag (org-x-prepend-char org-x-tag-category-prefix abbr)))
(list key :tag tag :desc it))))
"Alist of life categories.
The car of each member is a symbol representing the category, the
cdr is a plist which has entries for :tag and :desc which are the
org tag and a long name respectively for the category.")
(defun org-x-life-category-plist-get (key category-sym)
(plist-get (alist-get category-sym org-x-life-categories) key))
(defun org-x-life-category-tag (category-sym)
(org-x-life-category-plist-get :tag category-sym))
(defun org-x-life-category-desc (category-sym)
(org-x-life-category-plist-get :desc category-sym))
;; all follow the nomenclature `org-x-prop-PROPNAME' (key) or
;; `org-x-prop-PROPNAME-VALNAME' (value)
(defconst org-x-prop-parent-type "PARENT_TYPE"
"Property denoting iterator/periodical headline.")
(defconst org-x-prop-parent-type-periodical "periodical"
"Property value for a periodical parent type.")
(defconst org-x-prop-parent-type-iterator "iterator"
"Property value for an iterator parent type.")
(defconst org-x-prop-time-shift "TIME_SHIFT"
"Property denoting time shift when cloning iterator/periodical headlines.")
(defconst org-x-prop-location "X-LOCATION"
"Property denoting location for meetings.")
;; TODO this is a WIP
(defconst org-x-prop-thread "THREAD"
"Property denoting an email thread to track.")
(defconst org-x-prop-routine "X-ROUTINE"
"Property denoting a routine group.")
(defconst org-x-prop-routine-morning "morning"
"Property value for morning routine.")
(defconst org-x-prop-routine-evening "evening"
"Property value for evening routine.")
(defconst org-x-prop-created "CREATED"
"Property denoting when a headline was created.")
(defconst org-x-prop-expire "X-EXPIRE"
"Property denoting when a headline will expire.")
(defconst org-x-prop-days-to-live "X-DAYS_TO_LIVE"
"Property denoting after how many days a headline will expire.")
(defconst org-x-prop-goal "X-GOAL"
"Property denoting the goal this headline fulfills.")
(defconst org-x-prop-allocate "X-ALLOCATE"
"Property the property denoting intended time allocation.")
(defconst org-x-drwr-agenda "AGENDA_ITEMS"
"Drawer to hold agenda items in meetings.")
(defconst org-x-drwr-action "ACTION_ITEMS"
"Drawer to hold action items in meetings.")
(defconst org-x-drwr-categories "X_CATEGORIES"
"Drawer to hold ranked categories for a quarterly plan.")
2022-04-11 19:39:18 -04:00
(defconst org-x-drwr-parent-links "X_PARENT_LINKS"
"Drawer to hold the parent links of for the DAG.")
2022-04-10 18:56:00 -04:00
(defconst org-x-archive-delay 30
"The number of days to wait before tasks are considered archivable.")
(defconst org-x-inert-delay-days 90
"The number of days to wait before tasks are considered inert.")
(defconst org-x-iterator-active-future-offset (* 7 24 60 60)
"Iterators must have at least one task this far in the future to be active.")
(defconst org-x-periodical-active-future-offset
"Periodicals must have at least one heading this far in the future to be active.")
(provide 'org-x-const)
;;; org-x-const.el ends here