generalized standard hydra interactive macro

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ndwarshuis 2019-04-18 18:06:43 -04:00
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commit 11766db81d
1 changed files with 154 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -3019,6 +3019,78 @@ Everyone forgets keybindings. When typing a key chord, this will display a windo
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package hydra
:straight t)
;; TODO C-g is a bad combo because it is used to exit things
(defvar nd/hydra-standard-interactive-map
'(("M-i" :exit t)
(:send-line "M-i")
(:send-line-step "I" :exit nil)
(:send-line-follow "C-i")
(:send-group "g")
(:send-group-step "G" :exit nil)
(:send-group-follow "C-g")
(:send-buffer "b")
(:send-buffer-follow "C-b")
(:shell-start "z")
(:shell-start-follow "C-z")
(:shell-kill "k")
(:shell-kill-all "K"))
"Standard hydra keymap for interactive REPL workflow.")
(defmacro nd/hydra-standard (hydra-map suffix keymap &rest cmds)
(unless (s-match "-mode-map" (symbol-name keymap))
(error "Not a valid keymap: %s" keymap))
(let* ((hydra-name (--> keymap
(symbol-name keymap)
(s-replace "-mode-map" "" it)
(format "*%s-%s" it suffix)
(make-symbol it)))
(docstring (format "%s %s hydra" hydra-name suffix))
(body (cons keymap (car hydra-map)))
(head-keys (cdr hydra-map))
(lambda (cmd)
(-if-let (head-key (alist-get (car it) head-keys))
;; (progn (print (-insert-at 1 (cdr it) head-key))
(-insert-at 1 (cdr it) head-key)
;; )
(error "Invalid head keyword: %s" (car it)))))
(heads (--map (funcall mk-head-form it) cmds)))
`(defhydra ,hydra-name ,body ,docstring ,@heads)))
(defmacro nd/hydra-standard-int (keymap &rest cmds)
`(nd/hydra-standard ,nd/hydra-standard-interactive-map "int"
,keymap ,@cmds))
;; ;; TODO this can be generalized
;; (defmacro nd/hydra-standard-int (name map docstring &rest keys)
;; "Create a standardized hydra map for process interaction."
;; ;; TODO this should be outside with a docstring so it is easy to look up
;; (let* ((nav-key-alist
;; '((:send-line "M-i")
;; (:send-line-step "I" :exit nil)
;; (:send-line-follow "C-i")
;; (:send-group "g")
;; (:send-group-step "G" :exit nil)
;; (:send-group-follow "C-g")
;; (:send-buffer "b")
;; (:send-buffer-follow "C-b")
;; (:shell-start "z")
;; (:shell-start-follow "C-z")
;; (:shell-kill "k")
;; (:shell-kill-all "K")))
;; ;; TODO warning if a keyword is wrong
;; (set-keys
;; (--map (-when-let (key (alist-get (car it) nav-key-alist))
;; (append (list (car key)) (cdr it) (cdr key)))
;; keys)))
;; ;; TODO get the previous binding for the command and unset it
;; ;; (--> set-keys
;; ;; (-map #'car it)
;; ;; (--each it (define-key (eval map) (kbd it) nil)))
;; `(defhydra ,name (,map "M-i" :exit t) ,docstring ,@set-keys)))
** evil
I like being evil. All package and custom bindings go here.
@ -3445,20 +3517,32 @@ They removed the underscore-inserts-arrow feature. Bring it back.
(define-key ess-r-mode-map "_" #'ess-insert-assign)
(define-key inferior-ess-r-mode-map "_" #'ess-insert-assign)
(defhydra hydra-ess-r-inferior (ess-r-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
("M-i" ess-eval-line)
("I" ess-eval-line-and-step :exit nil)
("C-i" ess-eval-line-and-go)
;; (defhydra hydra-ess-r-inferior (ess-r-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
;; ("M-i" ess-eval-line)
;; ("I" ess-eval-line-and-step :exit nil)
;; ("C-i" ess-eval-line-and-go)
("g" ess-eval-paragraph)
("G" ess-eval-paragraph-and-step :exit nil)
("C-G" ess-eval-paragraph-and-go)
;; ("g" ess-eval-paragraph)
;; ("G" ess-eval-paragraph-and-step :exit nil)
;; ("C-G" ess-eval-paragraph-and-go)
("b" ess-eval-buffer)
("B" ess-eval-buffer-and-go)
;; ("b" ess-eval-buffer)
;; ("B" ess-eval-buffer-and-go)
;; TODO add process kill commands
("z" ess-switch-to-inferior-or-script-buffer))
;; ;; TODO add process kill commands
;; ("z" ess-switch-to-inferior-or-script-buffer))
(nd/hydra-standard-int ess-r-mode-map
(:send-line ess-eval-line)
(:send-line-step ess-eval-line-and-step)
(:send-line-follow ess-eval-line-and-go)
(:send-group ess-eval-paragraph)
(:send-group-step ess-eval-paragraph-and-step)
(:send-group-follow ess-eval-paragraph-and-go)
(:send-buffer ess-eval-buffer)
(:send-buffer-follow ess-eval-buffer-and-go)
;; TODO add process kill commands
(:shell-start ess-switch-to-inferior-or-script-buffer))
*** python
The only thing I like about elpy is the interactive shell
@ -3467,26 +3551,40 @@ The only thing I like about elpy is the interactive shell
;; (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-M-x") #'elpy-shell-send-statement-and-step)
;; python inferior mode map
(defhydra hydra (python-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
"python inferior commands"
("M-i" elpy-shell-send-statement)
("I" elpy-shell-send-statement-and-step :exit nil)
("C-i" elpy-shell-send-statement-and-go)
;; (defhydra hydra (python-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
;; "python inferior commands"
;; ("M-i" elpy-shell-send-statement)
;; ("I" elpy-shell-send-statement-and-step :exit nil)
;; ("C-i" elpy-shell-send-statement-and-go)
("g" elpy-shell-send-group)
("G" elpy-shell-send-group-and-step :exit nil)
("C-g" elpy-shell-send-group-and-go)
;; ("g" elpy-shell-send-group)
;; ("G" elpy-shell-send-group-and-step :exit nil)
;; ("C-g" elpy-shell-send-group-and-go)
("b" elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer)
("C-b" elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer-and-go)
;; ("b" elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer)
;; ("C-b" elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer-and-go)
("z" elpy-shell-switch-to-shell)
("k" elpy-shell-kill)
("K" elpy-shell-kill-all))
;; ("z" elpy-shell-switch-to-shell)
;; ("k" elpy-shell-kill)
;; ("K" elpy-shell-kill-all))
; TODO add hydras for docs, testing, search, etc
;;; Code:
(defhydra hydra (python-mode-map "M-n" :exit t)
(nd/hydra-standard-int python-mode-map
(:send-line elpy-shell-send-statement)
(:send-line-step elpy-shell-send-statement-and-step)
(:send-line-follow elpy-shell-send-statement-and-go)
(:send-group elpy-shell-send-group)
(:send-group-step elpy-shell-send-group-and-step)
(:send-group-follow elpy-shell-send-group-and-go)
(:send-buffer elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer)
(:send-buffer-follow elpy-shell-send-region-or-buffer-and-go)
(:shell-start elpy-shell-switch-to-shell)
(:shell-kill elpy-shell-kill)
(:shell-kill-all elpy-shell-kill-all))
(defhydra hydra-nav (python-mode-map "M-n" :exit t)
"python query commands"
("M-n" anaconda-mode-find-definitions)
("N" anaconda-mode-find-definitions-other-window)
@ -3502,34 +3600,42 @@ The only thing I like about elpy is the interactive shell
*** haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defhydra hydra (intero-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
"haskell inferior commands"
("M-i" intero-repl-eval-region)
;; need a go function here
;; ("C-i" )
(with-eval-after-load 'intero
(nd/hydra-standard-int intero-mode-map
(:send-line intero-repl-eval-region)
;; TODO add a go function here
;; TODO add group functions
(:send-buffer intero-repl-load)
;; TODO add kill repl function
(:shell-start intero-repl))
;; (defhydra hyd-haskell-int (intero-mode-map "M-i" :exit t)
;; "haskell inferior commands"
;; ("M-i" intero-repl-eval-region)
;; ;; need a go function here
;; ;; ("C-i" )
;; need group functions
;; ("g" elpy-shell-send-group)
;; ("G" elpy-shell-send-group-and-step :exit nil)
;; ("C-g" elpy-shell-send-group-and-go)
;; ;; need group functions
;; ;; ("g" elpy-shell-send-group)
;; ;; ("G" elpy-shell-send-group-and-step :exit nil)
;; ;; ("C-g" elpy-shell-send-group-and-go)
("b" intero-repl-load)
;; need a go function
;; ("C-b" )
;; ("b" intero-repl-load)
;; ;; need a go function
;; ;; ("C-b" )
("z" intero-repl))
;; add kill functions
;; ("z" intero-repl))
;; ;; add kill functions
(defhydra hydra (intero-mode-map "M-n" :exit t)
"haskell query commands"
("M-n" intero-goto-definition)
;; TODO add other window
;; TODO expand-at-slice and apply suggestion
(defhydra hyd-haskell-nav (intero-mode-map "M-n" :exit t)
"haskell query commands"
("M-n" intero-goto-definition)
;; TODO add other window
;; TODO expand-at-slice and apply suggestion
("r" intero-uses-at)
("t" intero-type-at)
("b" xref-pop-marker-stack)
("?" intero-info))
("r" intero-uses-at)
("t" intero-type-at)
("b" xref-pop-marker-stack)
("?" intero-info)))
*** magit
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp