ADD function to add goal link

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-02-10 19:01:40 -05:00
parent 2773276192
commit 15e82d8471
1 changed files with 168 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -137,6 +137,17 @@ that file as it currently sits on disk.")
(parent-tags (and inherit? (ascend id nil))))
(append local-tags parent-tags init))))
(defun org-x-dag-id->link (id)
(org-x-dag-with-id-in-file id
(let ((desc (org-get-heading t t t t)))
(->> (org-ml-build-secondary-string! desc)
(apply #'org-ml-build-link id :type "id")))))
(defun org-x-dag-id->link-item (id)
(->> (org-x-dag-id->link id)
(defun org-x-dag-id->parents (id)
(->> (plist-get org-x-dag :dag)
(dag-get-parents id)))
@ -200,6 +211,124 @@ A date like (YEAR MONTH DAY).")
(setq org-x-dag-selected-week week-date)
(org-x-dag-set-planning-quarter-at-date week-date)))
(defun org-x--qtp-headline-get-year (headline)
(let ((rt (org-ml-get-property :raw-value headline)))
(if (s-matches-p "[0-9]\\{4\\}" rt) (string-to-number rt)
(error "Invalid year headline in quarterly plan: %s" rt))))
(defun org-x--qtp-headline-get-quarter (headline)
(let ((rt (org-ml-get-property :raw-value headline)))
(-if-let ((_ qt) (s-match "Q\\([0-9]\\)" rt)) (string-to-number qt)
(error "Invalid quarter headline in quarterly plan: %s" rt))))
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-to-children (qt-plan)
(-let* (((&plist :categories :goals) qt-plan)
;; TODO what happens if there are no categories?
(sec (-some->> categories
(--map-indexed (org-ml-build-item!
:bullet it-index
:paragraph (symbol-name it)))
(apply #'org-ml-build-plain-list)
(org-ml-build-drawer org-x-drwr-categories)
(if sec (cons sec goals) goals)))
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-from-children (children)
;; ignore properties, planning, etc
(-let* (((sec goals) (if (org-ml-is-type 'section (car children))
`(,(car children) ,(cdr children))
`(nil ,children)))
(cats (-some->> sec
(--find (org-x--is-drawer-with-name org-x-drwr-categories it))
(list :categories cats :goals goals)))
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-get (quarter)
(org-x-with-file (org-x-qtp-get-file)
(-let (((year qnum) quarter))
(->> (org-ml-parse-subtrees 'all)
(org-x--qtp-headline-find-year year)
(org-x--qtp-headline-find-quarter qnum)
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-set (quarter qt-plan)
(quarter children)
(let ((title (list (format "Q%s" quarter))))
(apply #'org-ml-build-headline :title title :level 2 children)))
(year qnum children)
(->> (build-qt-headline qnum children)
(org-ml-build-headline! :title-text (number-to-string year)))))
(org-x-with-file (org-x-qtp-get-file)
(-let* (((year qnum) quarter)
(sts (org-ml-parse-subtrees 'all))
(children (org-x-dag-qtp-to-children qt-plan)))
(-if-let (st-yr (org-x--qtp-headline-find-year year sts))
(-if-let (st-qt (->> (org-ml-headline-get-subheadlines st-yr)
(org-x--qtp-headline-find-quarter qnum)))
(org-ml-update* (org-ml-set-children children it) st-qt)
(-snoc it (build-qt-headline qnum children))
(let ((end (1+ (org-ml-get-property :end (-last-item sts)))))
(org-ml-insert end (build-yr-headline year qnum children))))))))
(defmacro org-x-dag-qtp-map (quarter form)
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((it (org-x-dag-qtp-get ,quarter)))
(org-x-dag-qtp-set ,quarter ,form)))
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-get-key (key quarter)
(plist-get (org-x-dag-qtp-get quarter) key))
(defun org-x-dag-qtp-set-key (quarter key xs)
(org-x-dag-qtp-map quarter
(plist-put it key xs)))
(defun org-x-qtp-get-categories (quarter)
(org-x-dag-qtp-get-key :categories quarter))
(defun org-x-qtp-get-goals (quarter)
(org-x-dag-qtp-get-key :goals quarter))
(defun org-x-qtp-set-categories (quarter categories)
(org-x-dag-qtp-set-key quarter :categories categories))
(defun org-x-qtp-set-goals (quarter goals)
(org-x-dag-qtp-set-key quarter :goals goals))
(defmacro org-x-qtp-map-categories (quarter form)
`(let ((it (org-x-qtp-get-categories ,quarter)))
(org-x-qtp-set-categories ,quarter ,form)))
(defmacro org-x-qtp-map-goals (quarter form)
`(let ((it (org-x-qtp-get-goals ,quarter)))
(org-x-qtp-set-goals ,quarter ,form)))
(defun org-x-qtp-add-goal (quarter headline)
(org-x-qtp-map-goals quarter (cons headline it)))
(defun org-x-dag-headline-add-id (headline)
(org-ml-headline-set-node-property "ID" (org-id-new) headline))
(defun org-x-qtp-build-goal-headline (ids title)
(let ((d (org-x-dag-build-parent-link-drawer ids)))
(->> (org-ml-build-headline! :level 3
:title-text title
:todo-keyword org-x-kw-todo
:section-children (list d))
(defun org-x-qtp-add-goal-ids (quarter ids title)
(->> (org-x-qtp-build-goal-headline ids title)
(org-x-qtp-add-goal quarter)))
(defun org-x-dag-get-local-property (prop)
@ -852,12 +981,17 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(defmacro org-x-dag-with-key (key &rest body)
(defmacro org-x-dag-with-id (key &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(goto-char (org-x-dag-id->point ,key))
(defmacro org-x-dag-with-id-in-file (id &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(org-x-with-file (org-x-dag-id->file ,id)
(org-x-dag-with-id ,id ,@body)))
(defun org-x-headline-get-task-status-0 (kw)
(if (member kw org-x-done-keywords)
(-if-let (c (org-x-dag-headline-is-closed-p t))
@ -896,7 +1030,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(alist-get top-status ',trans-tbl))))
(cons top-status* child-results))
(let ((it-kw (org-x-dag-id->todo key)))
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(-> ,task-form
(nth ',allowed-codes)
@ -907,7 +1041,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(defun org-x-dag-headline-get-project-status (key tags children)
;; ASSUME children will always be at least 1 long
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(let ((keyword (org-x-dag-id->todo key)))
(-let (((status . child-results)
@ -957,7 +1091,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(cons (list :key key :status status :tags tags) child-results)))))
(defun org-x-dag-headline-get-iterator-project-status (key children)
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(let* ((kw (org-x-dag-id->todo key))
@ -992,7 +1126,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(defun org-x-dag-headline-get-iterator-task-status (key)
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(if (org-x-dag-id->is-done-p key) :empt
(-if-let (ts (or (org-x-dag-headline-is-scheduled-p t)
(org-x-dag-headline-is-deadlined-p t)))
@ -1044,7 +1178,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(-let* (((&plist :key :status :tags) result)
(priority (alist-get status org-x-project-status-priorities)))
(when (>= priority 0)
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(-> (org-x-dag-format-tag-node cat tags key)
(org-add-props nil
'x-toplevelp (org-x-dag-id->is-toplevel-p key)
@ -1054,7 +1188,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(cat key)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags t org-file-tags key)))
;; TODO don't hardcode these things
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(unless (or (member org-x-tag-incubated tags)
(-some->> (org-x-dag-id->headline-children key)
@ -1070,7 +1204,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(tags cat key)
(-let ((status (org-x-dag-headline-get-iterator-status key)))
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(-> (org-x-dag-format-tag-node cat tags key)
(org-add-props nil
'x-status status))))))
@ -1078,7 +1212,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(org-x-dag-id->is-toplevel-p it)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags t org-file-tags it)))
(unless (member org-x-tag-incubated tags)
(org-x-dag-with-key it
(org-x-dag-with-id it
(when (org-x-dag-headline-is-iterator-p)
(list (format-result tags it-category it)))))))))
@ -1103,7 +1237,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(category is-standalone key)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags t org-file-tags key)))
;; filter out incubators
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(unless (or (member org-x-tag-incubated tags)
(org-x-dag-headline-is-scheduled-p nil)
(org-x-dag-headline-is-deadlined-p nil))
@ -1126,7 +1260,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(category key)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags t org-file-tags key)))
(when (member org-x-tag-incubated tags)
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(let* ((sch (org-x-dag-headline-is-scheduled-p t))
(dead (org-x-dag-headline-is-deadlined-p t))
(is-project (org-x-dag-id->headline-children key)))
@ -1146,7 +1280,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(category key)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags t org-file-tags key)))
(unless (member org-x-tag-incubated tags)
(org-x-dag-with-key key
(org-x-dag-with-id key
(-let (((is-archivable is-project)
(-if-let (children (org-x-dag-id->headline-children key))
(-> (org-x-dag-headline-get-project-status key tags children)
@ -1163,7 +1297,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
'x-project-p is-project)))))))))
(org-x-dag-with-files (org-x-get-action-files)
(org-x-dag-id->is-toplevel-p it)
(org-x-dag-with-key it
(org-x-dag-with-id it
(if (org-x-dag-headline-is-iterator-p)
(->> (org-x-dag-id->headline-children it)
(--map (format-key it-category it)))
@ -1189,7 +1323,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
:parentlessp nil))))))
(org-x-dag-with-files (list (org-x-get-lifetime-goal-file))
(org-x-dag-with-key it
(org-x-dag-with-id it
(list (format-id it-category it)))))))
(defun org-x-dag-scan-epgs ()
@ -1216,7 +1350,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
:parentlessp (not has-parents)))))))
(org-x-dag-with-files (list (org-x-get-endpoint-goal-file))
(org-x-dag-with-key it
(org-x-dag-with-id it
(list (format-id it-category it)))))))
(defun org-x-dag-scan-goals ()
@ -1226,7 +1360,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(category id)
(org-x-dag-with-key id
(org-x-dag-with-id id
(-when-let (error-type
(if (org-x-dag-headline-is-iterator-p)
(unless (org-x-dag-get-local-property "ARCHIVE")
@ -1240,7 +1374,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
'x-error error-type))))))
(org-x-dag-with-files (org-x-dag-get-files)
(not (org-x-dag-id->is-done-p it))
(org-x-dag-with-key it
(org-x-dag-with-id it
(list (format-id it-category it))))))
(defun org-x-dag-scan-agenda (sel-date)
@ -1258,7 +1392,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(--map (funcall format-datetime-fun sel-date pos it cat tags id) it)))))))
(todayp cat id)
(org-x-dag-with-key id
(org-x-dag-with-id id
(-when-let (res (org-x-dag-headline-get-planning))
(-let (((dead sched) res))
@ -1386,26 +1520,22 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(-map #'parse-item))
(error "Invalid parent link drawer")))))
(defun org-x-dag-headline-set-parent-links (link-pairs headline)
(-let (((id . desc) pair))
(->> (org-ml-build-secondary-string! desc)
(apply #'org-ml-build-link id :type "id")
(let ((pl (->> (-map #'from-pair link-pairs)
(apply #'org-ml-build-plain-list))))
(org-ml-headline-map-contents* (org-x-logbook-config)
(-if-let (i (--find-index (org-x--is-drawer-with-name
org-x-drwr-parent-links it)
(let ((d (nth i it)))
(-replace-at i (org-ml-set-children (list pl) d) it))
(-> (org-ml-build-drawer "X_PARENT_LINKS" pl)
(cons it)))
(defun org-x-dag-build-parent-link-drawer (ids)
(->> (-map #'org-x-dag-id->link-item ids)
(apply #'org-ml-build-plain-list)
(org-ml-build-drawer "X_PARENT_LINKS")))
(defun org-x-dag-headline-set-parent-links (ids headline)
(org-ml-headline-map-contents* (org-x-logbook-config)
(-if-let (i (--find-index (org-x--is-drawer-with-name
org-x-drwr-parent-links it)
(let ((d (nth i it))
(pl (->> (-map #'org-x-dag-build-parent-link-item ids)
(apply #'org-ml-build-plain-list))))
(-replace-at i (org-ml-set-children (list pl) d) it))
(cons (org-x-dag-build-parent-link-drawer ids) it))
(defmacro org-x-dag-headline-map-parent-links* (form headline)
(let ((h (make-symbol "--headline")))