add magit and clean calfw

This commit is contained in:
petrucci4prez 2018-07-20 01:52:34 -04:00
parent 149e8769dc
commit 47ccfab30e
2 changed files with 26 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -170,20 +170,6 @@ work in progress
:ensure t)
** calfw
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package calfw
:ensure t
(setq cfw:fchar-junction ?╋
cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃
cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━
cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣
cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫
cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯
cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏
cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓))
** undo tree
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package undo-tree
@ -392,6 +378,14 @@ NOTES:
(setq haskell-compile-command "ghc -dynamic -Wall -ferror-spans -fforce-recomp -c %s"
haskell-interactive-popup-errors nil))
* magit
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:ensure t
(setq magit-push-always-verify nil
git-commit-summary-max-length 50))
* org-mode
** basic
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1556,17 +1550,17 @@ and reverts all todo keywords to TODO"
** calfw
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package calfw-org
(use-package calfw
:ensure t
(cfw:fchar-junction ?╋)
(cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃)
(cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━)
(cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣)
(cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫)
(cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯)
(cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏)
(cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓))
(setq cfw:fchar-junction ?╋
cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃
cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━
cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣
cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫
cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯
cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏
cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓))
* mu4e
only for gmail now
@ -1670,7 +1664,7 @@ I like being evil. All package and custom bindings go here.
:after evil
(setq evil-collection-modes-list '(dired flycheck company which-key
helm minibuffer mu4e ediff))
helm minibuffer mu4e ediff magit))
(setq evil-collection-setup-minibuffer t)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
(yasnippet-snippets flycheck rainbow-delimiters-mode helm evil-collection haskell-mode fill-column-indicator gtklp delight browse-kill-ring evil-org-agenda evil-org evil calfw calfw-org yaml-mode which-key use-package typit systemd sudo-edit spaceline rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters pkgbuild-mode pdf-tools org-bullets lua-mode ess elpy diff-hl beacon ace-window))))
(put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)
(magit yasnippet-snippets flycheck rainbow-delimiters-mode helm evil-collection haskell-mode fill-column-indicator gtklp delight browse-kill-ring evil-org-agenda evil-org evil calfw calfw-org yaml-mode which-key use-package typit systemd sudo-edit spaceline rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters pkgbuild-mode pdf-tools org-bullets lua-mode ess elpy diff-hl beacon ace-window))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.