added basic sql delete and select commands

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ndwarshuis 2018-12-29 16:38:20 -05:00
parent c37e558575
commit 4956cde9bb
1 changed files with 47 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -2684,11 +2684,11 @@ These are =org-mode=-agnostic functions that pertain to sql. They are basically
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'sql)
(defun nd/sql-cmd (db sql)
"Execute string SQL on database DB executing `sql-sqlite-program'.
(defun nd/sql-cmd (db cmd)
"Execute string CMD on database DB executing `sql-sqlite-program'.
Returns the output of CMD. SQL should not contain any quotes as if it
were entered on the shell."
(shell-command-to-string (format "%s %s \"%s\"" sql-sqlite-program db sql)))
(shell-command-to-string (format "%s %s \"%s\"" sql-sqlite-program db cmd)))
(defun nd/sql-escape-text (txt)
"Escape and quote TXT in order to insert into sqlite db via 'insert'.
@ -2762,6 +2762,50 @@ t, add to the front of current values list instead of the back."
(append alist `((,prop ,value))))
`((,prop ,value))))))
(defun nd/sql-to-plist (out &rest cols)
"Parse SQL output string OUT to an plist representing the data.
COLS are the column names as symbols used to obtain OUT."
(let* ((out-trim (string-trim out))
(row-data (split-string out-trim "\n"))
(cell-data (mapcar (lambda (s) (split-string s "|")) row-data)))
(mapcar (lambda (d) (cl-mapcan #'list cols d)) cell-data)))
(defun nd/sql-select (db tbl-name &rest cols)
"Select columns from TBL-NAME in DB where COLS is the list of columns.
If COLS is nil, all columns will be returned. Columns is expected as
a list of keywords like ':col1' and :col2'."
(let* ((colnames
(if (not cols) "*"
(mapcar (lambda (s) (substring (symbol-name s) 1)) cols)
(cmd (format "select %s from %s;" colnames (symbol-name tbl-name)))
(out (nd/sql-cmd db cmd)))
(apply #'nd/sql-to-plist out cols)))
;; this somehow doesn't exist O.o
(defun nd/sql-plist-get-vals(plist)
"Return all the values in PLIST."
(-slice plist 1 nil 2))
(defun nd/sql-kw-to-colname (kw)
"Returns string representation of KW for column in sql database."
(substring (symbol-name kw) 1))
(defun nd/sql-delete (db tbl-name cols)
"Delete records from TBL-NAME in DB where COLS are true.
COND is a plist of column names and values, '(:col1 val1 :col2 val2)',
where values will be deleted if the listed columns have the listed
values (AND condition)."
(let* ((keys (plist-get-keys cols))
(keys (mapcar #'nd/sql-kw-to-colname keys))
(vals (nd/sql-plist-get-vals cols))
(vals (mapcar #'nd/sql-to-string vals))
(conds-str (mapcar* (lambda (k v) (format "%s=%s" k v)) keys vals))
(conds-str (string-join conds-str " and "))
(cmd (format "delete from %s where %s;" (symbol-name tbl-name) conds-str)))
(nd/sql-cmd db cmd)))
**** org parsing function
Basic functions to parse org strings