ENH make action ns error when linking to non-committed epg

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-04-19 23:20:00 -04:00
parent fdb76e6e43
commit 5bd754e9d1
1 changed files with 20 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1358,26 +1358,31 @@ used for optimization."
:lifetime ht-l
:survival ht-s
:quarterly ht-q)
(lambda (adjlist id)
(if (not (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-e id :committed))
(either :left "Linked to non-committed endpoint node")
(org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p adjlist id)))))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :action links
'((:survival org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
(:endpoint org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
`((:survival org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
(:endpoint ,is-committed-leaf-p)
(:lifetime org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let* (((&alist :survival s :endpoint e :lifetime l) res)
(-let (((&alist :survival s :endpoint e :lifetime l) res))
(->> (cond
((and s (or e l))
(->> "Action has both survival and endpoint/lifetime links"
(either :left)))
(either :right `(:committed ,s :survivalp t)))
(either :right `(:committed (,@e ,@l) :survivalp nil))))))
(when (org-x-dag-id->planning-timestamp :scheduled id)
(either :right `(:committed (,@e ,@l) :survivalp nil))))
(ht-set this-h id this-ns))
(when (-some->> (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta-prop adjlist :planning id)
(org-ml-get-property :scheduled))
(->> (-union (get-planned ht-e e) (get-planned ht-l l))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-q :scheduled-actions)))
(ht-set this-h id this-ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled l)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-s :fulfilled s)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-e :fulfilled e)