update org mode interactive functions and agenda

This commit is contained in:
petrucci4prez 2018-05-04 20:36:22 -04:00
parent 59010e234f
commit 6aaea10491
2 changed files with 513 additions and 299 deletions

View File

@ -238,6 +238,21 @@
(delight 'org-indent-mode)
(setq org-directory "~/Org")
(use-package org-bullets
:ensure t
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode))))
(defun nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height ()
(let ((heading-height 1.15))
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :weight 'bold :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-2 nil :weight 'semi-bold :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-3 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-4 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-5 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height)
;;(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'evil-append)
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
@ -247,49 +262,74 @@
(setq org-special-ctrl-k t)
(setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x x") 'nd/mark-subtree-done)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x c") 'nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift-reset)))
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d)")
(sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)")))
(sequence "WAIT(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANC(c@/!)")))
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
(quote (("TODO" :foreground "light coral" :weight bold)
("NEXT" :foreground "khaki" :weight bold)
("DONE" :foreground "light green" :weight bold)
("WAITING" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
("WAIT" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
("HOLD" :foreground "violet" :weight bold)
("CANCELLED" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold))))
("CANC" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold))))
(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgroup)
("@errand" . ?e)
("@work" . ?w)
("@home" . ?h)
("@travel" . ?f)
("@travel" . ?t)
("#laptop" . ?L)
("#hood" . ?H)
("WORK" . ?W)
("NOTE" . ?N)
("FLAGGED" . ??)))
("#tcult" . ?T)
;; TODO I'm sure there is a better way to do this in lisp
(setq org-tag-faces
'(("@errand" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@work" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@home" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@travel" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("#laptop" . (:foreground "SkyBlue"))
("#hood" . (:foreground "SkyBlue"))))
("%note" . ?n)
("%subdiv" . ?s)
("_env" . ?E)
("_fin" . ?F)
("_int" . ?I)
("_met" . ?M)
("_phy" . ?H)
("_pro" . ?P)
("_rec" . ?R)
("_soc" . ?S)
;; not the most elegant but this will work
(setq org-tag-faces '())
(defun nd/add-tag-face (fg-name start end)
"Adds list of cons cells to org-tag-faces with foreground set to fg-name.
Start and end specify the positions in org-tag-alist which define the tags
to which the faces are applied"
(dolist (tag (mapcar #'car (subseq org-tag-alist start end)))
(push `(,tag . (:foreground ,fg-name)) org-tag-faces)))
(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGreen" 1 5)
(nd/add-tag-face "SkyBlue" 6 8)
(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGoldenrod" 8 10)
(nd/add-tag-face "violet" 11 19)
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "PROJECT_TYPE")
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "OWNER")
(setq org-global-properties
'(("Project_Type_ALL" . "series")
("Effort_ALL" . "00 10 30 60 90")))
;; this is basically the same as putting the properties at the top of all org files
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "Project_Type")
(setq org-global-properties '(("Project_Type_ALL" . "series")))
;; TODO this may not be needed
(setq org-use-property-inheritance '("Project_Type"))
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("t" "todo" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\ndeliverable: \n%U\n")
("n" "note" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* %? :NOTE:\n%U\n" )
("n" "note" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* %? :\\%note:\n%U\n" )
("a" "appointment" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t\n" )
("m" "multi-day" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t--%^t\n" )
("d" "deadline" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\ndeliverable:\n%U\n" )
@ -319,82 +359,61 @@
(not (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-done-keywords)))
(setq org-refile-target-verify-function 'nd/verify-refile-target)
(use-package org-bullets
:ensure t
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode))))
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org"
;; (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org/reference/agendatest.org"))
(setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
(setq org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
(defun nd/is-todoitem-p ()
"return todo keyword if present in headline (which defines the heading as a todoitem)
this is used to both test if a heading is a todoitem and retrieving the keyword"
(let ((keyword (nth 2 (org-heading-components))))
(if (member keyword org-todo-keywords-1)
(defun nd/get-date-property (date-property)
"Helper function to get the date property and convert to a number.
If it does not have a date, it will return nil."
(let ((timestamp (org-entry-get nil date-property)))
(if timestamp (float-time (date-to-time timestamp)))))
(defun nd/is-project-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is todoitem and has children"
(and (nd/heading-has-children) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is todoitem with no children"
(and (not (nd/heading-has-children)) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-atomic-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is task with no parents"
(and (not (nd/heading-has-parent)) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-project-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is task with parents"
(and (nd/heading-has-parent) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-timestamped-heading-p ()
(nd/get-date-property "TIMESTAMP"))
(defun nd/is-scheduled-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if headline is scheduled"
(org-entry-get nil "SCHEDULED"))
(nd/get-date-property "SCHEDULED"))
(defun nd/is-series-header-p ()
"return t if headline has property Project_Type=series"
(equal "series" (org-entry-get nil "Project_Type")))
(defun nd/is-deadlined-heading-p ()
(nd/get-date-property "DEADLINE"))
(defun nd/is-closed-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if headline is closed"
(let ((timestamp (org-entry-get nil "CLOSED")))
(if timestamp (float-time (date-to-time timestamp)))))
(nd/get-date-property "CLOSED"))
(defun nd/is-stale-heading-p ()
(let ((timestamp (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p)))
(if (and timestamp (> (- (float-time) timestamp) 0))
(defvar nd/archive-delay-days 30
"the number of days to wait before tasks show up in the archive view")
(defun nd/is-archivable-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if todoitem is closed and older than specified time"
(let ((timestamp (nd/is-closed-heading-p)))
;; NOTE we do not ensure that the todo state is in done keywords
;; this is to allow easier error correction in slip functions
(if (and timestamp (> (- (float-time) timestamp) (* 60 60 24 nd/archive-delay-days)))
(defun nd/is-archivable-atomic-task-p ()
"return keyword if heading is an archivable task"
(and (nd/is-archivable-heading-p) (nd/is-atomic-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-archivable-project-p ()
"return keyword if heading is an archivable task"
(and (nd/is-archivable-heading-p) (nd/is-project-p)))
(defun nd/is-active-task-p ()
"return keyword if task is either NEXT or scheduled"
(let ((keyword (nd/is-task-p)))
(if (or (equal keyword "NEXT") (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
(defun nd/is-todoitem-p ()
(let ((keyword (nth 2 (org-heading-components))))
(if (member keyword org-todo-keywords-1)
(defun nd/is-blocked-task-p ()
"return keyword if task is WAITING"
(equal (nd/is-task-p) "WAITING"))
(defun nd/is-project-p ()
(and (nd/heading-has-children) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-task-p ()
(and (not (nd/heading-has-children)) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-atomic-task-p ()
(and (not (nd/heading-has-parent)) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-series-heading-p ()
"return t if headline has property Project_Type=series"
(equal "series" (org-entry-get nil "Project_Type" t)))
(defun nd/heading-has-children ()
"returns t if heading has todoitems in its immediate subtree"
@ -430,10 +449,9 @@ todoitem which in turn has a parent which is a todoitem"
(and has-todoitem-parent has-non-todoitem-parent)))
(defconst nd/project-invalid-todostates
'("WAIT" "NEXT")
"projects cannot have these todostates")
;; project level testing
(defconst nd/project-statuscodes
@ -485,7 +503,7 @@ down the list override higher items")
(if (nd/heading-has-children)
(cond ((member keyword nd/project-invalid-todostates) :invalid-todostate)
((nd/is-scheduled-heading-p) :scheduled-project)
((equal keyword "CANCELLED") (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
((equal keyword "CANC") (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
((equal keyword "HOLD") :held)
@ -499,11 +517,11 @@ down the list override higher items")
(:archivable (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
(t (if (= child-statuscode :complete)
(t (if (nd/status= child-statuscode :complete)
(cond ((equal keyword "HOLD") :held)
((equal keyword "WAITING") :waiting)
((equal keyword "WAIT") :waiting)
((equal keyword "NEXT") :active)
((and (equal keyword "TODO") (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p)) :active)
((equal keyword "TODO") :stuck)
@ -528,17 +546,17 @@ both are true"
Note that this assumes the headline being tested is a valid project"
(case statuscode
;; projects closed more than 30 days ago
;; note CANCELLED overrides all subtasks/projects
;; note CANC overrides all subtasks/projects
(if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
(or (equal keyword "CANCELLED")
(or (equal keyword "CANC")
(nd/is-project-keyword-status-p "DONE" = :archivable))))
;; projects closed less than 30 days ago
;; note CANCELLED overrides all subtasks/projects
;; note CANC overrides all subtasks/projects
(if (not (nd/is-archivable-heading-p))
(or (equal keyword "CANCELLED")
(or (equal keyword "CANC")
(nd/is-project-keyword-status-p "DONE" = :complete))))
;; projects with no waiting, held, or active components
@ -587,7 +605,7 @@ Note that this assumes the headline being tested is a valid project"
(save-excursion (or (org-end-of-subtree t) (point-max))))
(defconst nd/project-skip-todostates
'("HOLD" "CANC")
"These keywords override all contents within their subtrees.
Currently used to tell skip functions when they can hop over
entire subtrees to save time and ignore tasks")
@ -605,27 +623,50 @@ test-fun return true"
(message keyword)
(if (not (and keyword ,test-fun))
;; stale headings
;; For archiving headings with old timestamps
;; Note that these are not always todo items
;; I only care about those that are not part
;; of projects (projects will get taken care
;; of when the entire project is finished)
;; and those that are not DONE/CANC (as
;; those appear in the regular archive
;; section)
(defun nd/skip-non-stale-headings ()
(let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(if (not
(and (nd/is-stale-heading-p)
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords))
(not (nd/heading-has-children))
(not (nd/heading-has-parent))))
;; atomic tasks
;; by definition these have no parents, so
;; we don't need to worry about skipping over projects
;; any todo state is valid and we only sort by done/cancelled
;; any todo state is valid and we only sort by done/canc
(defun nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks ()
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords))))
(and (not (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-deadlined-heading-p))
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords)))))
(defun nd/skip-non-closed-atomic-tasks ()
(and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
(not (nd/is-archivable-heading)))))
(not (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)))))
(defun nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks ()
(and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
;; project tasks
;; since these are part of projects I need to assess
@ -634,7 +675,7 @@ test-fun return true"
;; Note that I only care about the keyword in these
;; cases because I don't archive these, I archive
;; their parent projects. The keywords I care about
;; are NEXT, WAITING, and HOLD because these are
;; are NEXT, WAIT, and HOLD because these are
;; definitive project tasks that require/inhibit
;; futher action
(defun nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks (skip-keyword)
@ -647,6 +688,9 @@ test-fun return true"
(if (not (and (nd/heading-has-parent)
(not (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-deadlined-heading-p))
(equal keyword skip-keyword)))
@ -679,14 +723,11 @@ test-fun return true"
(let ((keyword (nd/is-project-p)))
;; TODO there may be a way to skip over skippable projects
;; and save a few cycles. Not a huge deal, but would require
;; keeping the skippable line and then skipping over the others
;; in one fell swoop, not easy to do efficiently
(if keyword
(if (not (nd/is-project-status-p statuscode))
(if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel
(if (and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel
(if (not (nd/is-project-status-p statuscode))
@ -696,68 +737,81 @@ test-fun return true"
(defun nd/toggle-project-toplevel-display ()
(setq nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel (not nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel))
(when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(message "Showing %s project view in agenda" (if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "toplevel" "complete")))
(message "Showing %s project view in agenda"
(if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "toplevel" "complete")))
(defun nd/agenda-base-task-command (keyword skip-fun)
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
'((agenda . " %-12:c%-5:e%?-12t% s")
(timeline . " % s")
(todo . " %-12:c")
(tags . " %-12:c%-5:e")
(search . " %-12:c")))
(defun nd/agenda-base-task-command (match keyword skip-fun)
"shorter syntax to define task agenda commands"
((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat ,keyword " Tasks"))
(org-agenda-skip-function ,skip-fun)
(org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all)
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))))
(defun nd/agenda-base-project-command (match keyword statuscode)
"shorter syntax to define project agenda commands"
((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat
(and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ")
" Projects"))
(concat (and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ") ,keyword " Projects"))
(org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-projects-without-statuscode ,statuscode))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))))
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
"Task View"
((agenda "" nil)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Next Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "NEXT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Waiting Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "WAITING"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Held Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "HOLD"))))
"Project Overview"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Stuck" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Waiting" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Active" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Held" :held)))
"Refile and errors"
((tags "REFILE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Discontinous Project" ''nd/skip-non-discontinuous-project-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Undone Closed" ''nd/skip-non-undone-closed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Done Unclosed" ''nd/skip-non-done-unclosed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Undone Completed" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Done Incompleted" :done-incomplete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Invalid Todostate" :invalid-todostate)))
"Series projects"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Active Series" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Empty Series" :complete)))
"Archivable Tasks and Projects"
((tags "-NA-REFILE/"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Atomic Tasks to Archive")
(org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks)
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil)))
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Archivable Series" :archivable)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC/" "Archivable" :archivable)))))
(let ((task-view-match "-NA-REFILE")
(project-view-match "-NA-REFILE-Project_Type=\"series\"/")
(series-view-match "-NA-REFILE+Project_Type=\"series\"/"))
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
"Task View"
((agenda "" nil)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Next Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "NEXT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Waiting Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "WAIT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Held Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "HOLD"))))
"Project View"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Stuck" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Waiting" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Active" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Held" :held)))
"Series View"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Stuck Series" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Empty Series" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Active Series" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Waiting Series" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Held Series" :held)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command series-view-match "Uninitialized Series" ''nd/skip-non-series-atomic-tasks)))
"Refile and Critical Errors"
((tags "REFILE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Discontinous Project" ''nd/skip-non-discontinuous-project-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Invalid Todostate" :invalid-todostate)))
"Non-critical Errors"
(,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Undone Closed" ''nd/skip-non-undone-closed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Done Unclosed" ''nd/skip-non-done-unclosed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Undone Completed" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Done Incompleted" :done-incomplete)))
"Archivable Tasks and Projects"
(,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Archivable Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Stale" ''nd/skip-non-stale-headings)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Archivable Series" :archivable)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Archivable" :archivable))))))
(evil-define-key 'motion org-agenda-mode-map "T" 'nd/toggle-project-toplevel-display)
@ -781,6 +835,47 @@ test-fun return true"
(setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'nd/org-auto-exclude-function)
(setq org-columns-default-format
"%25ITEM %4TODO %TAGS %3Effort{+} %OWNER(OWN)")
(set-face-attribute 'org-column nil :background "#1e2023")
;; org-columns-summary-types
(defun nd/mark-subtree-keyword (new-keyword &optional exclude)
"marks all tasks in a subtree with keyword unless original keyword
is in the optional argument exclude"
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
(if (not (listp exclude))
(error "exlude must be a list if provided"))
(while (< (point) subtree-end)
(let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(if (and keyword (not (member keyword exclude)))
(org-todo new-keyword)))
(defun nd/mark-subtree-done ()
"marks all tasks in subtree as DONE unless they are already canc"
(nd/mark-subtree-keyword "DONE" '("CANC")))
(defun nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift-reset (n &optional shift)
"Like `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' except it resets checkboxes
and reverts all todo keywords to TODO"
(interactive "nNumber of clones to produce: ")
(let ((shift (read-from-minibuffer
"Date shift per clone (e.g. +1w, empty to copy unchanged): ")))
(condition-case err
(org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift n shift)
(dotimes (i n)
(org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)
(nd/mark-subtree-keyword "TODO")
(error (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))
(use-package calfw-org
:ensure t

View File

@ -369,6 +369,27 @@ vim is all about escape, not...ctrl+g???
(delight 'org-indent-mode)
(setq org-directory "~/Org")
** ui
*** bullets
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-bullets
:ensure t
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode))))
*** font height
the fonts in org headings bug me, make them smaller and less invasive
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height ()
(let ((heading-height 1.15))
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-1 nil :weight 'bold :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-2 nil :weight 'semi-bold :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-3 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-4 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)
(set-face-attribute 'org-level-5 nil :weight 'normal :height heading-height)))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'nd/org-ui-heading-same-font-height)
** evil modes
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;;(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'evil-append)
@ -386,12 +407,19 @@ vim is all about escape, not...ctrl+g???
(setq org-special-ctrl-k t)
(setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t)
*** custom
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x x") 'nd/mark-subtree-done)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x c") 'nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift-reset)))
** todo states
*** sequences
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d)")
(sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)")))
(sequence "WAIT(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANC(c@/!)")))
*** colors
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -399,40 +427,68 @@ vim is all about escape, not...ctrl+g???
(quote (("TODO" :foreground "light coral" :weight bold)
("NEXT" :foreground "khaki" :weight bold)
("DONE" :foreground "light green" :weight bold)
("WAITING" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
("WAIT" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
("HOLD" :foreground "violet" :weight bold)
("CANCELLED" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold))))
("CANC" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold))))
** tags
I use tags for contexts (mostly). The "@" represents location contexts and a mutually exclusive as there is only one of me. The "#" contexts represent tools which must be available.
I use tags for agenda filtering. Very fast and simple.
Each tag here starts with a symbol to define its group. Some groups are mutually exclusive, and each group has a different color.
Any tag that is not part of these groups (eg some filetags in the few cases I use those) is easy to distinguish as it has the default tag color and is all caps.
There are several types of tags I use:
- location: a GTD contexts; these start with "@"
- tools: also a GTD contexts; these start with "#"
- attribute: useful flags for filtering; these start with "%"
- life areas: key areas of life which define priorities and goals; these start with "_"
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-tag-alist '((:startgroup)
("@errand" . ?e)
("@work" . ?w)
("@home" . ?h)
("@travel" . ?f)
("@travel" . ?t)
("#laptop" . ?L)
("#hood" . ?H)
("WORK" . ?W)
("NOTE" . ?N)
("FLAGGED" . ??)))
;; TODO I'm sure there is a better way to do this in lisp
(setq org-tag-faces
'(("@errand" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@work" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@home" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("@travel" . (:foreground "PaleGreen"))
("#laptop" . (:foreground "SkyBlue"))
("#hood" . (:foreground "SkyBlue"))))
("#laptop" . ?L)
("#tcult" . ?T)
("%note" . ?n)
("%subdiv" . ?s)
("_env" . ?E)
("_fin" . ?F)
("_int" . ?I)
("_met" . ?M)
("_phy" . ?H)
("_pro" . ?P)
("_rec" . ?R)
("_soc" . ?S)
;; not the most elegant but this will work
(setq org-tag-faces '())
(defun nd/add-tag-face (fg-name start end)
"Adds list of cons cells to org-tag-faces with foreground set to fg-name.
Start and end specify the positions in org-tag-alist which define the tags
to which the faces are applied"
(dolist (tag (mapcar #'car (subseq org-tag-alist start end)))
(push `(,tag . (:foreground ,fg-name)) org-tag-faces)))
(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGreen" 1 5)
(nd/add-tag-face "SkyBlue" 6 8)
(nd/add-tag-face "PaleGoldenrod" 8 10)
(nd/add-tag-face "violet" 11 19)
** properties
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; this is basically the same as putting the properties at the top of all org files
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "Project_Type")
(setq org-global-properties '(("Project_Type_ALL" . "series")))
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "PROJECT_TYPE")
(add-to-list 'org-default-properties "OWNER")
(setq org-global-properties
'(("Project_Type_ALL" . "series")
("Effort_ALL" . "00 10 30 60 90")))
;; TODO this may not be needed
(setq org-use-property-inheritance '("Project_Type"))
@ -440,7 +496,7 @@ I use tags for contexts (mostly). The "@" represents location contexts and a mut
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-capture-templates
'(("t" "todo" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\ndeliverable: \n%U\n")
("n" "note" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* %? :NOTE:\n%U\n" )
("n" "note" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* %? :\\%note:\n%U\n" )
("a" "appointment" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t\n" )
("m" "multi-day" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t--%^t\n" )
("d" "deadline" entry (file "~/Org/capture.org") "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\ndeliverable:\n%U\n" )
@ -481,19 +537,11 @@ I use tags for contexts (mostly). The "@" represents location contexts and a mut
(not (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-done-keywords)))
(setq org-refile-target-verify-function 'nd/verify-refile-target)
** ui
*** bullets
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-bullets
:ensure t
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode))))
** agenda
*** basic config
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org"
;; (setq org-agenda-files '("~/Org/reference/agendatest.org"))
(setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
@ -501,72 +549,62 @@ I use tags for contexts (mostly). The "@" represents location contexts and a mut
*** task helper functions
These are the building blocks for skip functions.
**** timestamps
Each of these returns the timestamp if found.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun nd/is-todoitem-p ()
"return todo keyword if present in headline (which defines the heading as a todoitem)
this is used to both test if a heading is a todoitem and retrieving the keyword"
(let ((keyword (nth 2 (org-heading-components))))
(if (member keyword org-todo-keywords-1)
(defun nd/get-date-property (date-property)
"Helper function to get the date property and convert to a number.
If it does not have a date, it will return nil."
(let ((timestamp (org-entry-get nil date-property)))
(if timestamp (float-time (date-to-time timestamp)))))
(defun nd/is-project-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is todoitem and has children"
(and (nd/heading-has-children) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is todoitem with no children"
(and (not (nd/heading-has-children)) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-atomic-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is task with no parents"
(and (not (nd/heading-has-parent)) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-project-task-p ()
"return todo keyword if heading is task with parents"
(and (nd/heading-has-parent) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-timestamped-heading-p ()
(nd/get-date-property "TIMESTAMP"))
(defun nd/is-scheduled-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if headline is scheduled"
(org-entry-get nil "SCHEDULED"))
(nd/get-date-property "SCHEDULED"))
(defun nd/is-series-header-p ()
"return t if headline has property Project_Type=series"
(equal "series" (org-entry-get nil "Project_Type")))
(defun nd/is-deadlined-heading-p ()
(nd/get-date-property "DEADLINE"))
(defun nd/is-closed-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if headline is closed"
(let ((timestamp (org-entry-get nil "CLOSED")))
(if timestamp (float-time (date-to-time timestamp)))))
(nd/get-date-property "CLOSED"))
(defun nd/is-stale-heading-p ()
(let ((timestamp (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p)))
(if (and timestamp (> (- (float-time) timestamp) 0))
(defvar nd/archive-delay-days 30
"the number of days to wait before tasks show up in the archive view")
(defun nd/is-archivable-heading-p ()
"return timestamp if todoitem is closed and older than specified time"
(let ((timestamp (nd/is-closed-heading-p)))
;; NOTE we do not ensure that the todo state is in done keywords
;; this is to allow easier error correction in slip functions
(if (and timestamp (> (- (float-time) timestamp) (* 60 60 24 nd/archive-delay-days)))
(defun nd/is-archivable-atomic-task-p ()
"return keyword if heading is an archivable task"
(and (nd/is-archivable-heading-p) (nd/is-atomic-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-archivable-project-p ()
"return keyword if heading is an archivable task"
(and (nd/is-archivable-heading-p) (nd/is-project-p)))
(defun nd/is-active-task-p ()
"return keyword if task is either NEXT or scheduled"
(let ((keyword (nd/is-task-p)))
(if (or (equal keyword "NEXT") (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
**** task level testing
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun nd/is-todoitem-p ()
(let ((keyword (nth 2 (org-heading-components))))
(if (member keyword org-todo-keywords-1)
(defun nd/is-blocked-task-p ()
"return keyword if task is WAITING"
(equal (nd/is-task-p) "WAITING"))
(defun nd/is-project-p ()
(and (nd/heading-has-children) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-task-p ()
(and (not (nd/heading-has-children)) (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(defun nd/is-atomic-task-p ()
(and (not (nd/heading-has-parent)) (nd/is-task-p)))
(defun nd/is-series-heading-p ()
"return t if headline has property Project_Type=series"
(equal "series" (org-entry-get nil "Project_Type" t)))
**** relational testing
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun nd/heading-has-children ()
"returns t if heading has todoitems in its immediate subtree"
;; TODO make this more efficient (and accurate) by only testing
@ -599,12 +637,13 @@ These are the building blocks for skip functions.
(setq has-todoitem-parent t)
(setq has-non-todoitem-parent t))))
(and has-todoitem-parent has-non-todoitem-parent)))
**** project level testing
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defconst nd/project-invalid-todostates
'("WAIT" "NEXT")
"projects cannot have these todostates")
;; project level testing
(defconst nd/project-statuscodes
@ -656,7 +695,7 @@ These are the building blocks for skip functions.
(if (nd/heading-has-children)
(cond ((member keyword nd/project-invalid-todostates) :invalid-todostate)
((nd/is-scheduled-heading-p) :scheduled-project)
((equal keyword "CANCELLED") (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
((equal keyword "CANC") (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
((equal keyword "HOLD") :held)
@ -670,11 +709,11 @@ These are the building blocks for skip functions.
(:archivable (if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
(t (if (= child-statuscode :complete)
(t (if (nd/status= child-statuscode :complete)
(cond ((equal keyword "HOLD") :held)
((equal keyword "WAITING") :waiting)
((equal keyword "WAIT") :waiting)
((equal keyword "NEXT") :active)
((and (equal keyword "TODO") (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p)) :active)
((equal keyword "TODO") :stuck)
@ -699,17 +738,17 @@ These are the building blocks for skip functions.
Note that this assumes the headline being tested is a valid project"
(case statuscode
;; projects closed more than 30 days ago
;; note CANCELLED overrides all subtasks/projects
;; note CANC overrides all subtasks/projects
(if (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)
(or (equal keyword "CANCELLED")
(or (equal keyword "CANC")
(nd/is-project-keyword-status-p "DONE" = :archivable))))
;; projects closed less than 30 days ago
;; note CANCELLED overrides all subtasks/projects
;; note CANC overrides all subtasks/projects
(if (not (nd/is-archivable-heading-p))
(or (equal keyword "CANCELLED")
(or (equal keyword "CANC")
(nd/is-project-keyword-status-p "DONE" = :complete))))
;; projects with no waiting, held, or active components
@ -762,7 +801,7 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
(save-excursion (or (org-end-of-subtree t) (point-max))))
(defconst nd/project-skip-todostates
'("HOLD" "CANC")
"These keywords override all contents within their subtrees.
Currently used to tell skip functions when they can hop over
entire subtrees to save time and ignore tasks")
@ -780,27 +819,50 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
(message keyword)
(if (not (and keyword ,test-fun))
;; stale headings
;; For archiving headings with old timestamps
;; Note that these are not always todo items
;; I only care about those that are not part
;; of projects (projects will get taken care
;; of when the entire project is finished)
;; and those that are not DONE/CANC (as
;; those appear in the regular archive
;; section)
(defun nd/skip-non-stale-headings ()
(let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(if (not
(and (nd/is-stale-heading-p)
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords))
(not (nd/heading-has-children))
(not (nd/heading-has-parent))))
;; atomic tasks
;; by definition these have no parents, so
;; we don't need to worry about skipping over projects
;; any todo state is valid and we only sort by done/cancelled
;; any todo state is valid and we only sort by done/canc
(defun nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks ()
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords))))
(and (not (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-deadlined-heading-p))
(not (member keyword org-done-keywords)))))
(defun nd/skip-non-closed-atomic-tasks ()
(and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
(not (nd/is-archivable-heading)))))
(not (nd/is-archivable-heading-p)))))
(defun nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks ()
(and (member keyword org-done-keywords)
;; project tasks
;; since these are part of projects I need to assess
@ -809,7 +871,7 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
;; Note that I only care about the keyword in these
;; cases because I don't archive these, I archive
;; their parent projects. The keywords I care about
;; are NEXT, WAITING, and HOLD because these are
;; are NEXT, WAIT, and HOLD because these are
;; definitive project tasks that require/inhibit
;; futher action
(defun nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks (skip-keyword)
@ -822,6 +884,9 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
(if (not (and (nd/heading-has-parent)
(not (nd/is-timestamped-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-scheduled-heading-p))
(not (nd/is-deadlined-heading-p))
(equal keyword skip-keyword)))
@ -854,14 +919,11 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
(let ((keyword (nd/is-project-p)))
;; TODO there may be a way to skip over skippable projects
;; and save a few cycles. Not a huge deal, but would require
;; keeping the skippable line and then skipping over the others
;; in one fell swoop, not easy to do efficiently
(if keyword
(if (not (nd/is-project-status-p statuscode))
(if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel
(if (and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel
(if (not (nd/is-project-status-p statuscode))
@ -873,71 +935,83 @@ tags in the custom commands section but I find this easier to maintain and possi
(defun nd/toggle-project-toplevel-display ()
(setq nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel (not nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel))
(when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
(message "Showing %s project view in agenda" (if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "toplevel" "complete")))
(message "Showing %s project view in agenda"
(if nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "toplevel" "complete")))
*** custom commands
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)
(defun nd/agenda-base-task-command (keyword skip-fun)
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
'((agenda . " %-12:c%-5:e%?-12t% s")
(timeline . " % s")
(todo . " %-12:c")
(tags . " %-12:c%-5:e")
(search . " %-12:c")))
(defun nd/agenda-base-task-command (match keyword skip-fun)
"shorter syntax to define task agenda commands"
((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat ,keyword " Tasks"))
(org-agenda-skip-function ,skip-fun)
(org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all)
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))))
(defun nd/agenda-base-project-command (match keyword statuscode)
"shorter syntax to define project agenda commands"
((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat
(and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ")
" Projects"))
(concat (and nd/agenda-limit-project-toplevel "Toplevel ") ,keyword " Projects"))
(org-agenda-skip-function '(nd/skip-projects-without-statuscode ,statuscode))
(org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))))
*** custom commands
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
"Task View"
((agenda "" nil)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Next Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "NEXT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Waiting Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "WAITING"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Held Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "HOLD"))))
"Project Overview"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Stuck" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Waiting" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Active" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Held" :held)))
"Refile and errors"
((tags "REFILE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Discontinous Project" ''nd/skip-non-discontinuous-project-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Undone Closed" ''nd/skip-non-undone-closed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command "Done Unclosed" ''nd/skip-non-done-unclosed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Undone Completed" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Done Incompleted" :done-incomplete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC-Project_Type=\"series\"/" "Invalid Todostate" :invalid-todostate)))
"Series projects"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Active Series" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Empty Series" :complete)))
"Archivable Tasks and Projects"
((tags "-NA-REFILE/"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Atomic Tasks to Archive")
(org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks)
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil)))
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC+Project_Type=\"series\"/!" "Archivable Series" :archivable)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command "-NA-REFILE-ATOMIC/" "Archivable" :archivable)))))
(let ((task-view-match "-NA-REFILE")
(project-view-match "-NA-REFILE-Project_Type=\"series\"/")
(series-view-match "-NA-REFILE+Project_Type=\"series\"/"))
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
"Task View"
((agenda "" nil)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Next Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "NEXT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Waiting Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "WAIT"))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-unclosed-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Held Project" ''(nd/skip-non-keyword-project-tasks "HOLD"))))
"Project View"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Stuck" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Waiting" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Active" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Held" :held)))
"Series View"
(,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Stuck Series" :stuck)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Empty Series" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Active Series" :active)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Waiting Series" :waiting)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Held Series" :held)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command series-view-match "Uninitialized Series" ''nd/skip-non-series-atomic-tasks)))
"Refile and Critical Errors"
((tags "REFILE"
((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile"))
(org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Discontinous Project" ''nd/skip-non-discontinuous-project-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Invalid Todostate" :invalid-todostate)))
"Non-critical Errors"
(,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Undone Closed" ''nd/skip-non-undone-closed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Done Unclosed" ''nd/skip-non-done-unclosed-todoitems)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Undone Completed" :undone-complete)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Done Incompleted" :done-incomplete)))
"Archivable Tasks and Projects"
(,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Archivable Atomic" ''nd/skip-non-archivable-atomic-tasks)
,(nd/agenda-base-task-command task-view-match "Stale" ''nd/skip-non-stale-headings)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command series-view-match "Archivable Series" :archivable)
,(nd/agenda-base-project-command project-view-match "Archivable" :archivable))))))
*** keymap
@ -972,6 +1046,51 @@ the agenda does not do this by default...it's annoying
(setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'nd/org-auto-exclude-function)
** column_view
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-columns-default-format
"%25ITEM %4TODO %TAGS %3Effort{+} %OWNER(OWN)")
(set-face-attribute 'org-column nil :background "#1e2023")
;; org-columns-summary-types
** interactive functions
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun nd/mark-subtree-keyword (new-keyword &optional exclude)
"marks all tasks in a subtree with keyword unless original keyword
is in the optional argument exclude"
(let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))))
(if (not (listp exclude))
(error "exlude must be a list if provided"))
(while (< (point) subtree-end)
(let ((keyword (nd/is-todoitem-p)))
(if (and keyword (not (member keyword exclude)))
(org-todo new-keyword)))
(defun nd/mark-subtree-done ()
"marks all tasks in subtree as DONE unless they are already canc"
(nd/mark-subtree-keyword "DONE" '("CANC")))
(defun nd/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift-reset (n &optional shift)
"Like `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift' except it resets checkboxes
and reverts all todo keywords to TODO"
(interactive "nNumber of clones to produce: ")
(let ((shift (read-from-minibuffer
"Date shift per clone (e.g. +1w, empty to copy unchanged): ")))
(condition-case err
(org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift n shift)
(dotimes (i n)
(org-forward-heading-same-level 1 t)
(nd/mark-subtree-keyword "TODO")
(error (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))
** caldav
+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-caldav