added schemas and data insertion function

This commit is contained in:
ndwarshuis 2018-12-21 21:05:58 -05:00
parent 6fdda4f414
commit 7493676c2c
1 changed files with 106 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2651,16 +2651,118 @@ Org mode is great and all, but in many cases, text files just won't cut it. Hard
"Path for the sqlite database that holds archive data.")
(defun nd/org-init-db ()
"Make a sqlite database for org archive files if it does not exits already."
"Make a sqlite database for org archive files if it does not exist already."
(unless (file-exists-p nd/org-sqlite-db-path)
(process-file-shell-command (concat "touch " nd/org-sqlite-db-path))
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path "create table test(one smallint);")))
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-header-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-state-changes-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-clocking-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-notes-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-deadline-changes-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-schedule-changes-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-properties-schema)
(nd/sql-cmd nd/org-sqlite-db-path nd/org-sqlite-tags-schema)))
(defun nd/sql-cmd (db sql)
"Execute string SQL on database DB using sqlite3 shell command.
"Execute string SQL on database DB executing `sql-sqlite-program'.
Returns the output of CMD. SQL should not contain any quotes as if it
were entered on the shell."
(shell-command-to-string (concat nd/sqlite3-cmd " " db " \"" sql "\"")))
(shell-command-to-string (concat sql-sqlite-program " " db " '" sql "'")))
(defun nd/sql-insert (db tbl data)
"Insert list DATA into TBL in sqlite database DB.
Note that in list DATA, numbers will be converted to strings,
strings will be flanked with '\"', and any other symbols will be
converted to their symbol name."
(let* ((data-str (mapcar
(lambda (d)
(cond ((stringp d) (concat "\"" d "\""))
((numberp d) (number-to-string d))
(t (symbol-name d))))
(data-joined (string-join data-str ",")))
(nd/sql-cmd db (concat "insert into " tbl " values(" data-joined ");"))))
**** schemas
The database is going to hold all header information in the archive files according to these schemas. The data structure consists of one master table =headers= for all headers and and one layer of auxilary tables for information in the property and logging drawers.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-header-schema
"CREATE TABLE headers (
archive_path TEXT,
archive_offset INTEGER,
time_created DATE,
time_closed DATE,
parent_tree INTEGER,
source_path TEXT NOT NULL,
content TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (archive_path, archive_offset ASC));"
"Schema to build the headers table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-clocking-schema
"CREATE TABLE clocking (
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
time_in DATE NOT NULL,
time_out DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the clocking table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-state-changes-schema
"CREATE TABLE state_changes (
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
state_old TEXT NOT NULL,
state_new TEXT NOT NULL,
time_changed DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the state changes table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-tags-schema
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the tags table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-properties-schema
"CREATE TABLE properties (
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
\"key\" TEXT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the properties table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-deadline-changes-schema
"CREATE TABLE deadline_changes (
path TEXT, \"offset\" INTEGER,
time_old DATE NOT NULL,
time_new DATE NOT NULL,
time_changed DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the deadline changes table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-schedule-changes-schema
"CREATE TABLE schedule_changes (
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
time_old DATE NOT NULL,
time_new DATE NOT NULL,
time_changed DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the schedule changes table in the org archive db.")
(defconst nd/org-sqlite-notes-schema
path TEXT,
\"offset\" INTEGER,
contents TEXT,
time_written DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (path, \"offset\") REFERENCES header (archive_path, archive_offset));"
"Schema to build the notes table in the org archive db.")
* tools
** printing