ADD goals agenda view

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-04-14 19:14:14 -04:00
parent ab92f6fbdd
commit 8b96d27892
1 changed files with 85 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -2401,6 +2401,35 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
'x-committedp (and c t))
(defun org-x-dag-itemize-tl-goals (files)
(let ((plan-ids (org-x-dag->current-qtp-ids)))
(id type plannedp fulfilledp committedp)
(let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags nil id))
(leafp (org-x-dag-id->is-buffer-leaf-p id)))
(-> (org-x-dag-format-tag-node tags id)
(org-add-props nil
'x-type type
'x-leafp leafp
'x-plannedp (-intersection plannedp plan-ids)
'x-fulfilledp fulfilledp
'x-committedp committedp)
(org-x-dag-with-ids files
(pcase (either-from-right (org-x-dag-id->bs it) nil)
(`(:lifetime :active)
(-when-let (ns (org-x-dag-id->ns it))
(-let (((&plist :planned p :fulfilled f)
(either-from-right ns nil)))
(mk-item it :lifetime p f nil))))
;; TODO not sure how I want to handle deadlines yet here
(`(:endpoint :active ,_)
(-when-let (ns (org-x-dag-id->ns it))
(-let (((&plist :planned p :fulfilled f :committed c)
(either-from-right ns nil)))
(mk-item it :endpoint p f c)))))))))
(defun org-x-dag--item-add-goal-ids (item ids)
(if ids
(--map (org-add-props (copy-seq item) nil 'x-goal-id it) ids)
@ -3595,8 +3624,27 @@ The title will have the form 'LEVEL1.LEVEL2 STATUS (SUBTITLE)'."
(format "%s.%s %s (%s)" level1 level2 status* subtitle)))
(defmacro org-x-dag-with-advice (adlist &rest body)
"Execute BODY with temporary advice in ADLIST.
Each element of ADLIST should be a list of the form
suitable for passing to `advice-add'. The BODY is wrapped in an
`unwind-protect' form, so the advice will be removed even in the
event of an error or nonlocal exit."
(declare (debug ((&rest (&rest form)) body))
(indent 1))
,@(mapcar (lambda (adform)
(cons 'advice-add adform))
(unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
,@(mapcar (lambda (adform)
`(advice-remove ,(car adform) ,(nth 2 adform)))
(defun org-x-dag-run-series-advice (fun name settings)
((#'org-agenda-list :override #'org-x-dag-show-daily-nodes))
;; TODO why the if?
(-if-let (org-agenda-files (->> (nth 1 settings)
@ -3613,6 +3661,12 @@ The title will have the form 'LEVEL1.LEVEL2 STATUS (SUBTITLE)'."
;; agenda views
;; TODO these functions can't bootstrap themselves in the sense that files won't
;; be known until sync (which happens after `org-agenda-prepare'. The best
;; (maybe?) way around this is to advice `org-agenda-files' (the function) to
;; understand `org-agenda-files' (the variable) as pointing to a function which
;; references files in the dag after the dag is initialized
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-timeblock ()
"Show the timeblock agenda view.
@ -3641,25 +3695,36 @@ In the order of display
(:name "Deadlined" :order 3 :deadline t)
(:name "Scheduled" :order 4 :scheduled t)))))))
;; (defun org-x-dag-agenda-goals ()
;; (interactive)
;; (let ((files (->> (list :lifetime :endpoint :survival)
;; (-map #'org-x-dag->goal-file))))
;; (org-x-dag-agenda-show-nodes "Goals" #'org-x-dag-scan-goals files
;; `((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-up category-keep))
;; (org-super-agenda-groups
;; '((:auto-map
;; (lambda (line)
;; (-let* (((&plist :type :childlessp :toplevelp :parentlessp)
;; (get-text-property 1 'x-goal-status line))
;; (type* (cl-case type
;; (ltg "Lifetime")
;; (epg "Endpoint")))
;; (subtext (cond
;; ((and (eq type 'epg) parentlessp) "Parentless")
;; (childlessp "Childless")
;; ((not toplevelp) "Branch"))))
;; (if subtext (format "%s (%s)" type* subtext) type*))))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-goals ()
(let ((files (->> (list :lifetime :endpoint :survival)
(-map #'org-x-dag->goal-file))))
(org-x-dag-agenda-show-nodes "Goals" #'org-x-dag-itemize-tl-goals files
`((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(user-defined-up category-keep))
(lambda (line)
(-let* ((c (get-text-property 1 'x-committedp line))
(f (get-text-property 1 'x-fulfilledp line))
(p (get-text-property 1 'x-plannedp line))
(l (get-text-property 1 'x-leafp line))
(type (get-text-property 1 'x-type line))
((krank key) (pcase type
(:lifetime '(0 "Lifetime"))
(:endpoint '(1 "Endpoint"))))
((srank subtext)
((and (eq type :endpoint) (not c) p f)
'(0 "Uncommitted"))
((and p f)
'(4 "Fulfilled | Planned"))
((and (not p) f)
'(3 "Fulfilled | Unplanned"))
((and p (not f))
'(2 "Unfulfilled | Planned"))
'(1 "Unfulfilled | Unplanned")))))
(format "%d.%d %s (%s)" krank srank key subtext))))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-tasks ()
"Show the tasks agenda view.