ENH resolve epg deadlines in the network status layer

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Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-04-20 19:00:54 -04:00
parent 65601835f6
commit bb9fbf2ed2
1 changed files with 100 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -1302,9 +1302,6 @@ used for optimization."
;; TODO this needs to eventually propagate deadlines; I want to be able to
;; link epgs to other epgs, which means I won't be able to check deadline
;; fidelity without links being established (which they are here)
(defun org-x-dag-ns-epg (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&alist :lifetime ht-l) ns))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :endpoint links
@ -1314,8 +1311,7 @@ used for optimization."
(-let (((&alist :lifetime l) res)
(d (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-planning adjlist :scheduled id)))
(ht-set this-h id (either :right `(:committed ,l :deadline ,d)))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled l))))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled l))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe (htbl id key)
(-when-let (x (ht-get htbl id))
@ -1332,8 +1328,7 @@ used for optimization."
(->> (--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-e it :committed) e)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :planned))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-e :planned e)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :planned l))))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :planned l))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-wkp (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&alist :quarterly ht-q) ns))
@ -1342,8 +1337,7 @@ used for optimization."
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let (((&alist :quarterly q) res))
(ht-set this-h id (either :right `(:committed ,q)))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-q :planned q))))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-q :planned q))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-action (adjlist links ns)
@ -1383,8 +1377,7 @@ used for optimization."
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-s :fulfilled s)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-e :fulfilled e)
(->> (--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-e it :committed) e)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled)))))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-dlp (sel-date adjlist links ns)
@ -1452,13 +1445,51 @@ used for optimization."
(add-planned id ht-q q)
(add-planned id ht-s s))))))))
;; (defun org-x-dag-ht-map-down-M (adjlist h-key ns get-fun set-fun def-fun)
;; (declare (indent 3))
;; (cl-labels
;; ((propagate
;; (adjlist htbl id to-set)
;; (->> (-if-let (node (ht-get htbl id))
;; (either>>= node (funcall set-fun it to-set))
;; (either :right (funcall def-fun to-set)))
;; (ht-set htbl id))
;; (--each (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id)
;; (propagate adjlist htbl it to-set))))
;; (let ((h (alist-get h-key ns)))
;; (-each (ht-keys h)
;; (lambda (id)
;; (-when-let (xs (funcall get-fun h id))
;; (--each (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id)
;; (propagate adjlist h it xs)))))
;; ns)))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-map-down (adjlist h-key ns get-fun set-fun def-fun)
"Map a network status of a node to its descendents.
ADJLIST is the Org-DAG adjacency list. H-KEY is the key to
retrieve the network status from NS.
GET-FUN is a function to retrieve the value in question from the
network status hash table (type :: Map ID (Either String NS) ->
ID -> Maybe a). For any node which this function returns Just,
the contents of Just will be applied to its descendents using
SET-FUN combines the current value of a descendant node with the
output of GET-FUN with its two arguments respectively (type :: a
-> a -> Either String a). If it \"fails\" it returns Left with an
error message to be applied to the node (which will override a
Right if it is already present in the network table).
If the descendant node has no value, it will be set de novo using
DEF-FUN and the output from GET-FUN (type :: a -> a)."
(declare (indent 3))
(adjlist htbl id to-set)
(->> (-if-let (node (ht-get htbl id))
(either<$> node (funcall set-fun it to-set))
(either>>= node (funcall set-fun it to-set))
(either :right (funcall def-fun to-set)))
(ht-set htbl id))
(--each (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id)
@ -1468,19 +1499,67 @@ used for optimization."
(lambda (id)
(-when-let (xs (funcall get-fun h id))
(--each (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id)
(propagate adjlist h it xs)))))
(propagate adjlist h it xs))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down (adjlist h-key s-key ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist h-key ns
(lambda (h id)
(org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe h id s-key))
(lambda (plist to-set)
(org-x-dag-plist-map (-copy plist) s-key
(lambda (x) (append x to-set))))
(->> (org-x-dag-plist-map (-copy plist) s-key
(lambda (x) (append x to-set)))
(either :right)))
(lambda (to-set)
(list s-key (-copy to-set)))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-propagate-epg-deadline-down (adjlist ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist :action ns
(lambda (h id)
(org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe h id :deadline))
;; "Map deadlines down the tree. If a node doesn't have a deadline,
;; assign it the value of the ancestor. If a node has a deadline, check
;; to make sure it a) has the same precision as the ancestor and b)
;; finishes before the ancestor, else throw an error; if these two
;; conditions pass return the original deadline
(lambda (plist to-set)
(-if-let (this-dead (-some->> (plist-get plist :deadline)
(let ((set-dead (org-ml-timestamp-get-start-time to-set)))
((xor (org-ml-time-is-long this-dead)
(org-ml-time-is-long set-dead))
(->> "EPG has parent with different deadline precision"
(either :left))
((org-x-dag-datetime< set-dead this-dead)
(->> "EPG has deadline the ends after parent deadline"
(either :left)))
(either :right plist)))))
(either :right plist)))
(lambda (to-set)
`(:deadline ,to-set))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-propagate-action-down (adjlist ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist :action ns
(lambda (h id)
(-when-let (a (ht-get h id))
(either-from* a
(-when-let (committed (plist-get it :committed))
`(,committed ,(plist-get it :survivalp))))))
(lambda (plist to-set)
;; copy is needed here for some reason, otherwise other parts of the
;; hash table are affected
(-let* (((committed survivalp) to-set)
(new (-> (-copy plist)
(plist-put :survivalp survivalp)
(org-x-dag-plist-map :committed
(lambda (x) (append x committed))))))
(either :right new)))
(lambda (to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
`(:committed ,committed :survivalp ,survivalp)))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up (adjlist h-key s-key ns)
@ -1502,8 +1581,7 @@ used for optimization."
(let ((h (alist-get h-key ns)))
(--each (ht-keys h)
(propagate h it )))
(propagate h it )))))
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-ids-filter-tags (adjlist tag-getter date ids)
(--filter (equal date (funcall tag-getter (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-tags it))) ids))
@ -1545,11 +1623,12 @@ used for optimization."
(cur-w (cur-links #'org-x-dag-weekly-tags-to-date w))
(cur-d (cur-links #'org-x-dag-daily-tags-to-date d)))
;; add all links to the network status object (ew side effects)
(org-x-dag-ns-ltg l ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-svg s ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-ltg adjlist l ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-svg adjlist s ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-epg adjlist e ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :endpoint :committed ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-epg-deadline-down adjlist ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-qtp adjlist cur-q ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :planned ns)
@ -1560,23 +1639,7 @@ used for optimization."
(org-x-dag-ns-action adjlist a ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :survival :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist :action ns
(lambda (h id)
(either-from* (ht-get h id)
(-when-let (committed (plist-get it :committed))
`(,committed ,(plist-get it :survivalp)))))
(lambda (plist to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
;; copy is needed here for some reason, otherwise other parts of the
;; hash table are affected
(-> (-copy plist)
(plist-put :survivalp survivalp)
(org-x-dag-plist-map :committed
(lambda (x) (append x committed))))))
(lambda (to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
`(:committed ,committed :survivalp ,survivalp))))
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-action-down adjlist ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-dlp sel-date adjlist cur-d ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :action :planned ns))))