ENH make timeblock show conflicts

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-04-23 21:24:07 -04:00
parent d62f97cb85
commit c04359808e
1 changed files with 212 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ used for optimization."
(let* ((line-re (org-x-dag-line-regexp kws))
(pps (--map (cons it (org-re-property it nil t)) target-props))
(id-prop (org-re-property "ID" nil t))
(effort-prop (org-re-property "Effort" nil t))
(next-pos (unless (= ?* (following-char))
;; If not on a headline, check for a property drawer with links in it
@ -540,8 +541,7 @@ used for optimization."
(append this-tags))))
(->> (list :point this-point
:buffer-parent this-buffer-parent
:effort (when this-title
(get-text-property 0 'effort this-title))
:effort (org-x-dag-get-local-property pbeg pend effort-prop)
:level this-level
:todo this-todo
:title (if this-title (substring-no-properties this-title) "")
@ -1731,6 +1731,7 @@ removed from, added to, or edited within the DAG respectively."
(props (->> (pcase group
(:action (list org-x-prop-parent-type
(append def-props)))
(bs-fun (pcase group
@ -1889,6 +1890,13 @@ If FORCE is non-nil, sync no matter what."
"Return file for ID."
(org-x-dag-id->hl-meta-prop id :category))
(defun org-x-dag-id->duration (id)
"Return duration in minutes for ID (if it exists)."
(condition-case nil
(-some->> (org-x-dag-id->hl-meta-prop id :effort)
(defun org-x-dag-id->group (id)
"Return file group for ID.
Return one of seven values: :lifetime, :survival, :endpoint,
@ -1930,6 +1938,9 @@ highest in the tree."
(let ((local-tags (org-x-dag-id->local-tags id)))
`(,@local-tags ,@(ascend id nil)))))
(defun org-x-dag-id->node-properties (id)
(org-x-dag-id->hl-meta-prop id :props))
;; (defun org-x-dag-id->bucket (parent-tags id)
;; (-some->> (org-x-dag-id->tags parent-tags id)
;; (--find (= (elt it 0) org-x-tag-category-prefix))
@ -2078,6 +2089,10 @@ Return value is a list like (BUFFER NON-BUFFER)."
(eq :iter-active)))
(defun org-x-dag-id->has-node-property-p (prop value id)
(->> (alist-get prop (org-x-dag-id->node-properties id) nil nil #'equal)
(equal value)))
;; files to ids
(defun org-x-dag-file->ids (file)
@ -2167,6 +2182,31 @@ Return value is a list like (BUFFER NON-BUFFER)."
"Order in which tags should appear in the agenda buffer (from right to left.")
(defun org-x-dag--group-overlaps (interval-fun xs)
;; worst case = O(N^2) (all conflicts)
;; best case = O(N) (no conflicts)
;; interval function returns a list like (START END) where both are numbers
(acc ss)
(-let* (((acc+ acc-) acc)
(s0 (car ss))
(A (cdr s0)))
(-if-let (rest (cdr ss))
(let ((a1 (cadr (car s0))))
;; add members while if the starting value is less than the ending
;; value of the current member
(-if-let (over (->> (--take-while (< (car (car it)) a1) rest)
(--map (list A (cdr it)))
(get-overlaps `((,@over ,@acc+) ,acc-) rest)
(get-overlaps `(,acc+ (,A ,@acc-)) rest)))
`(,acc+ (,A ,@acc-))))))
(-let (((over non-over) (->> (-annotate interval-fun xs)
(--sort (< (car (car it)) (car (car other))))
(get-overlaps nil))))
(list (nreverse over) (nreverse non-over)))))
(defun org-x-dag-collapse-tags (tags)
"Return TAGS with duplicates removed.
@ -2390,34 +2430,36 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
(time-str (-some->> this-time (apply #'format "%02i:%02i ")))
;; negative diff -> past and vice versa
(diff (org-x-dag-date-diff this-date sel-date))
(extra (funcall extra-fun diff))
(face (funcall face-fun diff))
((date type) (funcall dt-fun diff this-date))
(extra (funcall extra-fun id diff))
(face (funcall face-fun id diff))
((date type) (funcall dt-fun id diff this-date))
(props (org-x-dag-planning-props id face pos date this-date type)))
(-> (org-x-dag-format-item id extra tags time-str)
(org-add-props props))))
(defun org-x-dag-format-scheduled-node (sel-date pos datetime tags id)
(org-x-dag-format-timestamp-node sel-date pos datetime tags id
(lambda (diff)
(lambda (_ diff)
;; hopefully this is right...if it is this seems silly
(-let (((today past) org-agenda-scheduled-leaders))
((= 0 diff) today)
((< diff 0) (format past (- diff)))
(t ""))))
(lambda (diff)
(lambda (_ diff)
((< diff 0) 'org-scheduled-previously)
((= diff 0) 'org-scheduled-today)
(t 'org-scheduled)))
(lambda (diff this-date)
((> diff 0) 'org-scheduled)
((eq (org-x-dag-id->group id) :daily)
(t 'org-scheduled-today)))
(lambda (_ diff this-date)
(if (< diff 0) `(,this-date "past-scheduled")
`(,sel-date "scheduled")))))
(defun org-x-dag-format-deadline-node (sel-date pos datetime tags id)
(org-x-dag-format-timestamp-node sel-date pos datetime tags id
(lambda (diff)
(lambda (_ diff)
(-let* (((now future past) org-agenda-deadline-leaders))
((< 0 diff) (format future diff))
@ -2426,12 +2468,12 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
;; TODO the stock deadline formatter uses the warning time to determine this
;; based on percentage; I'm lazy and don't feel like doing that (now) but I
;; might in the future
(lambda (diff)
(lambda (_ diff)
((< 5 diff) 'org-upcoming-distant-deadline)
((< 1 diff) 'org-upcoming-deadline)
(t 'org-warning)))
(lambda (diff this-date)
(lambda (_ diff this-date)
(if (< 0 diff) `(,sel-date "upcoming-deadline")
`(,this-date "deadline")))))
@ -2772,57 +2814,100 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
;; agenda/calendar
;; TODO add conflict resolution to this
(defun org-x-dag-itemize-agenda (files sel-date)
(todayp sel-date id ts get-datetimes-fun format-datetime-fun)
(let ((pts (org-x-dag-partition-timestamp ts)))
(-when-let (datetimes (funcall get-datetimes-fun sel-date pts))
;; TODO this will show all tasks regardless of if they have a
;; goal/plan or not
(-let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags id))
((&plist :pos) pts)
(donep (org-x-dag-id->is-done-p id)))
(--> datetimes
(--remove (and donep (not (org-x-dag-date= it sel-date))) it)
(if (not todayp) (--remove (org-x-dag-date< it sel-date) it) it)
(--map (funcall format-datetime-fun sel-date pos it tags id) it))))))
(todayp sel-date id ts)
(format-timestamps todayp sel-date id ts
(todayp sel-date id ts)
(format-timestamps todayp sel-date id ts
(id todayp)
(-when-let (dead (org-x-dag-id->planning-timestamp :deadline id))
(format-deadlines todayp sel-date id dead))
(-when-let (sched (org-x-dag-id->planning-timestamp :scheduled id))
(format-scheduleds todayp sel-date id sched)))))
(let ((todayp (= (org-x-dag-date-to-absolute sel-date) (org-today))))
(org-x-dag-with-ids files
(pcase (either-from-right (org-x-dag-id->bs it) nil)
(`(:daily :active (:sched ,sched))
(-when-let (datetime (org-ml-timestamp-get-start-time sched))
(when (org-x-dag-date= sel-date datetime)
(format-scheduleds todayp sel-date it sched))))
(`(:daily :complete ,_)
(-when-let (sched (org-x-dag-id->planning-timestamp :scheduled it))
(when (org-x-dag-date= sel-date (org-ml-timestamp-get-start-time sched))
(format-scheduleds todayp sel-date it sched))))
(`(:sp-task :task-active ,_)
(with-task-ish it todayp))
(`(:sp-task :task-complete ,_)
(with-task-ish it todayp))
(`(:sp-subiter :si-active ,_)
(with-task-ish it todayp))
(`(:sp-subiter :si-complete ,_)
(with-task-ish it todayp)))))))
(let ((todayp (org-x-dag-date= (org-x-dag-current-date) sel-date)))
(donep get-fun pts)
(if donep
(-let (((&plist :datetime) pts))
(when (org-x-dag-date= datetime sel-date)
(-when-let (datetimes (funcall get-fun sel-date pts))
(if todayp datetimes
(--drop-while (org-x-dag-date< it sel-date) datetimes)))))
(donep id which get-fun format-fun)
(-when-let (pts (-some->> (org-x-dag-id->planning-timestamp which id)
(-when-let (ds (get-datetimes donep get-fun pts))
(-let ((tags (org-x-dag-id->tags id))
((&plist :pos) pts))
(--map (list :pos pos :datetime it :tags tags :id id) ds)))))
;; (--map (funcall format-fun sel-date pos it tags id) ds)))))
(donep id)
(format-timestamps donep id :scheduled
(donep id)
(format-timestamps donep id :deadline
(acc id donep)
(-let (((acc-d acc-s) acc)
(ss (format-scheduleds donep id)))
`(,acc-d (,@ss ,@acc-s))))
(acc id donep)
(-let (((acc-d acc-s) acc)
(ds (format-deadlines donep id))
(ss (format-scheduleds donep id)))
`((,@ds ,@acc-d) (,@ss ,@acc-s))))
(acc id)
(pcase (either-from-right (org-x-dag-id->bs id) nil)
(`(:daily :active (:sched ,sched))
(-when-let (dt (org-ml-timestamp-get-start-time sched))
(when (org-x-dag-date= sel-date dt)
(add-sched acc id nil))))
(`(:daily :complete ,_)
(add-sched acc id t))
(`(:sp-task :task-active ,_)
(add-dead-sched acc id nil))
(`(:sp-task :task-complete ,_)
(add-dead-sched acc id t))
(`(:sp-subiter :si-active ,_)
(add-dead-sched acc id nil))
(`(:sp-subiter :si-complete ,_)
(add-dead-sched acc id t))
(_ acc)))
(-let* (((&plist :datetime :id) x)
(duration (or (org-x-dag-id->duration id) 0))
(start (org-ml-time-to-unixtime datetime)))
`(,start ,(+ start (* 60 duration)))))
(fun dtl conflict)
(-let* (((&plist :datetime :id :tags :pos) dtl)
(s (funcall fun sel-date pos datetime tags id)))
(if conflict (org-add-props s nil 'x-conflict-id conflict) s)))
(dtl conflict)
(format-dtl #'org-x-dag-format-deadline-node dtl conflict))
(dtl conflict)
(format-dtl #'org-x-dag-format-scheduled-node dtl conflict))
(-let (((&plist :datetime :id) dtl))
(and (org-ml-time-is-long datetime)
(not (org-x-dag-id->is-done-p id))))))
(-let* (((ds ss) (->> (org-x-dag-files->ids files)
(-reduce-from #'format-id nil)))
((long-ss short-ss) (-separate #'can-conflict-p ss))
((long-ss+ long-ss-)
(org-x-dag--group-overlaps #'get-interval long-ss)))
(--map (format-dead it nil) ds)
(--map (format-sched it nil) (append long-ss- short-ss))
(--map (format-sched (car it) (plist-get (cadr it) :id)) long-ss+)))))))
@ -4046,6 +4131,7 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
((arg start-day span with-hour) (or org-agenda-overriding-arguments
(list nil start-day 'day nil))))
(catch 'exit
;; ASSUME this is run already via `org-agenda-run-series'
(org-agenda-prepare "DAG-DAILY")
(org-compile-prefix-format 'agenda)
(org-set-sorting-strategy 'agenda)
@ -4079,10 +4165,36 @@ FUTURE-LIMIT in a list."
org-last-args (,arg ,start-day ,span)
org-redo-cmd ,org-agenda-redo-command
org-series-cmd ,org-cmd))
;; ASSUME this will be run via `org-agenda-run-series'
(setq buffer-read-only t)))))
;; agenda helper functions
;; agenda helper functions/macros
;; (defmacro org-x-dag-with-raw-headline (agenda-line &rest body)
;; "Execute BODY on original headline referred to with AGENDA-LINE."
;; (declare (indent 1))
;; `(-when-let (marker (get-text-property 1 'org-marker ,agenda-line))
;; (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer marker)
;; (goto-char marker)
;; ,@body)))
;; (defun org-x-dag-mk-super-agenda-pred (body)
;; "Return a predicate function with BODY.
;; The function will be a lambda form that takes one argument, the
;; current agenda line, and executes BODY at the point in the
;; original buffer pointed at by the agenda line."
;; `(lambda (agenda-line)
;; (org-x-dag-with-raw-headline agenda-line ,@body)))
;; (defmacro org-x-dag-def-super-agenda-pred (name &rest body)
;; "Make super agenda predicate form with NAME and BODY.
;; Key-pairs at the end of BODY will be interpreted as a plist to append
;; to the end of the predicate form."
;; (declare (indent 1))
;; (-let* (((pred-body plist) (--split-with (not (keywordp it)) body))
;; (pred (org-x-dag-mk-super-agenda-pred pred-body)))
;; `(quote (:name ,name :pred ,pred ,@plist))))
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-run-series (name files cmds)
(declare (indent 2))
@ -4162,6 +4274,14 @@ event of an error or nonlocal exit."
;; understand `org-agenda-files' (the variable) as pointing to a function which
;; references files in the dag after the dag is initialized
;; TODO put this somewhere more obvious
;; In case this is mysterious, this will tell the agenda prep functions to
;; not scan every single file (possibly multiple times) to "refresh" properties
;; that I don't use. I do use effort, but the DAG builder is set up to parse
;; effort by itself, so not even this is necessary
;; (setq org-agenda-ignore-properties '(effort stats appt category))
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-timeblock ()
"Show the timeblock agenda view.
@ -4170,25 +4290,34 @@ In the order of display
2. daily calendar (for thing that begin today at a specific time)
3. evening tasks (to do immediately before sleeping)"
(let ((files (cons (org-x-dag->planning-file :daily)
(org-x-dag-agenda-call-inner "Timeblock" 'agenda "" files
`((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(time-up deadline-up scheduled-up category-keep))
`(,(nd/org-def-super-agenda-pred "Morning routine"
(org-x-headline-has-property org-x-prop-routine
:order 0)
,(nd/org-def-super-agenda-pred "Evening routine"
(org-x-headline-has-property org-x-prop-routine
:order 2)
(:name "Calendar" :order 1 :time-grid t
:transformer (if (equal (get-text-property 1 'org-category it) "daily")
(propertize it 'face 'org-todo)
(:name "Deadlined" :order 3 :deadline t)
(:name "Scheduled" :order 4 :scheduled t)))))))
(name order prop value)
(let ((f `(lambda (line)
(->> (get-text-property 1 'x-id line)
(org-x-dag-id->has-node-property-p ,prop ,value)))))
`(:name ,name :order ,order :pred ,f))))
(let ((files (cons (org-x-dag->planning-file :daily)
(conflict-fun (lambda (a)
(-when-let (i (get-text-property 1 'x-conflict-id a))
(->> (org-x-dag-id->title i)
(format "Conflict: %s"))))))
(org-x-dag-agenda-call-inner "Timeblock" 'agenda "" files
`((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(time-up category-keep))
'((:auto-map ,conflict-fun :order 5)
,(routine-form "Morning Routine"
,(routine-form "Evening Routine"
(:name "Calendar" :order 1 :time-grid t)
(:name "Deadlined" :order 3 :deadline t)
(:name "Scheduled" :order 4 :scheduled t))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-agenda-goals ()