ADD most of the code for getting network status

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-03-27 20:15:43 -04:00
parent 290c81308e
commit d2ac2212ea
1 changed files with 267 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -1301,7 +1301,9 @@ used for optimization."
;; stack vars
bare-stack node-level bury-level
;; data vars
this-id this-level this-todo this-tags this-pblock pbeg pend acc)
this-id this-level this-todo this-tags this-links this-pblock pbeg pend
;; return
acc acc-links)
(when first-hl
(goto-char first-hl))
(while (looking-at line-re)
@ -1333,7 +1335,11 @@ used for optimization."
pbeg (nth 1 this-pblock)
pend (nth 2 this-pblock)
this-id (org-x-dag-get-local-property pbeg pend id-prop)))
(setq bury-level nil)
(setq bury-level nil
this-links (or (org-x-dag-get-parent-links (nth 3 this-pblock)
(unless node-level
(nth 2 (car bare-stack)))))
(when this-tags
(setq this-tags (split-string this-tags ":")))
(when (and (not node-level) bare-stack)
@ -1342,20 +1348,18 @@ used for optimization."
(append this-tags))))
(-> (list
:id this-id
:parents (or (org-x-dag-get-parent-links (nth 3 this-pblock)
(unless node-level
(nth 2 (car bare-stack))))
:parents this-links
:point this-point
:level this-level
:todo this-todo
:title (or this-title "")
:tags this-tags
:planning (org-x-dag-parse-this-planning (nth 0 this-pblock))
:props (org-x-dag-get-local-properties pbeg pend pps)))
:point ,this-point
:level ,this-level
:todo ,this-todo
:title ,(or this-title "")
:tags ,this-tags
:planning ,(org-x-dag-parse-this-planning (nth 0 this-pblock))
:props ,(org-x-dag-get-local-properties pbeg pend pps)))
(!cons acc))
(!cons (cons this-id this-links) acc-links)
(setq node-level this-level))
;; Underneath a node but not on a node, therefore we are buried
@ -1373,7 +1377,7 @@ used for optimization."
(!cons bare-stack)))))
(goto-char next-pos))
(nreverse acc)))
(list (nreverse acc) acc-links)))
(defun org-x-dag-buffer-nodes-to-tree (nodes)
@ -1955,28 +1959,251 @@ used for optimization."
(org-x-dag-bs-prefix :daily `(,n ,@ns))))
(defun org-x-dag-get-file-nodes (file group)
(let* ((meta (list :file file
:group group
:category (f-base file)))
(def-props `(,org-x-prop-created))
(props (->> (pcase group
(:action (list org-x-prop-parent-type
(append def-props)))
(bs-fun (pcase group
(:action #'org-x-dag-bs-action)
(:lifetime #'org-x-dag-bs-ltg)
(:survival #'org-x-dag-bs-svg)
(:endpoint #'org-x-dag-bs-epg)
(:quarterly #'org-x-dag-bs-qtp)
(:weekly #'org-x-dag-bs-wkp)
(:daily #'org-x-dag-bs-dlp)))
(org-x-with-file file
(org-x-dag-get-buffer-nodes meta org-todo-keywords-1 props))))
(->> (org-x-dag-buffer-nodes-to-tree nodes)
(-mapcat bs-fun))))
(-let* ((meta (list :file file
:group group
:category (f-base file)))
(def-props `(,org-x-prop-created))
(props (->> (pcase group
(:action (list org-x-prop-parent-type
(append def-props)))
(bs-fun (pcase group
(:action #'org-x-dag-bs-action)
(:lifetime #'org-x-dag-bs-ltg)
(:survival #'org-x-dag-bs-svg)
(:endpoint #'org-x-dag-bs-epg)
(:quarterly #'org-x-dag-bs-qtp)
(:weekly #'org-x-dag-bs-wkp)
(:daily #'org-x-dag-bs-dlp)))
((nodes links)
(org-x-with-file file
(org-x-dag-get-buffer-nodes meta org-todo-keywords-1 props))))
(list (->> (org-x-dag-buffer-nodes-to-tree nodes)
(-mapcat bs-fun))
;; network status
(defun org-x-dag-id-link-group (adjlist id)
(-> (ht-get adjlist id)
(plist-get :node-meta)
(plist-get :hl-meta)
(plist-get :group)))
(defun org-x-dag-plist-map (plist key fun)
(declare (indent 2))
(plist-set (funcall fun (plist-get plist key)) key))
(defun org-x-dag-plist-cons (plist key x)
(declare (indent 2))
(org-x-dag-plist-map plist key
(lambda (xs)
(cons x xs))))
(defmacro org-x-dag-each-links (links form)
(declare (indent 1))
`(--each links
(-let (((it . it-targets) it))
(defmacro org-x-dag-each-link-parent (parent-ht links form)
(declare (indent 2))
`(-each links
(lambda (it-parent)
(->> (org-x-dag-bs-fmap (ht-get parent-ht it-parent) ,form)
(ht-set ht-parent parent)))))
(defun org-x-dag-bs-error-links (msg links)
(->> (s-join ", " links)
(format "%s: %s" msg)
(org-x-dag-bs :error)))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-toplevel (tbl adjlist links ns)
(let ((h (plist-get ns tbl)))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(ht-set h it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" it-targets)))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-ltg (adjlist links ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-toplevel :lifetime adjlist links ns))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-svg (adjlist links ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-toplevel :survival adjlist links ns))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-epg (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&plist :lifetime ht-l :endpoint ht-e) ns))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(-let (((valid invalid)
(--split-with (eq :lifetime (org-x-dag-id-link-group it)) it-targets)))
(if invalid
(ht-set ht-e it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" invalid))
(-let (((invalid valid)
(--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-l it)) valid)))
(if invalid
(->> invalid
(org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links")
(ht-set ht-e it))
(->> (list :committed valid
:fulfilled nil
:planned nil)
(org-x-dag-bs :valid)
(ht-set ht-e it))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-l valid
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :fulfilled parent)))))))
;; TODO propagate links downward
(defun org-x-dag-ns-qtp (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&plist :lifetime ht-l :endpoint ht-e :quarterly ht-q) ns))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(-let (((&plist :endpoint pe :lifetime pl :invalid i)
(--group-by (let ((g (org-x-dag-id-link-group it)))
(if (member g '(:endpoint :lifetime)) g :invalid))
(if i (ht-set ht-q it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" i))
(-let (((e- e+) (--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-e it)) pe))
((l- l+) (--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-l it)) pl)))
(if (or e- l-)
(->> `(,@e- ,@l-)
(org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links")
(ht-set ht-e it))
(->> (list :committed `(,@e+ ,@l+) :planned nil)
(org-x-dag-bs :valid)
(ht-set ht-e it))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-e e+
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-l (plist it :committed)
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent))
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent)))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-l l+
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent)))))))
;; TODO propagate links downward
(defun org-x-dag-ns-wkp (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&plist :weekly ht-w :quarterly ht-q) ns))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(-let (((valid invalid)
(--split-with (eq :quarterly (org-x-dag-id-link-group it))
(if invalid
(ht-set ht-w it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" invalid))
(-let (((invalid valid)
(--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-w it)) valid))
(if invalid
(->> invalid
(org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links")
(ht-set ht-w it))
(->> (list :committed valid :planned nil)
(org-x-dag-bs :valid)
(ht-set ht-w it))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-q valid
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent))))))))
;; TODO propagate links downward
(defun org-x-dag-ns-action (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&plist :action ht-a :endpoint ht-e :lifetime ht-l :survival ht-s) ns))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(-let (((&plist :endpoint pe :lifetime pl :survival ps :invalid i)
(--group-by (let ((g (org-x-dag-id-link-group it)))
(if (member g '(:endpoint :lifetime :survival))
g :invalid))
(if i (ht-set ht-w it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" i))
(-let (((e- e+) (--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-e it)) pe))
((l- l+) (--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-l it)) pl))
((s- s+) (--split-with (org-x-dag-bs-error-p (ht-get ht-s it)) ps)))
(if (or e- l- s-)
(->> `(,@e- ,@l- ,@s-)
(org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links")
(ht-set ht-w it))
(->> (list :scheduled `(,@e+ ,@l+ ,@s+) :planned nil)
(org-x-dag-bs :valid)
(ht-set ht-w it))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-e e+
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-l (plist it :committed)
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent))
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent)))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-l l+
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :fulfilled parent))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-s s+
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :fulfilled parent)))))))
;; TODO propagate links downward
(defun org-x-dag-ns-daily (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&plist :daily ht-d
:action ht-a
:quarterly ht-q
:weekly ht-w)
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(-let (((&plist :action pa :weekly pw :invalid i)
(--group-by (let ((g (org-x-dag-id-link-group it)))
(if (member g '(:action :weekly))
g :invalid))
(if i (ht-set ht-d it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" i))
(-let* ((as (ht-get ht-a it))
(ws (ht-get ht-w it))
((w- w+) (-split-with #'org-x-dag-bs-error-p ws))
((a- a+) (-split-with #'org-x-dag-bs-error-p as)))
(if (or a- w-)
(->> `(,@a- ,@w-)
(org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links")
(ht-set ht-d it))
(let ((qgoals (--mapcat (plist-get (ht-get ht-q it) :committed) w+))
(agoals (--mapcat (plist-get (ht-get ht-a it) :committed) a+)))
(-if-let (gs (-intesection qgoals agoals))
(->> (list :scheduled w+
:committed gs
:active a+)
(org-x-dag-bs :valid)
(ht-set ht-d it))
;; TODO add the goals to their goal links? (this might be
;; useful later when displaying)
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-w w+
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent))
(org-x-dag-each-link-parent ht-a a+
(org-x-dag-plist-cons it :planned parent)))
(ht-set ht-d it (org-x-dag-bs :error "Non overlapping goals")))))))))
;; TODO propagate links downward
(defun org-x-dag-get-network-status (adjlist links)
(adjlist link)
(-> (ht-get adjlist (car id))
(plist-get :node-meta)
(plist-get :hl-meta)
(plist-get :group))))
(-let ((ns (--map (cons it (ht-create #'equal)) (list :action
((&plist :action a
:endpoint e
:lifetime l
:survival s
:quarterly q
:weekly w
:daily d)
(->> (org-x-dag-ns-ltg adjlist l ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-svg adjlist s ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-epg adjlist e ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-qtp adjlist q ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-wkp adjlist w ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-action adjlist a ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-dlp adjlist d ns)))))
@ -2025,11 +2252,11 @@ removed from, added to, or edited within the DAG respectively."
(acc filedata)
(-let* (((&plist :path :group) filedata)
((acc-ids acc-filemaps acc-links) acc)
(ids (org-x-dag-get-file-nodes path group))
((ids links) (org-x-dag-get-file-nodes path group))
(filemap (cons path (--map (plist-get :id it) ids))))
`((,@ids ,@acc-ids)
(,filemap ,@acc-filemaps)))))
;; (,@links ,@acc-links)))))
(,filemap ,@acc-filemaps)
(,@(--map (cons group it) links) ,@acc-links)))))
(-reduce-from #'append-results nil files)))
;; TODO what about all the nodes that don't need to be updated?