ENH make daily node network status more nuanced

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Dwarshuis 2022-04-18 23:23:31 -04:00
parent 15217aa752
commit fdb76e6e43
2 changed files with 248 additions and 118 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
(require 'dash)
;; type constructor
(defmacro either (key data)
"Make an either type.
@ -32,6 +34,8 @@ left/right slot."
((or :left :right) `(list ,key ,data))
(_ (error "Invalid status key: %s" key))))
;; monad-y things
(defmacro either>>= (either form)
"Bind EITHER to FORM where the right slot is bound to 'it'."
(declare (indent 1))
@ -40,6 +44,23 @@ left/right slot."
(`(:right ,it) ,form)
(e (error "Learn to use monads, dummy; this isn't one: %s" e))))
(defun either-foldM (fun init xs)
"Mondically apply FUN to XS (a list).
INIT is the starting value to use for FUN, which takes two
arguments (the accumulator and the next value) and returns an
(let ((acc (either :right init)))
(while (and xs (either-is-right-p acc))
(setq acc (funcall fun (cadr acc) (car xs)))
(!cdr xs))
(defmacro either-foldM* (form init xs)
`(either-foldM (lambda (acc it) ,form) ,init ,xs))
;; Data.Either ripoff things
(defun either-is-left-p (either)
"Return t if EITHER is a left."
(eq (car either) :left))

View File

@ -1196,6 +1196,78 @@ used for optimization."
(either :right `(,key (,id))))
(ht-set htbl it)))))
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-id-node-meta (adjlist id)
(-> (ht-get adjlist id)
(plist-get :node-meta)))
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta (adjlist id)
(-> (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-node-meta adjlist id)
(plist-get :hl-meta)))
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta-prop (adjlist prop id)
(-> (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta adjlist id)
(plist-get prop)))
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-id-tags (adjlist id)
(org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta-prop adjlist :tags id))
(defun org-x-dag-get-children (adjlist id)
(->> (plist-get (ht-get adjlist id) :children)
(--filter (-> (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta adjlist it)
(plist-get :buffer-parent)
(equal id)))))
;; (defun org-x-dag-ns-with-valid (ns adjlist cur-key links keypairs valid-fun)
;; (declare (indent 4))
;; (cl-flet*
;; ((key-group
;; (keys id)
;; (let ((g (org-x-dag-id-link-group adjlist id)))
;; (if (member g keys) g :invalid)))
;; (parent-group
;; (h permitleafp adjlist id)
;; (cond
;; ((either-is-left-p (ht-get h id))
;; :error)
;; ((and (not permitleafp) (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id))
;; :non-leaf)
;; (t :valid)))
;; (reduce-valid
;; (grouped-targets acc keypair)
;; (-let* (((key . permitleafp) keypair)
;; ((acc-keyed acc-error acc-non-leaf) acc)
;; (h (alist-get key ns))
;; ((&alist :valid v :error e :non-leaf n)
;; (->> (alist-get key grouped-targets)
;; (--group-by (parent-group h permitleafp adjlist it)))))
;; `(((,key ,@v) ,@acc-keyed)
;; (,@e ,@acc-error)
;; (,@n ,@acc-non-leaf)))))
;; (org-x-dag-each-links links
;; (let* ((keys (-map #'car keypairs))
;; (grouped (--group-by (key-group keys it) it-targets))
;; (cur-h (alist-get cur-key ns)))
;; (-if-let (invalid (alist-get :invalid grouped))
;; (ht-set cur-h it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" invalid))
;; (-let (((valid err non-leaf)
;; ;; TODO this could be more efficient if we break early when
;; ;; encountering an error/non-leaf node
;; (--reduce-from (reduce-valid grouped acc it) nil keypairs)))
;; (cond
;; (err
;; (->> (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links" err)
;; (ht-set cur-h it)))
;; (non-leaf
;; (->> (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to non-leaf nodes" non-leaf)
;; (ht-set cur-h it)))
;; (t
;; (funcall valid-fun it cur-h valid)))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p (adjlist id)
(if (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id)
(either :left "Linked to non-leaf node")
(either :right id)))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-with-valid (ns adjlist cur-key links keypairs valid-fun)
(declare (indent 4))
@ -1203,42 +1275,38 @@ used for optimization."
(keys id)
(let ((g (org-x-dag-id-link-group adjlist id)))
(if (member g keys) g :invalid)))
(h permitleafp adjlist id)
(h valid-fun acc id)
((either-is-left-p (ht-get h id))
((and (not permitleafp) (org-x-dag-get-children adjlist id))
(t :valid)))
(either :left "Linked to invalid links"))
;; NOTE this valid-fun doesn't just have to return a Right ID upon
;; success, it can return a Right anything which might be useful
;; downstream
(-> (funcall valid-fun adjlist id)
(either<$> (cons it acc))))
(either :right (cons id acc)))))
(grouped-targets acc keypair)
(-let* (((key . permitleafp) keypair)
((acc-keyed acc-error acc-non-leaf) acc)
(-let* (((key valid-fun) keypair)
(h (alist-get key ns))
((&alist :valid v :error e :non-leaf n)
(->> (alist-get key grouped-targets)
(--group-by (parent-group h permitleafp adjlist it)))))
`(((,key ,@v) ,@acc-keyed)
(,@e ,@acc-error)
(,@n ,@acc-non-leaf)))))
(new (->> (alist-get key grouped-targets)
(either-foldM* (id-is-valid h valid-fun acc it) nil))))
(either<$> new `((,key ,@it) ,@acc)))))
(org-x-dag-each-links links
(let* ((keys (-map #'car keypairs))
(grouped (--group-by (key-group keys it) it-targets))
(cur-h (alist-get cur-key ns)))
(-if-let (invalid (alist-get :invalid grouped))
(ht-set cur-h it (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Invalid links" invalid))
(-let (((valid err non-leaf)
(--reduce-from (reduce-valid grouped acc it) nil keypairs)))
(->> (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to invalid links" err)
(ht-set cur-h it)))
(->> (org-x-dag-bs-error-links "Linked to non-leaf nodes" non-leaf)
(ht-set cur-h it)))
(funcall valid-fun it cur-h valid)))))))))
(let ((x (either-foldM* (reduce-valid grouped acc it) nil keypairs)))
(either-from x
(lambda (_)
(ht-set cur-h it x))
(lambda (valid-ids)
(funcall valid-fun it cur-h valid-ids)))))))))
;; TODO this needs to eventually propagate deadlines; I want to be able to
;; link epgs to other epgs, which means I won't be able to check deadline
@ -1246,7 +1314,7 @@ used for optimization."
(defun org-x-dag-ns-epg (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&alist :lifetime ht-l) ns))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :endpoint links
'((:lifetime org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let (((&alist :lifetime l) res))
(ht-set this-h id (either :right `(:committed ,l)))
@ -1260,7 +1328,8 @@ used for optimization."
(defun org-x-dag-ns-qtp (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&alist :lifetime ht-l :endpoint ht-e) ns))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :quarterly links
'((:lifetime) (:endpoint))
'((:lifetime org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
(:endpoint org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let (((&alist :lifetime l :endpoint e) res))
(ht-set this-h id (either :right `(:committed (,@e ,@l))))
@ -1273,7 +1342,7 @@ used for optimization."
(defun org-x-dag-ns-wkp (adjlist links ns)
(-let (((&alist :quarterly ht-q) ns))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :weekly links
'((:quarterly org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let (((&alist :quarterly q) res))
(ht-set this-h id (either :right `(:committed ,q)))
@ -1291,7 +1360,9 @@ used for optimization."
:quarterly ht-q)
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :action links
'((:survival) (:endpoint) (:lifetime))
'((:survival org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
(:endpoint org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p)
(:lifetime org-x-dag-ns-is-leaf-p))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let* (((&alist :survival s :endpoint e :lifetime l) res)
@ -1314,44 +1385,64 @@ used for optimization."
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-l :fulfilled)))))
(defun org-x-dag-ns-dlp (adjlist links ns)
(defun org-x-dag-ns-dlp (sel-date adjlist links ns)
(htbl ids)
(--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe htbl it :committed) ids)))
(-let (((&alist :action ht-a :quarterly ht-q :weekly ht-w) ns))
(id htbl res)
(->> (--mapcat (nth 1) res)
;; TODO ':planned' might not be the best name for these
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id htbl :planned))))
(-let* (((&alist :lifetime ht-l
:endpoint ht-e
:survival ht-s
:action ht-a
:quarterly ht-q
:weekly ht-w)
(lambda (id)
(let* ((c (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-a id :committed))
;; TODO this is lame
(e (--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-e it :planned) c))
(l (--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-l it :planned) c)))
(-union e l))))
(lambda (adjlist id)
(-if-let (sched (-some->> (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-hl-meta-prop adjlist :planning id)
(org-ml-get-property :scheduled)
;; ASSUME if the node's timestamp does not coincide with the
;; actual day in the plan it will be reflected in the buffer
;; status
(-let (((_ time) (org-x-dag-datetime-split sched)))
(if time
(either :left "Linked to action with HH:MM timestamp")
(if (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-a id :survivalp)
;; ASSUME (for now) that if survival flag is t
;; then there will be at least one goal (which
;; means this action is committed)
(let ((s (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-a id :committed)))
(either :right `(,id :survival ,s)))
(-if-let (q (funcall get-planned id))
(either :right `(,id :quarterly ,q))
(->> "Linked to scheduled action that isn't on QTP"
(either :left))))))
(-if-let (w (->> (funcall get-planned id)
(--mapcat (org-x-dag-ht-get-maybe ht-q it :planned))))
(either :right `(,id :weekly ,w))
(->> "Linked to unscheduled action that isn't on WKP"
(either :left)))))))
(org-x-dag-ns-with-valid ns adjlist :daily links
'((:action t) (:weekly))
`((:action ,is-valid-action))
(lambda (id this-h res)
(-let (((&alist :action a :weekly w) res))
(let ((qgoals (->> (get-committed ht-w w)
(get-committed ht-q)))
(agoals (get-committed ht-a a)))
;; TODO this check doesn't matter for survival goals since
;; those won't be on the quarterly plan
;; (-if-let (gs (-intersection qgoals agoals))
(->> (list :scheduled w
;; :committed (-uniq gs)
:committed (-uniq (append qgoals agoals))
:active a)
(either :right)
(ht-set this-h id))
;; TODO add the goals to their goal links? (this might be
;; useful later when displaying)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-w :planned w)
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-a :planned a))))))
;; (->> (either :left "Non overlapping goals")
;; (ht-set this-h id)))))))
(defun org-x-dag-get-children (adjlist id)
(->> (plist-get (ht-get adjlist id) :children)
(--filter (-> (ht-get adjlist it)
(plist-get :node-meta)
(plist-get :hl-meta)
(plist-get :buffer-parent)
(equal id)))))
(-let (((&alist :action a) res))
(org-x-dag-ht-add-links id ht-a :planned (-map #'car a))
(-let (((&alist :weekly w :quarterly q :survival s)
(--group-by (nth 1 it) a)))
(add-planned id ht-w w)
(add-planned id ht-q q)
(add-planned id ht-s s))))))))
(defun org-x-dag-ht-map-down (adjlist h-key ns get-fun set-fun def-fun)
(declare (indent 3))
@ -1406,63 +1497,81 @@ used for optimization."
(propagate h it )))
(defun org-x-dag-get-network-status (adjlist links)
(-let ((ns (->> (list :action
(--map (cons it (ht-create #'equal)))))
((&plist :action a
:endpoint e
:lifetime l
:survival s
:quarterly q
:weekly w
:daily d)
(--reduce-from (-let* (((group . links) it)
(acc-links (plist-get acc group)))
(plist-put acc group (append acc-links links)))
;; add all links to the network status object (ew side effects)
(org-x-dag-ns-ltg l ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-svg s ns)
(defun org-x-dag-adjlist-ids-filter-tags (adjlist tag-getter date ids)
(--filter (equal date (funcall tag-getter (org-x-dag-adjlist-id-tags it))) ids))
(org-x-dag-ns-epg adjlist e ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :endpoint :committed ns)
(defun org-x-dag-get-network-status (sel-date adjlist links)
(tag-fun links)
(--filter (equal sel-date (->> (car it)
(org-x-dag-adjlist-id-tags adjlist)
(funcall tag-fun)))
(-let* ((ns (->> (list :action
(--map (cons it (ht-create #'equal)))))
((&plist :action a
:endpoint e
:lifetime l
:survival s
:quarterly q
:weekly w
:daily d)
(--reduce-from (-let* (((group . links) it)
(acc-links (plist-get acc group)))
(plist-put acc group (append acc-links links)))
;; Filter all planning nodes to be on/within the current date. After
;; this I can assume that any time a planning node shows up anywhere
;; it is on the current plan, and I don't need to do any downstream
;; processing to distinguish between current and not current. Bonus,
;; this is much faster (less stuff to deal with)
(cur-q (cur-links #'org-x-dag-quarter-tags-to-date q))
(cur-w (cur-links #'org-x-dag-weekly-tags-to-date w))
(cur-d (cur-links #'org-x-dag-daily-tags-to-date d)))
;; add all links to the network status object (ew side effects)
(org-x-dag-ns-ltg l ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-svg s ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-qtp adjlist q ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :planned ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :survival :planned ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-epg adjlist e ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :endpoint :committed ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-wkp adjlist w ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-qtp adjlist cur-q ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :planned ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :survival :planned ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-action adjlist a ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :survival :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-wkp adjlist cur-w ns)
(org-x-dag-ns-dlp adjlist d ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :action :planned ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist :action ns
(lambda (h id)
(either-from* (ht-get h id)
(-when-let (committed (plist-get it :committed))
`(,committed ,(plist-get it :survivalp)))))
(lambda (plist to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
;; copy is needed here for some reason, otherwise other parts of the
;; hash table are affected
(-> (-copy plist)
(plist-put :survivalp survivalp)
(org-x-dag-plist-map :committed
(lambda (x) (append x committed))))))
(lambda (to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
`(:committed ,committed :survivalp ,survivalp))))))
(org-x-dag-ns-action adjlist a ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :lifetime :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-up adjlist :survival :fulfilled ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-map-down adjlist :action ns
(lambda (h id)
(either-from* (ht-get h id)
(-when-let (committed (plist-get it :committed))
`(,committed ,(plist-get it :survivalp)))))
(lambda (plist to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
;; copy is needed here for some reason, otherwise other parts of the
;; hash table are affected
(-> (-copy plist)
(plist-put :survivalp survivalp)
(org-x-dag-plist-map :committed
(lambda (x) (append x committed))))))
(lambda (to-set)
(-let (((committed survivalp) to-set))
`(:committed ,committed :survivalp ,survivalp))))
(org-x-dag-ns-dlp sel-date adjlist cur-d ns)
(org-x-dag-ht-propagate-down adjlist :action :planned ns))))
;; global pipeline control
@ -1587,7 +1696,7 @@ removed from, added to, or edited within the DAG respectively."
TO-REMOVE, TO-INSERT, and TO-UPDATE are lists of files to remove
from, add to, and update with the DAG. FILE-STATE is a nested
plist holding the files to be used in the DAG."
(-let* (((&plist :dag :file->ids :file->links) org-x-dag)
(-let* (((&plist :dag :file->ids :file->links :selected-date) org-x-dag)
(files2rem (append to-update to-remove))
(files2ins (append to-update to-insert))
(ids2rem (org-x-dag-files->ids files2rem))
@ -1601,7 +1710,7 @@ plist holding the files to be used in the DAG."
(let ((adjlist (dag-get-adjacency-list (plist-get org-x-dag :dag))))
(->> (plist-get org-x-dag :file->links)
(org-x-dag-get-network-status adjlist)
(org-x-dag-get-network-status selected-date adjlist)
(plist-put org-x-dag :netstat)))))
(defun org-x-dag-sync (&optional force)