work in progress * ui ** remove garbage *** startup screen #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq inhibit-startup-screen t) #+END_SRC *** useless mouse widgets #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (tool-bar-mode -1) (menu-bar-mode -1) (scroll-bar-mode -1) #+END_SRC *** line wrap #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (set-default 'truncate-lines t) #+END_SRC *** autosave/backup files #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq make-backup-files nil) (setq auto-save-default nil) #+END_SRC *** popup windows #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq pop-up-windows nil) ; no popups (eg ediff) #+END_SRC ** pretty stuff *** enable line/column numbering #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ;; (global-linum-mode t) (line-number-mode 1) (column-number-mode 1) #+END_SRC *** tab width #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq-default tab-width 4) #+END_SRC *** smooth scrolling #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq scroll-conservatively 100) #+END_SRC *** pretty symbols #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (when window-system (global-prettify-symbols-mode t)) #+END_SRC *** highlight current line #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (when window-system (global-hl-line-mode t)) #+END_SRC ** yes-no prompt enhancement #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; eliminate yes or no prompt on killing procs #+END_SRC ** theme color selection need this to: a) apply the gui theme if gui is loaded as client and b) ensure that the reloaded theme is only applied to the current frame NOTE: this only works if we start term after gui, and term has light bg. not big deal for now since I hardly ever use term as client #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defvar my:theme 'spacemacs-dark) (defvar my:theme-window-loaded nil) (defvar my:theme-terminal-loaded nil) (if (daemonp) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions(lambda (frame) (select-frame frame) (if (window-system frame) (unless my:theme-window-loaded (if my:theme-terminal-loaded (enable-theme my:theme) (load-theme my:theme t)) (setq my:theme-window-loaded t)) (unless my:theme-terminal-loaded (if my:theme-window-loaded (enable-theme my:theme) (load-theme my:theme t)) (setq my:theme-terminal-loaded t))))) (progn (load-theme my:theme t) (if (display-graphic-p) (setq my:theme-window-loaded t) (setq my:theme-terminal-loaded t)))) #+END_SRC * modeline #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package spaceline :ensure t :config (require 'spaceline-config) (setq powerline-default-separator (quote arrow)) (spaceline-spacemacs-theme) (setq spaceline-buffer-size-p nil)) #+END_SRC ** dashboard #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package dashboard :ensure t :config (dashboard-setup-startup-hook) (setq dashboard-items '((recents . 10)))) #+END_SRC * keybindings ** apropros #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-h a") 'apropos) #+END_SRC * printing ** * packages ** delight #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package delight :ensure t) #+END_SRC ** beacon #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package beacon :ensure t :delight :init (beacon-mode 1)) #+END_SRC ** whichkey #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package which-key :ensure t :delight :init (which-key-mode)) #+END_SRC ** ido #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package ido :ensure t :bind ("C-x C-b" . 'ido-switch-buffer) ("C-x b" . 'ibuffer) :config (ido-mode 1) (setq ido-everywhere t) (setq ido-enable-flex-matching t) (setq ido-max-directory-size 100000) (setq ido-default-file-method 'selected-window) (setq ido-default-buffer-method 'selected-window) (use-package ido-vertical-mode :ensure t :init (ido-vertical-mode 1) (setq ido-vertical-define-keys 'C-n-and-C-p-only))) ;; (setq ido-file-extensions-order '(".org" ".txt" ".py" ".emacs" ".xml" ".el" ".ini" ".cfg" ".cnf")) #+END_SRC ** smex #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package smex :ensure t :init (smex-initialize) :bind ("M-x" . 'smex) ("M-X" . 'smex-major-mode-commands)) #+END_SRC ** rainbow-delimiters #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package rainbow-delimiters :ensure t :delight :init (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode)) #+END_SRC ** ace-window #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package ace-window :ensure t :bind ("M-o" . ace-window) :config (setq aw-background nil)) #+END_SRC ** avy #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package avy :ensure t :bind ("M-s" . avy-goto-char) :config (setq avy-background t)) #+END_SRC ** sudo edit #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package sudo-edit :ensure t :bind ("C-c s" . sudo-edit)) #+END_SRC ** typit #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package typit :init :ensure t) #+END_SRC ** calfw #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package calfw :init :ensure t) #+END_SRC ** evil *** packages #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package evil :ensure t :config (evil-mode 1) (use-package evil-org :ensure t :after org :delight :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'evil-org-mode) (add-hook 'evil-org-mode-hook (lambda () (evil-org-set-key-theme))) (require 'evil-org-agenda) (evil-org-agenda-set-keys))) #+END_SRC *** keybindings vim is all about escape, not...ctrl+g??? +BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (define-key evil-normal-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key evil-visual-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) ;; since ctrl+g and evil make no sense (defun nd/minibuffer-keyboard-quit () "Abort recursive edit. In Delete Selection mode, if the mark is active, just deactivate it; then it takes a second \\[keyboard-quit] to abort the minibuffer." (interactive) (if (and delete-selection-mode transient-mark-mode mark-active) (setq deactivate-mark t) (when (get-buffer "*Completions*") (delete-windows-on "*Completions*")) (abort-recursive-edit))) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) #+END_SRC ** undo tree #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package undo-tree :ensure t :delight :config (global-undo-tree-mode) (setq undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)) #+END_SRC * custom functions ** follow window splitting #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun split-and-follow-horizontally () (interactive) (split-window-below) (balance-windows) (other-window 1)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x 2") 'split-and-follow-horizontally) (defun split-and-follow-vertically () (interactive) (split-window-right) (balance-windows) (other-window 1)) (global-set-key (kbd "C-x 3") 'split-and-follow-vertically) #+END_SRC ** config edit and reload *** edit #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun config-visit () (interactive) (find-file "~/.emacs.d/")) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'config-visit) #+END_SRC *** reload #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun config-reload () "Reloads ~/.emacs.d/ at runtime" (interactive) (org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/"))) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'config-reload) #+END_SRC ** custom keybindings *** delete whole line #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-S-w") 'fc/delete-whole-line) (defun fc/delete-whole-line () "Delete the whole line without flooding the kill ring" (interactive) (delete-region (progn (forward-line 0) (point)) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))) #+END_SRC *** delete word forward #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "M-d") 'fc/delete-word-forward) (defun fc/delete-word-forward (arg) "Delete word forward without flooding the kill ring" (interactive "p") (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-word arg) (point)))) #+END_SRC *** delete word backward #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "") 'fc/delete-word-backward) (defun fc/delete-word-backward (arg) "Delete word backward without flooding the kill ring" (interactive "p") (delete-region (point) (progn (backward-word arg) (point)))) #+END_SRC *** duplicate line #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-d") 'fc/duplicate-current-line-or-region) (defun fc/duplicate-current-line-or-region (arg) "Duplicates the current line or region ARG times." (interactive "p") (let (beg end (origin (point))) (if (and mark-active (> (point) (mark))) (exchange-point-and-mark)) (setq beg (line-beginning-position)) (if mark-active (exchange-point-and-mark)) (setq end (line-end-position)) (let ((region (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) (dotimes (i arg) (goto-char end) (newline) (insert region) (setq end (point)))))) #+END_SRC (goto-char (+ origin (* (length region) arg) arg))))) * ess #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq inferior-R-args "--quiet --no-save") (load "ess-site") (setq ess-history-file "session.Rhistory") (setq ess-history-directory (substitute-in-file-name "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/r/")) #+END_SRC * languages ** python #+BEGIN_SRC (elpy-enable) ;; make python tabs 4 chars (add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (setq indent-tabs-mode t) (setq tab-width 4) (setq python-indent 4))) #+END_SRC * org-mode ** basic #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-log-done t) (setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window) (setq org-startup-indented t) (delight 'org-indent-mode) (setq org-directory "~/Org") #+END_SRC ** evil modes #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ;;(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'evil-append) #+END_SRC ** source snippets *** emacs-lisp #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("el" "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp\n?\n#+END_SRC")) #+END_SRC ** keyboard shortcuts *** global #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link) (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture) ;; consider adding f1-12 shortcuts for org things that must be a) fast and b) work in any mode #+END_SRC *** navigation #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-special-ctrl-a/e t) (setq org-special-ctrl-k t) (setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees t) #+END_SRC ** todo states *** sequences #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d)") (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)")))) #+END_SRC *** colors #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-todo-keyword-faces (quote (("TODO" :foreground "light coral" :weight bold) ("NEXT" :foreground "khaki" :weight bold) ("DONE" :foreground "light green" :weight bold) ("WAITING" :foreground "orange" :weight bold) ("HOLD" :foreground "violet" :weight bold) ("CANCELLED" :foreground "deep sky blue" :weight bold)))) #+END_SRC *** triggers #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-todo-state-tags-triggers (quote (("CANCELLED" ("CANCELLED" . t)) ("WAITING" ("WAITING" . t)) ("HOLD" ("WAITING") ("HOLD" . t)) (done ("WAITING") ("HOLD")) ("TODO" ("WAITING") ("CANCELLED") ("HOLD")) ("NEXT" ("WAITING") ("CANCELLED") ("HOLD")) ("DONE" ("WAITING") ("CANCELLED") ("HOLD"))))) #+END_SRC *** subtask autocomplete #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun org-summary-todo (n-done n-not-done) "Switch entry to DONE when all subentries are done, to TODO otherwise." (let (org-log-done org-log-states) ; turn off logging (org-todo (if (= n-not-done 0) "DONE" "TODO")))) (add-hook 'org-after-todo-statistics-hook 'org-summary-todo) #+END_SRC ** tag selection keys #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-tag-alist (quote ((:startgroup) ("@errand" . ?e) ("@work" . ?o) ("@home" . ?h) ("@travel" . ?f) (:endgroup) ("LAPTOP" . ?L) ("WAITING" . ?W) ("HOLD" . ?H) ("PERSONAL" . ?P) ("WORK" . ?O) ("NOTE" . ?N) ("CANCELLED" . ?C) ("FLAGGED" . ??)))) #+END_SRC ** capture templates TODO, use %a to link to calling buffer TODO: add fast way to immediately schedule an event or appointment TODO: add meeting template as scheduled+action item thing #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-capture-templates (quote (("t" "todo" entry (file "~/Org/") "* TODO %?\n%U\n") ("n" "note" entry (file "~/Org/") "* %? :NOTE:\n%U\n" ) ("a" "appointment" entry (file "~/Org/") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t\n" ) ("m" "multi-day" entry (file "~/Org/") "* TODO %?\n%U\n%^t--%^t\n" ) ("d" "deadline" entry (file "~/Org/") "* TODO %?\nDEADLINE: %^t\n%U\n" ) ("j" "journal" entry (file+datetree "~/Org/") "* %?\n%U\n") ("p" "org-protocol" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory "~/Org/") "Inbox") "* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n #+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n\n%?") ("L" "org-protocol" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory "~/Org/") "Inbox") "* %? [[%:link][%:description]] \nCaptured On: %U") ("h" "habit" entry (file "~/Org/") "* NEXT %?\n%U\n%a\nSCHEDULED: %(format-time-string \"%<<%Y-%m-%d %a .+1d/3d>>\")\n:PROPERTIES:\n:STYLE: habit\n:REPEAT_TO_STATE: NEXT\n:END:\n")))) #+END_SRC ** refile *** targets #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-refile-targets (quote ((nil :maxlevel . 9) ("~/Org/reference/" :maxlevel . 9) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9)))) #+END_SRC *** completion #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-refile-use-outline-path t) (setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil) (setq org-completion-use-ido t) #+END_SRC *** node creation #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes (quote confirm)) #+END_SRC *** use current window #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-indirect-buffer-display 'current-window) #+END_SRC *** exclude done states #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun nd/verify-refile-target () "Exclude todo keywords with a done state from refile targets" (not (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-done-keywords))) (setq org-refile-target-verify-function 'nd/verify-refile-target) #+END_SRC ** agenda *** basic config #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/Org" "~/Org/large_projects" "~/Org/reference"))) (setq org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil) (setq org-agenda-compact-blocks t) #+END_SRC *** views **** show only today #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-span 'day) #+End_src **** display time grid #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-time-grid (quote ((daily today remove-match) #("----------------" 0 16 (org-heading t)) (0900 1100 1300 1500 1700)))) #+END_SRC **** right align tags #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'place-agenda-tags) (defun place-agenda-tags () "Put the agenda tags by the right border of the agenda window." (setq org-agenda-tags-column (- 4 (window-width))) (org-agenda-align-tags)) #+END_SRC *** custom commands #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t) (setq org-agenda-custom-commands (quote ((" " "Agenda" ((agenda "" nil) (tags "REFILE" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Refile") (org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil))) (tags-todo "-NA-CANCELLED/!NEXT" ((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat "Project Next Tasks" (if nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks "" " (including WAITING and SCHEDULED tasks)"))) (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-projects-and-habits-and-single-tasks) (org-tags-match-list-sublevels t) (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(todo-state-down effort-up category-keep)))) (tags-todo "-NA-REFILE-CANCELLED-WAITING-HOLD/!" ((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat "Atomic Tasks" (if nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks "" " (including WAITING and SCHEDULED tasks)"))) (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-atomic-tasks) (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))) (tags-todo "-NA-REFILE-CANCELLED-WAITING-HOLD/!" ((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat "Project Subtasks" (if nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks "" " (including WAITING and SCHEDULED tasks)"))) (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-project-tasks) (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))) (tags-todo "-NA-CANCELLED+WAITING|HOLD/!" ((org-agenda-overriding-header (concat "Waiting and Postponed Tasks" (if nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks "" " (including WAITING and SCHEDULED tasks)"))) (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-tasks) (org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil) (org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date 'all))) (tags-todo "-NA-CANCELLED/!" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Stuck Projects") (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-stuck-projects) (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-blocked-projects) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))) (tags-todo "-NA-HOLD-CANCELLED/!" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Projects") (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-projects) (org-tags-match-list-sublevels 'indented) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(category-keep)))) (tags "-NA-REFILE/" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Tasks to Archive") (org-agenda-skip-function 'nd/skip-non-archivable-tasks) (org-tags-match-list-sublevels nil)))) nil)))) #+END_SRC *** auto exclusion #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun nd/org-auto-exclude-function (tag) "Automatic task exclusion in the agenda with / RET" (and (cond ((string= tag "hold") t)) (concat "-" tag))) (setq org-agenda-auto-exclude-function 'nd/org-auto-exclude-function) #+END_SRC *** filtering functions #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp ;; functions to define headlings relative to project structure (or lack thereof) (defun nd/is-project-p () "todo heading with a todo subheadings" (save-restriction (widen) (let ((has-subtask) (subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (is-a-task (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-todo-keywords-1))) (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (while (and (not has-subtask) (< (point) subtree-end) (re-search-forward "^\*+ " subtree-end t)) (when (member (org-get-todo-state) org-todo-keywords-1) (setq has-subtask t)))) (and is-a-task has-subtask)))) (defun nd/is-subtask-p () "todo heading that is part of a project" (if (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-todo-keywords-1) (let ((is-subproject)) (save-excursion (while (and (not is-subproject) (org-up-heading-safe)) (when (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-todo-keywords-1) (setq is-subproject t)))) is-subproject))) (defun nd/is-atomic-p () "todo heading with no todo subheadings" (save-restriction (widen) (let ((has-subtask) (subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (is-a-task (member (nth 2 (org-heading-components)) org-todo-keywords-1))) (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (while (and (not has-subtask) (< (point) subtree-end) (re-search-forward "^\*+ " subtree-end t)) (when (member (org-get-todo-state) org-todo-keywords-1) (setq has-subtask t)))) (and is-a-task (not has-subtask))))) ;; functions to test tasks (which are "atomic") ;; (defun nd/is-scheduled-p () ;; "task with scheduled property" ;; ((org-entry-get nil "SCHEDULED"))) ;; task skip functions (defun nd/skip-non-atomic-tasks () (save-restriction (widen) (if (not (and ((nd/is-atomic-p) (not (nd/is-subtask-p))))) (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max)))))) (defvar nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks t) (defun nd/toggle-next-task-display () (interactive) (setq nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks (not nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks)) (when (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode) (org-agenda-redo)) (message "%s WAITING and SCHEDULED NEXT Tasks" (if nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks "Hide" "Show"))) ;; this skip function seems inefficient, it looks like we are skipping one headline at a time ;; but searching for NEXT in the entire subtree ;; can I do better? (defun nd/skip-stuck-projects () "Skip trees that are not stuck projects" ;; save narrow buffer state (save-restriction ;; widen to see the entire buffer (widen) ;; define next-headline as either the next headline or the end of the buffer (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) ;; if headline has subtasks (if (nd/is-project-p) ;; define subtree-end as the end of the subtree ;; initialize has-next with nil (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (has-next )) ;; save where we are pointing (save-excursion ;; go forward one line (forward-line 1) ;; while loop which continues if ;; - has-next is nil ;; - we are not at the end of the subtree ;; - there is no NEXT between here and the subtree end ;; this is a loop because there could be multiple NEXT tasks (obviously) ;; the regex search moves the point to the end of the first found NEXT ;; relative to the start point position ;; once it gets to the end of the subtree it returns nil and the loop breaks (while (and (not has-next) (< (point) subtree-end) (re-search-forward "^\\*+ NEXT " subtree-end t)) ;; if WAITING is not in tag list ;; i guess this is here because if the loop finds next ;; and the NEXT task also has WAITING (which it would need to inherit ;; because WAITING and NEXT are mutully exclusive) then we keep looping ;; so the Bernt defined stuck projects as those which have WAITING tasks ;; that override a NEXT subtask (unless (member "WAITING" (org-get-tags-at)) ;; set has-next to true (setq has-next t)))) ;; if we have a next task, set to nil (eg don't skip) (if has-next nil ;; if no next task, skip to next headline next-headline)) ; a stuck project, has subtasks but no next task ;; don't skip if not a project nil)))) (defun nd/skip-non-stuck-projects () "Skip trees that are not stuck projects" ;; (nd/list-sublevels-for-projects-indented) (save-restriction (widen) (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) (if (nd/is-project-p) (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (has-next )) (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (while (and (not has-next) (< (point) subtree-end) (re-search-forward "^\\*+ NEXT " subtree-end t)) (unless (member "WAITING" (org-get-tags-at)) (setq has-next t)))) (if has-next next-headline nil)) ; a stuck project, has subtasks but no next task next-headline)))) (defun nd/skip-non-blocked-projects () "Skip trees that are not stuck projects" ;; (nd/list-sublevels-for-projects-indented) (save-restriction (widen) (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) (if (nd/is-project-p) (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (has-next )) (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (while (and (not has-next) (< (point) subtree-end) (re-search-forward "^\\*+ WAITING " subtree-end t)) (unless (member "WAITING" (org-get-tags-at)) (setq has-next t)))) (if has-next next-headline nil)) ; a stuck project, has subtasks but no next task next-headline)))) (defun nd/skip-non-projects () "Skip trees that are not projects" ;; (nd/list-sublevels-for-projects-indented) (if (save-excursion (nd/skip-non-stuck-projects)) (save-restriction (widen) (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) nil) ((and (nd/is-subtask-p) (not (nd/is-atomic-p))) nil) (t subtree-end)))) (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))) (defun nd/skip-non-tasks () "Show non-project tasks. Skip project and sub-project tasks, habits, and project related tasks." (save-restriction (widen) (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) (cond ((nd/is-atomic-p) nil) (t next-headline))))) (defun nd/skip-project-trees-and-habits () "Skip trees that are projects" (save-restriction (widen) (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) subtree-end) ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; subtree-end) (t nil))))) (defun nd/skip-projects-and-habits-and-single-tasks () "Skip trees that are projects, tasks that are habits, single non-project tasks" (save-restriction (widen) (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) (cond ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; next-headline) ((and nd/hide-scheduled-and-waiting-next-tasks (member "WAITING" (org-get-tags-at))) next-headline) ((nd/is-project-p) next-headline) ((and (nd/is-atomic-p) (not (nd/is-subtask-p))) next-headline) (t nil))))) (defun nd/skip-project-tasks-maybe () "Show tasks related to the current restriction. When restricted to a project, skip project and sub project tasks, habits, NEXT tasks, and loose tasks. When not restricted, skip project and sub-project tasks, habits, and project related tasks." (save-restriction (widen) (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max)))) (limit-to-project (marker-buffer org-agenda-restrict-begin))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) next-headline) ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; subtree-end) ((and (not limit-to-project) (nd/is-subtask-p)) subtree-end) ((and limit-to-project (nd/is-subtask-p) (member (org-get-todo-state) (list "NEXT"))) subtree-end) (t nil))))) (defun nd/skip-project-tasks () "Show non-project tasks. Skip project and sub-project tasks, habits, and project related tasks." (save-restriction (widen) (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) subtree-end) ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; subtree-end) ((nd/is-subtask-p) subtree-end) (t nil))))) (defun nd/skip-non-project-tasks () "Show project tasks. Skip project and sub-project tasks, habits, and loose non-project tasks." (save-restriction (widen) (let* ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t))) (next-headline (save-excursion (or (outline-next-heading) (point-max))))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) next-headline) ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; subtree-end) ((and (nd/is-subtask-p) (member (org-get-todo-state) (list "NEXT"))) subtree-end) ((not (nd/is-subtask-p)) subtree-end) (t nil))))) (defun nd/skip-projects-and-habits () "Skip trees that are projects and tasks that are habits" (save-restriction (widen) (let ((subtree-end (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree t)))) (cond ((nd/is-project-p) subtree-end) ;; ((org-is-habit-p) ;; subtree-end) (t nil))))) ;; (defun nd/skip-non-subprojects () ;; "Skip trees that are not projects" ;; (let ((next-headline (save-excursion (outline-next-heading)))) ;; (if (nd/is-subproject-p) ;; nil ;; next-headline))) #+END_SRC ** ui *** bullets #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package org-bullets :ensure t :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode)))) #+END_SRC ** caldav +BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package org-caldav :ensure t :config (org-caldav-url "" org-cladav-calendar-id "testorg" org-caldav-inbox "~/Org/reference/")) #+END_SRC ** calfw #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package calfw-org :init :ensure t :config (setq cfw:fchar-junction ?╋ cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃ cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━ cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣ cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫ cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯ cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏ cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓)) #+END_SRC * shell #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defvar nd-term-shell "/bin/bash") (defadvice ansi-term (before force-bash) (interactive (list nd-term-shell))) (ad-activate 'ansi-term) #+END_SRC * ediff #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain) #+END_SRC