create or replace function to_localtime(ts timestamp with time zone) returns time with time zone as $$ select ts::time at time zone 'US/Eastern'; $$ language SQL; create or replace procedure make_vis_tables() language plpgsql as $$ declare begin create schema if not exists viz; create temporary table _scheduled_timestamps as select ts.* from planning_entries pe join timestamps ts using (timestamp_id) where pe.planning_type = 'scheduled'; create temporary table _deadline_timestamps as select ts.* from planning_entries pe join timestamps ts using (timestamp_id) where pe.planning_type = 'deadline'; create temporary table _closed_timestamps as select ts.* from planning_entries pe join timestamps ts using (timestamp_id) where pe.planning_type = 'closed'; create temporary table _tags as select hc.headline_id, t.tag from headline_tags t join headline_closures hc on hc.parent_id = t.headline_id union select h.headline_id, t.tag from file_tags t join headlines h on h.outline_hash = t.outline_hash; create temporary table _category_tags as select distinct * from _tags t where t.tag like '\__%'; -- TODO there is a small chance that headlines might have two context tags -- if different contexts are explicitly specified on two headlines at different -- levels create temporary table _context_tags as select distinct * from _tags t where t.tag like '@_%'; create temporary table _resource_tags as select distinct t.headline_id, array_agg(t.tag) as tags from _tags t where t.tag like '#_%' group by t.headline_id; create temporary table _incubated_headlines as select distinct * from _tags t where t.tag = '%inc'; create temporary table _other_tags as select distinct t.headline_id, array_agg(t.tag) as tags from _tags t -- TODO this is not robust code; change will require edits in two places :( where not t.tag like '#_%' and not t.tag like '@_%' and not t.tag like '\__%' and t.tag <> '%inc' group by t.headline_id; create temporary table _created_timestamps as select hp.headline_id, to_timestamp(p.val_text, '[YYYY-MM-DD Dy HH24:MI]') as created_timestamp from headline_properties hp join properties p using (property_id) where p.key_text = 'CREATED' and not p.val_text is NULL; -- temp table to hold all headlines with scheduled repeaters create temporary table _repeaters as select * from headlines h join _scheduled_timestamps ts using (headline_id) join timestamp_repeaters tr using (timestamp_id); create temporary table _todo_closures as select parents.headline_id as parent_id, children.headline_id as child_id, hc.depth as depth from headline_closures hc join headlines parents on parents.headline_id = hc.parent_id join headlines children on children.headline_id = hc.headline_id where -- this ensures we only get headlines that are children of other headlines hc.depth > 0 -- the parents must have a keyword and not parents.keyword is NULL -- the children must have a keyword and not children.keyword is NULL; create temporary table _iterator_headlines as select distinct children.headline_id, children.headline_text, children.keyword from headline_closures hc join headlines parents on parents.headline_id = hc.parent_id join headlines children on children.headline_id = hc.headline_id join headline_properties parent_hp on parents.headline_id = parent_hp.headline_id join properties parent_props on parent_hp.property_id = parent_props.property_id where hc.depth > 0 and parent_props.key_text = 'PARENT_TYPE' and parent_props.val_text = 'iterator'; create temporary table _clock_sums as select c.headline_id, to_timestamp(c.time_start) as clock_start, to_timestamp(c.time_end) as clock_end, sum(c.time_end - c.time_start) / 60.0 as clock_sum from clocks c group by c.headline_id, c.time_start, c.time_end; -- clock sums partitioned by DONE -> TODO state changes (this mostly useful for -- repeaters although all headlines are included in this calculation) create temporary table _partitioned_clock_sums as -- with -- -- this table will have all the clock times with the done->todo state changes -- -- inserted in between (sorted by clock start time/state change time) -- tmp as ( -- select -- c.file_path, -- c.headline_offset, -- c.time_start, -- c.time_end, -- NULL as state_change_offset -- from clocks c -- union -- select -- le.file_path, -- le.headline_offset, -- le.time_logged as time_start, -- NULL as time_end, -- le.entry_offset as state_change_offset -- from logbook_entries le -- join state_changes sc using (file_path, entry_offset) -- where -- sc.state_old = 'TODO' -- and (sc.state_new = 'DONE' or sc.state_new = 'CANC') -- ), -- -- this table will number each "group" of timestamps, where a "group" is -- -- defined by timestamps under the same headline (eg matching file_path and -- -- headline_offset) that are partitioned by the todo->done state change -- -- entries (if any, if only one or none, there will only be one group under -- -- one headline) -- -- -- -- NOTE 1: the WHERE clause is in the next outer query since state-change rows -- -- themselves (which are removed by the WHERE) are necessary to define the -- -- groups) -- -- -- -- NOTE 2: if a headline does not have any state changes, it may get the same -- -- group index as the last group of the previous headline. This shouldn't -- -- matter, since the GROUP BY in the outer query also takes the file_path and -- -- headline_offset into account -- grouped as ( -- select -- t.file_path, -- t.headline_offset, -- t.time_start, -- t.time_end, -- t.state_change_offset, -- sum(case when t.state_change_offset is not null then 1 end) -- over (order by t.file_path, -- t.headline_offset, -- t.time_start desc, -- t.state_change_offset desc) -- as grp -- from tmp t -- ), -- offsets as ( -- select -- g.file_path, -- g.headline_offset, -- g.grp, -- g.state_change_offset -- from grouped g -- where -- not g.state_change_offset is NULL -- ) -- select -- g.file_path, -- g.headline_offset, -- min(g.time_start) as partitioned_time_start, -- max(g.time_end) as partitioned_time_end, -- sum(g.time_end - g.time_start) / 60.0 as partitioned_clock_sum, -- o.state_change_offset -- from grouped g -- right join offsets o using (file_path, headline_offset, grp) -- where -- g.state_change_offset is NULL -- group by g.file_path, g.headline_offset, g.grp, o.state_change_offset; with -- this table will have all the clock times with the done->todo state changes -- inserted in between (sorted by clock start time/state change time) tmp as ( select c.headline_id, c.time_start, c.time_end, NULL as state_change_id from clocks c union select le.headline_id, le.time_logged as time_start, NULL as time_end, le.entry_id as state_change_id from logbook_entries le join state_changes sc using (entry_id) where sc.state_old = 'TODO' and (sc.state_new = 'DONE' or sc.state_new = 'CANC') ), -- this table will number each "group" of timestamps, where a "group" is -- defined by timestamps under the same headline (eg matching file_path and -- headline_offset) that are partitioned by the todo->done state change -- entries (if any, if only one or none, there will only be one group under -- one headline) -- -- NOTE 1: the WHERE clause is in the next outer query since state-change rows -- themselves (which are removed by the WHERE) are necessary to define the -- groups) -- -- NOTE 2: if a headline does not have any state changes, it may get the same -- group index as the last group of the previous headline. This shouldn't -- matter, since the GROUP BY in the outer query also takes the file_path and -- headline_offset into account grouped as ( select t.headline_id, t.time_start, t.time_end, t.state_change_id, sum(case when t.state_change_id is not null then 1 end) over (order by t.headline_id, t.time_start desc, t.state_change_id desc) as grp from tmp t ), ids as ( select g.headline_id, g.grp, g.state_change_id from grouped g where not g.state_change_id is NULL ), sums as ( select g.headline_id, g.grp, to_timestamp(min(g.time_start)) as partitioned_clock_start, to_timestamp(max(g.time_end)) as partitioned_clock_end, sum(g.time_end - g.time_start) / 60.0 as partitioned_clock_sum from grouped g where g.state_change_id is NULL group by g.headline_id, g.grp ) select o.headline_id, o.state_change_id, s.partitioned_clock_start, s.partitioned_clock_end, s.partitioned_clock_sum from ids o left join sums s using (headline_id, grp); create temporary table _habit_headlines as select r.*, cs.partitioned_clock_start, cs.partitioned_clock_end, cs.partitioned_clock_sum, s.state_old, s.state_new, to_timestamp(le.time_logged) as closed_timestamp from _repeaters r join headline_properties hp using (headline_id) join properties p using (property_id) join _partitioned_clock_sums cs using (headline_id) left join state_changes s on s.entry_id = cs.state_change_id left join logbook_entries le on le.headline_id = r.headline_id and le.entry_id = s.entry_id where p.key_text = 'STYLE' and p.val_text = 'habit'; create temporary table _repeater_headlines as select r.*, cs.partitioned_clock_start, cs.partitioned_clock_end, cs.partitioned_clock_sum, s.state_old, s.state_new, to_timestamp(le.time_logged) as closed_timestamp from _repeaters r join _partitioned_clock_sums cs using (headline_id) left join state_changes s on s.entry_id = cs.state_change_id left join logbook_entries le on le.headline_id = r.headline_id and le.entry_id = s.entry_id where not exists (select * from _habit_headlines habits where r.headline_id = habits.headline_id); create temporary table _project_task_headlines as select distinct h.* from _todo_closures tc join headlines h on tc.child_id = h.headline_id where not exists (select * from _iterator_headlines i where i.headline_id = h.headline_id); -- drop table if exists viz.project_toplevel_headlines; -- create table viz.project_toplevel_headlines as -- select distinct -- h.file_path, -- h.headline_offset, -- h.keyword, -- h.headline_text -- from _todo_closures tc0 -- join headlines h -- on tc0.file_path = h.file_path and tc0.parent_offset = h.headline_offset -- where -- tc0.depth = 1 -- and not exists (select * from _todo_closures tc1 -- where tc1.child_offset = tc0.parent_offset); create temporary table _task_parent_mappings as with maxdepth as ( select t.child_id, max(t.depth) as depth from _todo_closures t group by t.child_id ) select tc.parent_id, tc.child_id from maxdepth m join _todo_closures tc using (child_id, depth); -- -- TODO this will be more useful if I can also link it easily with the -- -- toplevel headline -- drop table if exists viz.project_parent_headlines; -- create table viz.project_parent_headlines as -- select distinct -- h.file_path, -- h.headline_offset, -- h.keyword, -- h.headline_text -- from _todo_closures tc -- join headlines h -- on tc.file_path = h.file_path and tc.parent_offset = h.headline_offset -- where -- not exists -- (select * from _iterator_headlines i -- where -- i.file_path = h.file_path -- and i.headline_offset = h.headline_offset) -- and not exists -- (select * from viz.project_toplevel_headlines t -- where -- t.file_path = h.file_path -- and t.headline_offset = h.headline_offset); create temporary table _atomic_tasks as select * from headlines h where not h.keyword is NULL and not exists (select * from _project_task_headlines pt where pt.headline_id = h.headline_id) -- and not exists (select * from viz.project_parent_headlines pp -- where pp.headline_id = h.headline_id) -- and not exists (select * from viz.project_toplevel_headlines pl -- where pl.headline_id = h.headline_id) and not exists (select * from _task_parent_mappings m where m.parent_id = h.headline_id) and not exists (select * from _repeaters r where r.headline_id = h.headline_id) and not exists (select * from _iterator_headlines i where i.headline_id = h.headline_id); create temporary table _iterator_tasks as select * from headlines h where not h.keyword is NULL and exists (select * from _iterator_headlines i where i.headline_id = h.headline_id) and not exists (select * from _task_parent_mappings m where m.parent_id = h.headline_id); -- drop table if exists viz.atomic_tasks; -- create table viz.atomic_tasks as -- select -- a.*, -- cs.clock_sum, -- to_timestamp(s.time_start) as scheduled_time, -- to_timestamp(d.time_start) as deadline_time, -- to_timestamp(c.time_start) as closed_time, -- ct.tag as category, -- xt.tag as context, -- rt.tags as resources, -- t.tags as tags, -- cr.created_timestamp, -- (ih.tag is not NULL) as incubated -- from _atomic_tasks a -- left join _clock_sums cs using (headline_offset, file_path) -- left join _scheduled_timestamps s using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _deadline_timestamps d using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _closed_timestamps c using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _category_tags ct using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _context_tags xt using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _resource_tags rt using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _other_tags t using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _created_timestamps cr using (file_path, headline_offset) -- left join _incubated_headlines ih using (file_path, headline_offset); -- TODO this doesn't have iterators (yet) drop table if exists viz.all_tasks; create table viz.all_tasks as with all_tasks as ( select r.headline_id, r.state_new as keyword, r.partitioned_clock_start as clock_start, r.partitioned_clock_end as clock_end, r.partitioned_clock_sum as clock_sum, r.closed_timestamp, 'repeater' as task_type from _repeater_headlines r union all select h.headline_id, h.state_new as keyword, h.partitioned_clock_start as clock_start, h.partitioned_clock_end as clock_end, h.partitioned_clock_sum as clock_sum, h.closed_timestamp, 'habit' as task_type from _habit_headlines h union all -- TODO this is redundant to have 'tasks' made twice from different sources select a.headline_id, a.keyword, cs.clock_start, cs.clock_end, cs.clock_sum, to_timestamp(c.time_start) as closed_timestamp, 'atomic' as task_type from _atomic_tasks a left join _clock_sums cs using (headline_id) left join _closed_timestamps c using (headline_id) union all select p.headline_id, p.keyword, cs.clock_start, cs.clock_end, cs.clock_sum, to_timestamp(c.time_start) as closed_timestamp, 'project' as task_type from _project_task_headlines p left join _clock_sums cs using (headline_id) left join _closed_timestamps c using (headline_id) union all select i.headline_id, i.keyword, cs.clock_start, cs.clock_end, cs.clock_sum, to_timestamp(c.time_start) as closed_timestamp, 'iterator' as task_type from _iterator_tasks i left join _clock_sums cs using (headline_id) left join _closed_timestamps c using (headline_id) ) select f.file_path, a.*, tm.parent_id as project_parent_id, to_timestamp(s.time_start) as scheduled_timestamp, to_timestamp(d.time_start) as deadline_timestamp, h.headline_text, h.effort, h.priority, h.is_archived, h.is_commented, h.content, ct.tag as category, xt.tag as context, rt.tags as resources, t.tags as tags, cr.created_timestamp, (ih.tag is not NULL) as incubated from all_tasks a join headlines h using (headline_id) join file_metadata f using (outline_hash) left join _scheduled_timestamps s using (headline_id) left join _deadline_timestamps d using (headline_id) left join _category_tags ct using (headline_id) left join _context_tags xt using (headline_id) left join _resource_tags rt using (headline_id) left join _other_tags t using (headline_id) left join _created_timestamps cr using (headline_id) left join _incubated_headlines ih using (headline_id) left join _task_parent_mappings tm on tm.child_id = h.headline_id order by a.headline_id, a.closed_timestamp desc; drop table if exists viz.sleep_length; create table viz.sleep_length as with tmp as ( select distinct to_localtime(clock_start) as time_start_clock, clock_sum, clock_start, clock_end from viz.all_tasks where headline_text = 'sleep') select distinct clock_start as sleep_timestamp, clock_sum / 60.0 as sleep_hours, time_start_clock as sleep_start_clock, -- day of week that sleep starts; subtract 12 hours off timestamp to count -- bedtime after midnight as starting on the previous day extract(dow from (clock_start - (12||' hours')::interval) at time zone 'US/Eastern') as sleep_start_day, -- offset from target bedtime start (assume target bedtime is 23:45) mod((extract(hour from time_start_clock) * 60 + extract(minute from time_start_clock) + 15 + 720)::bigint, 1440) / 1440.0 * 24 - 12 as sleep_start_offset from tmp; drop table if exists viz.check_email_2; create table viz.check_email_2 as -- ASSUME that the repeater has the correct time of day, but may be offset -- by a multiple of 7 days select clock_start, extract(epoch from clock_start::time - scheduled_timestamp::time)/60 as offset_minutes from viz.all_tasks where headline_text = 'check email 2' order by clock_start desc; end $$;