
159 lines
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;;; interval.el --- a bedtools knockoff -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Nathan Dwarshuis
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Functions pertaining to intervals.
;; An interval is defined as a list like (START END) where START and END are
;; two numbers, and END >= START.
;; Inspired by bedtools (https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2).
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(defun interval< (a b)
"Test if A comes before B.
Return t if A starts before B, and return t if A ends before B
and they have the same start time."
(let ((a0 (car a))
(b0 (car b)))
(if (= a0 b0) (< (cadr a) (cadr b)) (< a0 b0))))
(defun interval<= (a b)
"Test if A comes before B or is the same as B."
(not (interval< b a)))
(defun interval-bimap (fun int)
"Apply FUN to both numbers in INT."
`(,(funcall fun (car int)) ,(funcall fun (cadr int))))
(defun interval-len (int)
"Return the length of INT."
(- (cadr int) (car int)))
(defun interval-min (ints)
"Return the earliest starting value in INTS."
(-min (-map #'car ints)))
(defun interval-max (ints)
"Return the latest ending value in INTS."
(-max (-map #'cadr ints)))
(defun interval-span (ints)
"Return the length covered by all INTS."
(if (not ints) 0
(-let (((mn mx) (car ints)))
;; I could just get the min/max but this avoids looping twice
(--each (cdr ints)
(when (< (car it) mn)
(setq mn (car it)))
(when (< mx (cadr it)
(setq mx (cadr it)))))
(- mx mn))))
(defun interval-group-overlaps (interval-fun xs)
"Group XS based on when their intervals overlap.
INTERVAL-FUN is a function that takes one of XS and returns an
interval like (START END) where START and END are numbers.
Return a list of all pairs in XS for which their intervals overlap.
Complexity is O(N^2) in case all members in XS conflict with each other, and
O(N) in case there are no conflicts."
(acc ss)
(-if-let (s0 (car ss))
(-let* (((acc+ acc-) acc)
(A (cdr s0))
(a1 (cadr (car s0)))
(rest (cdr ss)))
;; add members while if the starting value is less than the ending
;; value of the current member
(-if-let (over (->> (--take-while (< (car (car it)) a1) rest)
(--map (list A (cdr it)))
(get-overlaps `((,@over ,@acc+) ,acc-) rest)
(get-overlaps `(,acc+ (,A ,@acc-)) rest)))
(-let (((over non-over) (->> (-annotate interval-fun xs)
(--sort (interval< (car it) (car other)))
(get-overlaps nil))))
(list (nreverse over) (nreverse non-over)))))
(defun interval-sort (ints)
"Sort INTS according to `interval-rank'."
(-sort #'interval< ints))
(defun interval-merge (ints)
"Merge a list of overlapping intervals.
Two intervals overlap if the start/end of one is within the other
interval (inclusive).
Assume INTS is sorted according to `interval-sort'.
Complexity is O(N) where N is the length of INTS."
(acc interval)
(-let ((((sp ep) . accp) acc)
((s e) interval))
(if (<= s ep) `((,sp ,e) ,@accp) `((,s ,e) ,@acc)))))
(when ints
(->> (cdr ints)
(-reduce-from #'merge-intervals `(,(car ints)))
(defun interval-complement (start end ints)
"Return the complement of intervals in INTS.
START and END are the lower and upper bound to determine where
the first/last compliment should start/end in case the first/last
in INTS starts/ends after/before START/END respectively.
Assume that INTS is sorted according to `interval-sort', that no
members of INT overlap, and that no members in INT have an end
before START or a start after END.
Complexity is O(N)."
(acc interval)
(-let (((last gaps) acc)
((s e) interval))
`(,e ((,last ,s) ,@gaps)))))
(if (not ints)
`(,start ,end)
(-let* (((s e) (car ints))
((init ints*) (if (<= s start) `(,e ,(cdr ints)) `(,start ,ints)))
((last gaps) (-reduce-from #'complement `(,init) ints*)))
(->> (if (<= end last) gaps `((,last ,end) ,@gaps))
(defun interval-sum (ints)
"Return the sum of INTS."
(-sum (-map #'interval-len ints)))
(provide 'interval)
;;; interval.el ends here