
157 lines
4.4 KiB

;;; org-x-text-buffer-state.el --- Examples for org.el's API -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 's)
(require 'dash)
(require 'org-x)
(defun org-ts-to-unixtime (timestamp-string)
"Convert TIMESTAMP-STRING to unixtime."
(let ((decoded (org-parse-time-string timestamp-string)))
(->> (-snoc decoded (current-time-zone))
(apply #'encode-time)
(defun org-x-gen-ts (offset)
"Generate an org timestamp string.
OFFSET is the length of time from now in seconds (positive is in
the future)."
(->> (float-time)
(+ offset)
(defun org-x-test-parse-forms (s)
"Evaluate forms in string S.
Forms are denoted like %(FORM)%."
(--reduce-from (-let (((rep sform) it))
(s-replace rep (format "%s" (eval (read sform))) acc))
(s-match-strings-all "%\\((.*?)\\)%" s)))
(defmacro org-ml--with-org-buffer (string &rest body)
"Call `org-ml--with-org-env' with BODY and STRING as the buffer."
(let ((s (->> (if (listp string) (s-join "\n" string) string)
`(org-ml--with-org-env (insert ,s) ,@body)))
(defmacro org-x--test-buffer-strings (name test &rest specs)
"Run TEST form for SPECS called by toplevel NAME."
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((forms (->> (-partition 4 specs)
;; the _op argument is just for looks to make the decl clearer
(--map (-let (((title buffer _op result) it))
`(it ,title
(expect (org-ml--with-org-buffer ,buffer ,test)
`(describe ,name ,@forms)))
(org-x--test-buffer-strings "Task status"
"no status"
"* headline"
=> nil
"* TODO headline"
=> :active
"active (not yet expired date)"
("* TODO headline"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* 2 24 60 60)))%"
":X-EXPIRE: %(org-x-gen-ts (* 1 24 60 60))%"
=> :active
"active (not yet expired dtl)"
("* TODO headline"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* 2 24 60 60)))%"
=> :active
"done unclosed"
"* DONE headline"
=> :done-unclosed
"undone closed"
("* TODO headline"
"CLOSED: %(org-x-gen-ts 0)%")
=> :undone-closed
("* DONE headline"
"CLOSED: %(org-x-gen-ts 0)%")
=> :complete
("* DONE headline"
"CLOSED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* (1+ org-x-archive-delay) 24 60 60)))%")
=> :archivable
"expired (date)"
("* TODO headline"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* 2 24 60 60)))%"
":X-EXPIRE: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* 1 24 60 60)))%"
=> :expired
"expired (dtl)"
("* TODO headline"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* 2 24 60 60)))%"
=> :expired
"inert (created timestamp)"
("* TODO headline"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* (1+ org-x-inert-delay-days) 24 60 60)))%"
=> :inert
"not inert (future deadline)"
("* TODO headline"
"DEADLINE: %(org-x-gen-ts (* 1 24 60 60))%"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* (1+ org-x-inert-delay-days) 24 60 60)))%"
=> :active
"not inert (future schedule)"
("* TODO headline"
"SCHEDULED: %(org-x-gen-ts (* 1 24 60 60))%"
":CREATED: %(org-x-gen-ts (- (* (1+ org-x-inert-delay-days) 24 60 60)))%"
=> :active)
(provide 'org-x-test-buffer-state)
;;; org-x-test-buffer-state.el ends here