- [[http://members.optusnet.com.au/charles57/Creative/][Charles Cave]] has written an [[http://members.optusnet.com.au/~charles57/GTD/orgmode.html][article/tutorial]] about the basic
elements of GTD and how he implements them in Org-mode. There
- There have been several threads on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org related
to GTD, the most important ones are:
+ [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/683][Another GTD question]], which contains a discussion about basic
GTD aspects. It also contains this
+ [[http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/715][Post by Carsten]] summarizing several options for implementing
GTD in org-mode.
+ [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/523][GTD, Projects and Next Actions in org-mode]] is a thread where
several people describe their personal setup is
+ The [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/4915][SOMEDAY/MAYBE vs. low priorities]] thread contains a
discussion about priorities that is quite instructive.
+ Here is a [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/4832/focus%3D4854][very instructive post]] by Pete Phillips explaining
why David Allens book is where you should start to learn GTD,
and that the Internet and Org-mode only come into the game
later, when thinking about the implementation. And since
doing GTD the right way will give you lots of free time, don't
forget to listen to [[http://www.detox-jazz.co.uk/][Pete's music]]!
- Also on the web you can find information about how people are
setting up Org-mode to fit their habits. A few examples:
+ This [[http://www.brool.com/?p=82][blog post]] shows a very simple and clear GTD setup.
** Add-Ons
- [[http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pz215/][Piotr Zielinski]] wrote [[http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pz215/files/org-mouse.el][org-mouse.el]] which is now distributed with
Org-mode. It implements great mouse support for many functions in
- [[http://dto.freeshell.org/notebook/][David O'Toole]] is the author of [[http://dto.freeshell.org/e/org-publish.el][org-publish.el]]. While this is
now part of the Org-mode distribution, you might find the newest
bug fixes and developments at his [[http://dto.freeshell.org/notebook/OrgMode.html][Org-mode page]], along with
several other projects like /org-blog.el/ and
- [[http://www.cognition.ens.fr/~guerry/][Bastien Guerry]] has been really prolific in writing interesting
add-ons, all available at his [[http://www.cognition.ens.fr/~guerry/bastien-org-mode.html][org-mode page]]:
+ a package for using Org-mode as the basis for blogging
+ a LaTeX exporter that is now distributed together with
+ a special table-of-contents buffer that simplifies navigation
+ a registry to find locations that link a specific document.
- George C.F. Greve wrote [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/org-mairix.el][org-mairix.el]] to add links that trigger a
mairix search.
** Translators
I know about the following attempts to translate from and to
Org-mode files:
*** Org-mode to XXX
- [[http://www.cognition.ens.fr/~guerry/u/org2rem.el][From Org-mode to remind]] by [[http://www.cognition.ens.fr/~guerry/][Bastien Guerry]].
[[http://sachachua.com/wp/][Sacha Chua]] about [[http://sachachua.com/wp/2007/12/26/emacs-choosing-between-org-and-planner/][Choosing between Planner and Org]].