
102 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# This file is used for maintenance of org on the server.
.PHONY: helpserver \
release rel-dirty rel-up cleanrel \
elpa elpa-dirty elpa-up \
doc-up \
upload-release upload-elpa upload-doc upload \
tagwarn version
help helpall helpserver::
$(info )
$(info Maintenance)
$(info ===========)
2012-08-26 14:22:57 -04:00
$(info release - clean up, create the distribution archives)
$(info elpa - clean up, create the ELPA archive)
$(info upload-release - clean up, populate the server with arhives)
$(info upload-elpa - clean up, populate the server with ELPA)
$(info upload-doc - clean up, populate the server with docs)
$(info upload - clean up, populate the server with everything)
@echo ""
# no slash / at the end
SERVROOT = /var/www/
SERVERMK = true # or just any value at all, really
ORGCOMM = README request-assign-future.txt lisp/ doc/
ORGFULL = $(ORGCOMM) Makefile \
mk/ mk/ mk/ \
mk/org-fixup.el \
etc/ contrib/
ORGFULL := $(ORGFULL:%/=%/*)
ORGELPA = $(ORGCOMM) etc/styles/ org-pkg.el
ORGELPA := $(ORGELPA:%/=%/*)
release: ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card # do not make HTML documentation
release: cleanall doc rel-dirty tagwarn
rel-dirty rel-up: ORGDIR=org-$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)
@$(MAKE) GITVERSION=$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)-dist version autoloads
ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
tar -zcf $(ORGDIR).tar.gz $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
zip -r9 $(ORGDIR).zip $(foreach dist, $(ORGFULL), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
-@$(RM) $(ORGDIR)
rel-up: rel-dirty
$(CP) $(ORGDIR).tar.gz $(ORGDIR).zip $(SERVROOT)/
PKG_TAG = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
PKG_DOC = "Outline-based notes management and organizer"
PKG_REQ = "nil"
elpa: ORG_MAKE_DOC=info # do not make HTML PDF card documentation
elpa: cleanall doc elpa-dirty
elpa-dirty elpa-up: ORGDIR=org-$(PKG_TAG)
@$(MAKE) GITVERSION=$(GITVERSION:release_%=%)-elpa version autoloads
ln -s . $(ORGDIR)
echo "(define-package \"org\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" $(PKG_REQ))" >org-pkg.el
tar --exclude=Makefile --transform='s:\(lisp\|doc\)/::' -cf $(ORGDIR).tar \
$(foreach dist, $(ORGELPA), $(ORGDIR)/$(dist))
-@$(RM) $(ORGDIR) org-pkg.el
elpa-up: elpa-dirty
$(CP) $(ORGDIR).tar $(SERVROOT)/pkg/daily/
$(if $(filter-out $(ORGVERSION), $(GITVERSION)), \
$(info ======================================================) \
$(info = =) \
$(info = A release should only be made from a revision that =) \
$(info = has an annotated tag! =) \
$(info = =) \
$(info ======================================================))
@echo "ORGVERSION ?= $(ORGVERSION)" > mk/
@echo "GITVERSION ?= $(GITVERSION)" >> mk/
cleanall clean: cleanrel
-$(RM) org-$(PKG_TAG)* org-$(DISTVERSION)* org-*.zip org-*.tar* mk/
$(MAKE) -C doc html manual guide
$(CP) doc/org.html $(SERVROOT)
$(CP) doc/manual/* $(SERVROOT)/manual
$(CP) doc/guide/* $(SERVROOT)/guide
upload upload-elpa upload-release upload-doc: ORG_MAKE_DOC=info pdf card
upload: cleanall doc elpa-up rel-up doc-up
upload-elpa: cleanall doc elpa-up
upload-release: cleanall doc rel-up
upload-doc: cleanall doc doc-up