Updating org-babel.org.

This commit is contained in:
Dan Davison 2009-07-18 15:39:47 -04:00
parent cfb9092ede
commit 20e06fe86f
1 changed files with 26 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -83,10 +83,15 @@ cd ~ && du -sc * |grep -v total
| 1264 | "tools" |
#+srcname: directory-pie
#+begin_src R :var dirs = directories
#+begin_src R :var dirs = directories :session R-pie-example
pie(dirs[,1], labels = dirs[,2])
*** operations in/on tables
#+tblname: grades-table
@ -211,6 +216,8 @@ would then be [[#sandbox][the sandbox]].
output. Sometimes one will want to see stdout just to check
everything looks OK, and then fold it away.
I'm addressing this in branch 'examplizing-output'.
** TODO make tangle files read-only?
With a file-local variable setting, yea that makes sense. Maybe
the header should reference the related org-mode file.
@ -2036,7 +2043,17 @@ plot "data" using 1:2 with lines
(see [[* file result types][file result types]])
* Bugs [19/30]
* Bugs [20/31]
** TODO prompt characters appearing in output with R
#+begin_src R :session *R* :results output
x <- 6
y <- 8
: > [1] 3
** TODO o-b-execute-subtree overwrites heading when subtree is folded
*** Example
Try M-x org-babel-execute-subtree with the subtree folded and
@ -2073,11 +2090,6 @@ even a third"
#+resname: multi-line-string-output
** TODO cursor movement when evaluating source blocks
E.g. the pie chart example. Despite the save-window-excursion in
org-babel-execute:R. (I never learned how to do this properly: org-R
jumps all over the place...)
** PROPOSED external shell execution can't isolate return values
I have no idea how to do this as of yet. The result is that when
@ -2172,6 +2184,13 @@ b=5
set this automatically, and we are SOL without a regexp to match
the prompt.
** DONE cursor movement when evaluating source blocks
E.g. the pie chart example. Despite the save-window-excursion in
org-babel-execute:R. (I never learned how to do this properly: org-R
jumps all over the place...)
I don't see this now [ded]
** DONE LoB: calls fail if reference has single character name
commit 21d058869df1ff23f4f8cc26f63045ac9c0190e2
**** This doesn't work