Added some tasks and bugs in
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,18 @@
#+STARTUP: oddeven
* Tasks [8/16]
* Tasks [8/18]
** PROPOSED re-implement R evaluation using ess-command or ess-execute
I can't see anything wrong with the current R evaluation code or
behaviour, but I think it would be good to use the ESS functions
from a political point of view. Plus of course it has the normal
benefits of an API (insulates us from any underlying changes etc). [DED]
** PROPOSED make C-c C-c work anywhere within source code block?
This seems like it would be nice to me, but perhaps it would be
inefficient or ugly in implementation? I suppose you could search
forward, and if you find #+end_src before you find #+begin_src,
then you're inside one. [DED]
** TODO share litorgy
how should we share litorgy?
@ -312,8 +322,24 @@ This is currently working only with emacs lisp as in the following
example in the [[* emacs lisp source reference][emacs lisp source reference]].
* Bugs [5/5]
* Bugs [5/7]
** TODO with :results replace, non-table output doesn't replace table output
And vice versa. E.g. Try this first with table and then with len(table) [DED]
#+begin_src python :var table=sandbox :results replace
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | "schulte" | 6 |
: 2
** TODO org bug/request: prevent certain org behaviour within code blocks
E.g. [[]] gets recognised as a link (when there's text inside the
brackets). This is bad for R code at least, and more generally
could be argued to be inappropriate. Is it difficult to get org to
ignore text in code blocks? [DED]
** DONE extra quotes for nested string
Well R appears to be reading the tables without issue...
@ -566,13 +592,13 @@ To run these examples evaluate [[file:litorgy/litorgy-init.el][litorgy-init.el]]
: Sun Apr 5 10:10:05 PDT 2009
: Thu May 14 18:52:25 EDT 2009
#+begin_src ruby
: Sat May 09 18:18:33 -0700 2009
: Thu May 14 18:59:09 -0400 2009
#+begin_src python
"Hello World"
@ -585,11 +611,11 @@
#+begin_src R :results replace
a <- 9
b <- 17
b <- 14
a + b
: 26
: 23
#+begin_src R
@ -604,8 +630,8 @@ of the source code block into an org table. It's using the classic
1. evaluate [[file:litorgy/init.el]] to load litorgy and friends
2. evaluate the transpose definition =\C-u \C-c\C-c= on the beginning of
the source block (prefix arg to inhibit output)
2. evaluate the transpose definition =\C-c\C-c= on the beginning of
the source block
3. evaluate the next source code block, this should read in the table
because of the =:var table=previous=, then transpose the table, and
finally it should insert the transposed table into the buffer
@ -618,6 +644,7 @@ out...
(apply #'mapcar* #'list table))
#+TBLNAME: sandbox
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | schulte | 6 |
@ -626,9 +653,6 @@ out...
(transpose table)
| 1 | 4 |
| 2 | "schulte" |
| 3 | 6 |
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
'(1 2 3 4 5)
@ -658,11 +682,12 @@ table
| 4 | "schulte" | 6 |
#+begin_src python :var table=sandbox :results replace
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | "schulte" | 6 |
: 2
| "__add__" | "__class__" | "__contains__" | "__delattr__" | "__delitem__" | "__delslice__" | "__doc__" | "__eq__" | "__format__" | "__ge__" | "__getattribute__" | "__getitem__" | "__getslice__" | "__gt__" | "__hash__" | "__iadd__" | "__imul__" | "__init__" | "__iter__" | "__le__" | "__len__" | "__lt__" | "__mul__" | "__ne__" | "__new__" | "__reduce__" | "__reduce_ex__" | "__repr__" | "__reversed__" | "__rmul__" | "__setattr__" | "__setitem__" | "__setslice__" | "__sizeof__" | "__str__" | "__subclasshook__" | "append" | "count" | "extend" | "index" | "insert" | "pop" | "remove" | "reverse" | "sort" |
*** (sandbox table) R
@ -675,6 +700,26 @@ x <- c(rnorm(10, mean=-3, sd=1), rnorm(10, mean=3, sd=1))
| -3.35473133869346 |
| -2.45714878661 |
| -3.32819924928633 |
| -2.97310212756194 |
| -2.09640758369576 |
| -5.06054014378736 |
| -2.20713700711221 |
| -1.37618039712037 |
| -1.95839385821742 |
| -3.90407396475502 |
| 2.51168071590226 |
| 3.96753011570494 |
| 3.31793212627865 |
| 1.99829753972341 |
| 4.00403686419829 |
| 4.63723764452927 |
| 3.94636744261313 |
| 3.58355906547775 |
| 3.01563442274226 |
| 1.7634976849927 |
#+begin_src R var tabel=sandbox_r :results replace
@ -691,16 +736,18 @@ they are imported as org-mode tables...
ls -l
| "total" | 224 | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 35147 | "Apr" | 15 | 14 | "COPYING" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 277 | "Apr" | 15 | 14 | "README.markdown" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 57 | "Apr" | 15 | 14 | "block" |
| "drwxr-xr-x" | 6 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 204 | "Apr" | 15 | 14 | "existing_tools" |
| "drwxr-xr-x" | 12 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 408 | "May" | 9 | 18 | "litorgy" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 790 | "May" | 6 | 6 | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 49904 | "May" | 9 | 18 | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 5469 | "Apr" | 26 | 13 | "test-export.html" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "eschulte" | "staff" | 972 | "Apr" | 26 | 13 | "" |
| "total" | 208 | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 57 | 2009 | 15 | "block" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 35147 | 2009 | 15 | "COPYING" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 722 | 2009 | 18 | "" |
| "drwxr-xr-x" | 4 | "dan" | "dan" | 4096 | 2009 | 19 | "existing_tools" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 2207 | 2009 | 14 | "" |
| "drwxr-xr-x" | 2 | "dan" | "dan" | 4096 | 2009 | 18 | "litorgy" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 277 | 2009 | 20 | "README.markdown" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 11837 | 2009 | 18 | "rorg.html" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 61829 | 2009 | 19 | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 60190 | 2009 | 19 | "" |
| "-rw-r--r--" | 1 | "dan" | "dan" | 972 | 2009 | 11 | "" |
** silent evaluation
@ -709,14 +756,18 @@ ls -l
: :im_the_results
#+begin_src ruby :results silent
#+begin_src ruby :results replace
: :im_the_results_
** (sandbox) referencing other source blocks
Doing this in emacs-lisp first because it's trivial to convert
@ -737,6 +788,8 @@ used in the calculations of the second source block.
(* first 3)
: 18
This example is the same as the previous only the variable being
passed through is a table rather than a number.
@ -758,6 +811,8 @@ passed through is a table rather than a number.
(transpose table)
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | "schulte" | 6 |
*** ruby python
Now working for ruby
@ -770,8 +825,6 @@ Now working for ruby
2 * other
: 178
and for python
#+SRCNAME: start_two
@ -783,8 +836,6 @@ and for python
: 294
*** mixed languages
Since all variables are converted into Emacs Lisp it is no problem to
reference variables specified in another language.
@ -842,20 +893,20 @@ inline source code blocks) [[]]
: 15
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var result=triple(n=2, m=98) :results replace
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var result=triple(n=3, m=98) :results replace
: 6
: 294
The following just demonstrates the ability to assign variables to
literal values, which was not implemented until recently.
#+begin_src ruby :var num="eric" :results replace
num+" schulte"
num+" schulte "
: "eric schulte"
: "eric schulte "
** (sandbox) inline source blocks
@ -874,7 +925,7 @@ arguments. src_ruby[:var n=fibbd( n = 0 )]{n}
#+srcname: fibbd
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=2 :results silent
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=4 :results silent
(fibbd n)
@ -966,6 +1017,9 @@ should share this... I don't know if you guys use [[
but if you do you might find this [[file:block][block-snippet]] org-mode snippet
useful (I use it all the time).
** Dan <2009-05-14 Thu 19:13>
1. removed prefix arg [[2. evaluate the transpose definition =\C-c\C-c= on the beginning of][here]]
2. added some tasks and bugs
* Overview
This project is basically about putting source code into org
@ -1234,7 +1288,7 @@ internal to the source-code evaluation process?
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
'(:R-obj-name-1 tbl-name-or-id-1 :R-obj-name-2 tbl-name-or-id-2)
#+end_src emacs-lisp
As a result of passing that option, the code would be able to access
the data referenced by table-name-or-id-2 via read.table(R-obj-name-1).
Reference in New Issue