diff --git a/doc/images/dirs.png b/doc/images/dirs.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f272423f
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/images/dirs.png differ
diff --git a/lisp/org-babel.el b/lisp/org-babel.el
index 35c2d0568..63a7f75c7 100644
--- a/lisp/org-babel.el
+++ b/lisp/org-babel.el
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ then run `org-babel-pop-to-session'."
(defun org-babel-set-interpreters (var value)
(set-default var value)
(setq org-babel-src-block-regexp
- (concat "#\\+begin_src \\("
+ (concat "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_src \\("
(mapconcat 'regexp-quote value "\\|")
"\\)[ \t]*"
"\\([ \t]+\\([^\n]+\\)\\)?\n" ;; match header arguments
@@ -331,9 +331,14 @@ may be specified in the properties of the current outline entry."
(defun org-babel-parse-src-block-match ()
(let* ((lang (org-babel-clean-text-properties (match-string 1)))
- (lang-headers (intern (concat "org-babel-default-header-args:" lang))))
+ (lang-headers (intern (concat "org-babel-default-header-args:" lang)))
+ (body (org-babel-clean-text-properties (match-string 4))))
(list lang
- (org-babel-strip-protective-commas (org-babel-clean-text-properties (match-string 4)))
+ (with-temp-buffer ;; get src block body removing properties, protective commas, and indentation
+ (save-match-data
+ (insert (org-babel-strip-protective-commas body))
+ (org-do-remove-indentation)
+ (buffer-string)))
diff --git a/org-babel-worg.org b/org-babel-worg.org
index c8646ad2f..43af3e1ce 100644
--- a/org-babel-worg.org
+++ b/org-babel-worg.org
@@ -14,16 +14,20 @@
* Introduction
+ :CUSTOM_ID: introduction
+ :END:
Org-babel provides the following modifications to [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Literal-examples.html][the existing
support]] for blocks of source code examples in the org-mode core.
1. source code execution
@@ -31,7 +35,15 @@
3. exportation of source code blocks to files (literate programming)
* Getting started
- Add the following lines to your .emacs, replacing the path as
+ :CUSTOM_ID: getting-started
+ :END:
+ Grab the latest code from the git repo at [[http://github.com/eschulte/org-babel/tree/master][github/org-babel]]
+#+begin_src sh
+git clone git://github.com/eschulte/org-babel.git
+ And add the following lines to your .emacs, replacing the path as
appropriate. A good place to check that things are up and running
would the examples in [[* Basic org-babel functionality][Basic org-babel functionality]].
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@@ -40,36 +52,44 @@
* Basic org-babel functionality
+ :CUSTOM_ID: basic-functionality
+ :END:
*** Source code execution
+ :CUSTOM_ID: source-code-execution
+ :END:
For interpreted languages such as shell, python, R, etc, org-babel
allows source blocks to be executed: the code is passed to the
interpreter and you have control over what is done with the
results of excecution. E.g. place point anywhere in the following
block and use C-c C-c to run the code:
-#+begin_src python :results output
-import time
-x = 4
-#print time.ctime()
-print [5, 10]
+[[http://www.ruby-lang.org/][Ruby]] source code
+#+begin_src ruby
+"This file was last evaluated on #{Date.today}"
+Results of Ruby evaluation
-: hello
-: 510
+: This file was last evaluated on 2009-08-09
+[[http://www.r-project.org/][R]] source code
#+begin_src R :results value
x = 4
c(5, 10)
+Results of R evaluation
| 5 |
| 10 |
*** What happens to the results?
+ :CUSTOM_ID: results
+ :END:
Org-babel provides two fundamentally different modes for capturing
the results of code evaluation, specified by the :results header
@@ -91,13 +111,167 @@ c(5, 10)
**** Additional :results settings
*** Arguments to source code blocks
+ :CUSTOM_ID: arguments-to-source-code-blocks
+ :END:
In addition to evaluation of code blocks, org-babel allows them to
be parameterised (i.e. have arguments). Thus source code blocks
now have the status of *functions*.
+Inputs for fibonacci-seq
+#+tblname: fibonacci-inputs
+| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+| 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
+in the Org-mode buffer this looks like
+: #+tblname: fibonacci-inputs
+: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
+: | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
+[[http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/elisp.html][Emacs Lisp]] source code
+#+srcname: fibonacci-seq
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var fib-inputs=fibonacci-inputs
+ (defun fibonacci (n)
+ (if (or (= n 0) (= n 1))
+ n
+ (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (row)
+ (mapcar #'fibonacci row)) fib-inputs)
+in the Org-mode buffer this looks like
+: #+srcname: fibonacci-seq
+: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var fib-inputs=fibonacci-inputs
+: (defun fibonacci (n)
+: (if (or (= n 0) (= n 1))
+: n
+: (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))
+: (mapcar (lambda (row)
+: (mapcar #'fibonacci row)) fib-inputs)
+: #+end_src
+Results of Emacs Lisp code evaluation
+| 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 8 | 13 | 21 | 34 | 55 |
+| 1 | 3 | 8 | 21 | 55 | 144 | 377 | 987 | 2584 | 6765 |
* A meta-programming language for org-mode
+ :CUSTOM_ID: meta-programming-language
+ :END:
+Since information can pass freely between source-code blocks and
+org-mode tables you can mix and match languages using each language
+for those tasks to which it is suited. This makes Org-mode files with
+Org-babel into a kind of meta-functional programming language in which
+functions from many languages can work together.
+As an example, lets take some system diagnostics in the shell, and
+then graph them with R.
+1. Shell source code
+#+srcname: directories
+ #+begin_src bash :results replace
+ cd ~ && du -sc * |grep -v total
+ #+end_src
+2. Results of the shell source code (on my system, grab this org-mode
+ files and try running it on your own)
+#+resname: directories
+| 72 | "Desktop" |
+| 12156104 | "Documents" |
+| 3482440 | "Downloads" |
+| 2901720 | "Library" |
+| 57344 | "Movies" |
+| 16548024 | "Music" |
+| 120 | "News" |
+| 7649472 | "Pictures" |
+| 0 | "Public" |
+| 152224 | "Sites" |
+| 8 | "System" |
+| 56 | "bin" |
+| 3821872 | "mail" |
+| 10605392 | "src" |
+| 1264 | "tools" |
+3. R source code (which calls the previous shell source code)
+#+srcname: directory-pie
+ #+begin_src R :var dirs = directories :session R-pie-example
+ pie(dirs[,1], labels = dirs[,2])
+ #+end_src
+4. Results of R code [[file:images/dirs.png]]
* Spreadsheet plugins for org-mode in any language
+ :CUSTOM_ID: spreadsheet
+ :END:
+*NOTE*: Maybe in-addition-to/in-stead-of this example we should do a
+more traditional "spreadsheet" example with R [Eric]
+Not only can Org-babel pass entire tables of data to source code
+blocks (see [[arguments-to-source-code-blocks]]), Org-babel can also be
+used to call source code blocks from *within* tables using the
+Org-mode's [[http://orgmode.org/manual/The-spreadsheet.html#The-spreadsheet][existing spreadsheet functionality]].
+In fact the functional test suite for Org-babel is implemented as a
+large Org-mode table. To run the entire test suite you simple
+evaluate the table =C-u C-c C-c=, and all of the tests are run
+updating the table with pass/fail statistics.
+Here's a sample of our test suite.
+#+TBLNAME: org-babel-tests
+| functionality | block | arg | expected | results | pass |
+| basic evaluation | | | | | pass |
+| emacs lisp | basic-elisp | 2 | 4 | 4 | pass |
+| shell | basic-shell | | 6 | 6 | pass |
+| ruby | basic-ruby | | org-babel | org-babel | pass |
+| python | basic-python | | hello world | hello world | pass |
+| R | basic-R | | 13 | 13 | pass |
+#+TBLFM: $5='(if (= (length $3) 1) (progn (message (format "running %S" '(sbe $2 (n $3)))) (sbe $2 (n $3))) (sbe $2))::$6='(if (string= $4 $5) "pass" (format "expected %S but was %S" $4 $5))
+#+TBLFM: $5=""::$6=""
+*** code blocks for tests
+#+srcname: basic-elisp
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=7
+(* 2 n)
+#+srcname: basic-shell
+#+begin_src sh :results silent
+expr 1 + 5
+#+srcname: date-simple
+#+begin_src sh :results silent
+#+srcname: basic-ruby
+#+begin_src ruby :results silent
+#+srcname: basic-python
+#+begin_src python :results silent
+'hello world'
+#+srcname: basic-R
+#+begin_src R :results silent
+b <- 9
+b + 4
* Library of Babel
+ :CUSTOM_ID: library-of-babel
+ :END:
What about those source code blocks which are so useful you want to
have them available in every org-mode buffer?
@@ -112,14 +286,48 @@ c(5, 10)
(org-babel-lob-ingest "path/to/file.org")
-* Reproducible research
- - output vs. value mode
- - file & graphical output
- - controlling export
+* Reproducible Research
+ :CUSTOM_ID: reproducable-research
+ :END:
+An article about computational science in a scientific publication is
+not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the
+scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software
+development environment and the complete set of instructions which
+generated the figures. -- D. Donoho
+[[http://reproducibleresearch.net/index.php/Main_Page][Reproducible Research]] (RR) is the practice of distributing along with
+an article of research all data, code, and tools required to reproduce
+the results discussed in the paper. As such the paper becomes not
+only a document describing the research but a complete laboratory
+reproducing the research.
+Org-mode already has exceptional support for [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting.html#Exporting][exporting to html and
+LaTeX]]. Org-babel makes Org-mode a tool for RR by *activating* the
+data and source code embedded into Org-mode documents making the
+entire document executable. This makes it not only possible, but
+natural to distribute research in a format that encourages readers to
+recreate your results, and perform their own analysis.
+Existing RR tools like [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweave][Sweave]] provide for the embedding of [[http://www.r-project.org/][R]] code into
+LaTeX documents. While this is very useful, such documents often
+still require a large degree of "glue code" in the form of external
+shell scripts, python scripts, and Makefiles. To my knowledge
+Org-babl is the only RR tool which allows multiple languages and data
+to coexist and cooperate inside of a single document.
* Literate programming
+ :CUSTOM_ID: literate-programming
+ :END:
- org-babel-tangle
- org-babel-load-file
* Reference / Documentation
+ :CUSTOM_ID: reference-and-documentation
+ :END:
*** Source Code block syntax
diff --git a/org-babel.org b/org-babel.org
index e080c8e9a..3628db83b 100644
--- a/org-babel.org
+++ b/org-babel.org
@@ -218,7 +218,13 @@ would then be [[#sandbox][the sandbox]].
-* Tasks [41/62]
+* Tasks [41/64]
+** TODO org-bable-tangle: no default extension if one already exists
+** TODO source-name visible in LaTeX and html exports
+Maybe this should be done in backend specific manners.
+The listings package may provide for naming a source-code block...
** PROPOSED new results types (org, html, latex)
Thanks to Tom Short for this recommendation.
@@ -2776,8 +2782,45 @@ dot("$(2a,0)$",(2,0),N+E);
*** DONE sh
-* Bugs [31/40]
-** TODO export problems when support for a language is missing
+* Bugs [32/40]
+** PROPOSED require users to explicitly turn on each language
+As we continue to add more languages to org-babel, many of which will
+require new major-modes we need to re-think how languages are added to
+Currently we are requiring all available languages in the
+[[file:lisp/org-babel-init.el][org-babel-init.el]] file. I think we need to change this to a user
+setting so that only the language which have their requirements met
+(in terms of system executables and emacs major modes) are loaded. It
+is one more step for install, but it seems to me to be the only
+solution. Thoughts?
+*** proposed
+we add something like the following to the instillation instructions
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Uncomment each of the following require lines if you want org-babel
+;; to support that language. Each language has a comment explaining
+;; it's dependencies. See the related files in lisp/langs for more
+;; detailed explanations of requirements.
+;; (require 'org-babel-ruby) ;; inf-ruby mode, ruby and irb must be installed on your system
+;; (require 'org-babel-python) ;; python-mode
+;; (require 'org-babel-R) ;; ess-mode
+;; (require 'org-babel-gnuplot) ;; gnuplot-mode
+;; (require 'org-babel-dot) ;; dot be installed on your system
+;; (require 'org-babel-asymptote) ;; asymptote be installed on your system
+;; (require 'org-babel-ditaa) ;; ditaa be installed on your system
+;; (require 'org-babel-sql) ;; none
+;; (require 'org-babel-css) ;; none
+note that =org-babel-sh=, =org-babel-emacs-lisp=, and
+ are not included in the list as they can safely be
+assumed to work on any system.
+*** impetus
we should come up with a way to gracefully degrade when support for a
specific language is missing
@@ -2901,12 +2944,6 @@ even a third"
#+begin_src sh
-** TODO Allow source blocks to be recognised when #+ are not first characters on the line
- I think Carsten has recently altered the core so that #+ can have
- preceding whitespace, at least for literal/code examples. org-babel
- should support this.
** TODO non-orgtbl formatted lists
for example
@@ -2962,6 +2999,26 @@ the same for the other languages. [Dan]
find . \( -path \*/SCCS -o -path \*/RCS -o -path \*/CVS -o -path \*/MCVS -o -path \*/.svn -o -path \*/.git -o -path \*/.hg -o -path \*/.bzr -o -path \*/_MTN -o -path \*/_darcs -o -path \*/\{arch\} \) -prune -o -type f \( -iname \*.el \) -exec grep -i -nH -e org-babel-trim {} \;
+** DONE Allow source blocks to be recognised when #+ are not first characters on the line
+ I think Carsten has recently altered the core so that #+ can have
+ preceding whitespace, at least for literal/code examples. org-babel
+ should support this.
+#+srcname: testing-indentation
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
+ (message "i'm indented")
+ #+end_src
+#+srcname: testing-non-indentation
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
+(message "I'm not indented")
+#+srcname: i-resolve-references-to-the-indented
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var speech=testing-indentation :results silent
+(message "I said %s" speech)
** DONE are the org-babel-trim s necessary?
at the end of e.g. org-babel-R-evaluate, org-babel-python-evaluate, but
not org-babel-ruby-evaluate
diff --git a/publish-babel.org b/publish-babel.org
index e9fc0a159..2441265d5 100644
--- a/publish-babel.org
+++ b/publish-babel.org
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ publishing. Publish a project with =C-c C-e X=.
:base-directory ,org-babel-dir
:base-extension "org"
- :exclude "org-babel.org"
+ :exclude ,(regexp-opt-group '("org-babel.org" "test-export.org" "test-tangle.org" "test-tangle-load.org"))
:publishing-directory ,(expand-file-name "doc" org-babel-dir)
:index-filename "org-babel-worg.org"
:auto-postamble nil