The width and alignment in table columns can be set with a cookie like
"<10>" or "<r>" or "<r10>". In order to keep Org from exporting such
lines, the first column of a line can contain only "/". However, for
convenience, this commit implements a special case: If the entire row
contains only sch markers, the line will automatically be discarded
during export.
Bernt Hansen writes:
> I think I have something that is reproducible.
> ,----[ /tmp/ ]
> |
> | * Refile Targets
> | ** TODO One
> | ** TODO Two
> | ** TODO Three
> | ** TODO Four
> | ** TODO Five
> | ** TODO Six
> | *** TODO
> | *** TODO Six.two
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | ** TODO Seven
> | ** TODO Eight
> | ** TODO Nine
> | ** TODO Ten
> | * Refile Tasks
> | ** TODO Refile Me
> `----
> ,----[ /tmp/minimal.emacs ]
> | (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/git/org-mode/lisp"))
> | (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . org-mode))
> | (require 'org-install)
> |
> | (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
> | (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
> | (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)
> |
> | (setq org-log-done (quote time))
> | (setq org-log-into-drawer t)
> | (setq org-agenda-files '("/tmp/"))
> | (setq user-init-file "/tmp/custom.el")
> |
> | (setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes nil)
> | (setq org-refile-targets (quote ((nil :maxlevel . 2) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 2))))
> | (setq org-refile-use-outline-path nil)
> | (setq org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t!)" "STARTED(s!)" "|" "DONE(d!/!)") (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "SOMEDAY(S!)" "OPEN(O@)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)") (sequence "QUOTE(q!)" "QUOTED(Q!)" "|" "APPROVED(A@)" "EXPIRED(E@)" "REJECTED(R@)"))))
> `----
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Save the files /tmp/ and /tmp/minimal.emacs
> 2. emacs -q -l /tmp/minimal.emacs /tmp/
> 3. Go to CONTENTS view with S-TAB twice
> 4. Put point on **** TODO Clock Me
> 5. Clock in the task with C-c C-x C-i
> This adds a logbook drawer with the clock
> 6. Fold to OVERVIEW view with S-TAB
> So it looks like this
> ,----[ folder ]
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | * Refile Tasks...
> `----
> 7. M-x org-clock-goto
> This reveals the buffer like so:
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | * Refile Tasks...
> `----
> I think this is the critical step.
> 8. Put point on Refile Tasks
> 9. Show task to refile with TAB
> 10. Put point on ** TODO Refile Me
> 11. Refile to Ten with C-c C-w Ten RET
> 12. Put point on Refile Me
> 13. Reveal with C-c C-r
> Shows that we are under TODO Ten. So far so good
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | ** TODO Ten
> | *** TODO Refile Me
> | * Refile Tasks
> `----
> 14. Now repeat steps 10-13 but refile to 'Two' instead of 'Ten'
> This goes to the wrong place. This files under Nine for me
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | ** TODO Nine
> | *** TODO Refile Me
> | ** TODO Ten
> | * Refile Tasks
> `----
> 15. Repeat steps 10-13 with refiling to 'Two' each time
> This moves Refile Me up one task at a time until it gets to Two
> ie. it refiles to Eight, then Seven, then Six, then Five, then
> Four then Three, then Two.
> If you show contents view with S-TAB and then refile it goes to the
> right place immediately. So this definitely has something to do with
> the folded view of the org file.
Henry Atting writes:
> If org agenda is displayed in an other frame then windows aren*t
> restored when quitting, I have to kill the frame manually. I
> really would like it to behave like e.g. gnus-other-frame which
> automatically kills his frame on quitting.
The new keys are b and f. This used to be on the cursor keys, but
they do now again do cursor motion.
This is a significant change in the UI, I hope this will not cause too
many problems.
Fix bulk refiling in the agenda due to commit
9ec5529 (Fix jumping to last refile location in agenda, 2009-08-20)
This restores the original behaviour.
Longmin Wang writes:
> Hi,
> I am using org-mode integrated in emacs 23.1.1. When I export
> the org file to html file, the enumerations will be interrupted
> by some displayed math formulae. For example, the codes
> 1. The first.
> 2. A displayed formula: \[ \int_0^{+\infty} \frac{c}{1+x^2}dx=1. \]
> 3. The third.
> will generate
> 1. The first.
> 2. A displayed formula:
> <the formula>
> 1. The third.
> Is it a bug? Or I made some mistakes in the source file.
`org-cycle-separator-lines' can now get a negative value, to indicate
that, if the number of empty lines before a visible entry is greater
than the specified number, then *all* empty lines should be shown.
Use `gnus-summary-article-header' function when in gnus-summary-mode.
This way the article doesn't get displayed unnecessarily. We don't use
this function in the gnus-article-mode because it is not reliable.
Thanks to Leo for this suggestion.
Eric Schulte writes:
> Attached is a small patch for a small issue.
> Sometimes a language uses a major mode which can't be guessed
> from it's name. This patch introduces the `org-src-lang-modes'
> variable which can be used to map language names to major modes
> when this is the case. This is used when editing a source-code
> block, or when exporting fontified source-code with htmlize.
> So far the only instance of this that I know of is ocaml and
> tuareg-mode, so that's the only thing that `org-src-lang-modes'
> is pre-populated with. Maybe there are other instances as well?
Nick Dokos writes:
> I define a LaTeX macro at the top of my document, like so:
> ,----
> | ...
> | #+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\rowstyle}[1]{\gdef\currentrowstyle{#1}%
> | #+LATEX_HEADER: #1\ignorespaces
> | ...
> `----
> and export - I get the following inserted:
> ,----
> | ...
> | \begin{document}
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | ...
> `----
> Obviously, the macro argument spec is mistaken for a footnote.