Prior to this, reference resolution could fail with quoted
strings. E.g. this didn't work:
\#+srcname: py-id(a=1)
\#+begin_src python
\#+lob: py-id(a="1")
This change allows org-file-properties to supply header args, and also
allows property inheritance if it has been enabled. Header-args
aquired from the item (or by inheritance) have precedence over those
aquired from org-file-properties.
If a [:file filename.ext] header arg is provided, then all graphical
output from the source block is captured on disk, and output of the
source block is a link to the resulting file, as with the
graphics-only languages such as gnuplot, ditaa, dot, asymptote. An
attempt is made to find a graphics device corresponding to the file
extension (currently .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .bmp, .pdf, .ps,
.postscript are recognised); if that fails, png format output is
Additionally, values for several arguments to the R graphics
device can be passed using header args:
:width :height :bg :units :pointsize
:antialias :quality :compression :res :type
:family :title :fonts :version :paper :encoding
:pagecentre :colormodel :useDingbats :horizontal
Arguments to the R graphics device that are not supported as header
args can be passed as a string in R argument syntax, using the header
arg :R-dev-args
An example block is (although both bg and fg can be passed directly as
header args)
\#+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 8 :height 8 :R-dev-args bg="olivedrab", fg="hotpink"
plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type="l")
This includes the required changes to org-babel.el and a
language-specific implementation for emacs-lisp. The emacs-lisp
changes are from a patch by Benny Andresen.
This allows python code to be tangled (i.e. extracted) correctly by
org-babel-tangle. Previously, if e.g. methods of a class were in
separate blocks, then they would be incorrectly indented as top-level
functions in the tangled output.