Karl Stump writes:
> When exporting a table with a horizontal line the column count is wrong.
> Output from pdflatex run:
> ! Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.
> <template> \endtemplate
> l.32 ....\multicolumn{4}{r}{Continued on next page}
> \
> ?
> Here's the table in the tex file:
> \begin{longtable}{||lll||}
> \caption{This is a long table with lines around and between cells}\\
> Heading1 & Heading2 & Heading3 \\
> \hline
> \endhead
> \hline\multicolumn{4}{r}{Continued on next page}\
> \endfoot
> \endlastfoot
> \hline
> alpha & beta & gamma \\
> & & \\
> \end{longtable}
> Here's the org file:
> ** table export test
> #+CAPTION: This is a long table with lines around and between cells
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[landscape]{geometry}
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \geometry{left=0.12in,right=0.12in,top=0.25in,bottom=0.25in}
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: longtable align=||lll||
> | / | <30> | <10> | <10> |
> | | Heading1 | Heading2 | Heading3 |
> |---+----------+----------+----------|
> | | alpha | beta | gamma |
> | | | | |
Nick Dokos replies:
> I believe it's because of the dummy "calculation-mark" column,
> which is not exported. However, the variable org-table-last-alignment
> (a list, whose length becomes the value of the \multicolumn argument)
> ends up having the value (nil nil nil nil), i.e. it counts the dummy
> column as well. What the proper place to adjust the value is, I don't
> know, but it should be easy for Carsten to fix it. For the time being,
> you can either get rid of the dummy row and column (e.g. if you don't
> need the widths) or fix it by hand in the LaTeX file.
Indeed, and this commit pops `org-table-last-alignment' if the first
column has been removed by `org-table-clean-before-export'. The same
problem must have caused a one-off error when setting the alignment in
LaTeX tables, bu it seems nobody has noticed this so far. Anyway,
also this is fixed now.
Bernt Hansen writes:
> I ran into this a few weeks ago and it's been bugging me.
> I reorganized a project which had a deadline on the main task and moved
> it down to multiple subtasks in the project.
> ,----
> | * TODO Project task
> | DEADLINE: <2009-08-28 Fri>
> | ** TODO Step 1
> | ** TODO Step 2
> | ...
> | ** TODO Step n
> `----
> I decided the DEADLINE really doesn't belong at the top -- since the
> deadline was for step 2 (and a few other tasks)... so I moved it the
> hard way. Instead of cutting it out and pasting it back in the right
> tree I just used C-c C-d and entered the same date on step 2 (because I
> was moving the date a bit from the original date).
> ,----
> | * TODO Project task
> | DEADLINE: <2009-08-28 Fri>
> | ** TODO Step 1
> | ** TODO Step 2
> | DEADLINE: <2009-08-28 Fri>
> | ...
> | ** TODO Step n
> `----
> Now to remove the deadline from the Project task I just did C-u C-c C-d
> on the Project task but this removed all the deadlines in the subtree
> and my deadline in Step 2 (and others) is now gone.
> AFAICT SCHEDULED: works the same way. This doesn't feel natural to me
> but I know it is documented this way.
> Does the way it works now really make sense or would just removing the
> deadline from the task you are working on be better.
> C-c C-d sets a deadline just for this task, so it felt natural to me
> that C-u C-c C-d would remove the deadline just for this task -- but
> that's what I get for not reading the manual (or forgetting since I read
> it ;)
Bernt Hansen writes:
> I think I have something that is reproducible.
> ,----[ /tmp/x.org ]
> |
> | * Refile Targets
> | ** TODO One
> | ** TODO Two
> | ** TODO Three
> | ** TODO Four
> | ** TODO Five
> | ** TODO Six
> | *** TODO Six.one
> | *** TODO Six.two
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | ** TODO Seven
> | ** TODO Eight
> | ** TODO Nine
> | ** TODO Ten
> | * Refile Tasks
> | ** TODO Refile Me
> `----
> ,----[ /tmp/minimal.emacs ]
> | (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/git/org-mode/lisp"))
> | (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . org-mode))
> | (require 'org-install)
> |
> | (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
> | (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
> | (global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)
> |
> | (setq org-log-done (quote time))
> | (setq org-log-into-drawer t)
> | (setq org-agenda-files '("/tmp/x.org"))
> | (setq user-init-file "/tmp/custom.el")
> |
> | (setq org-refile-allow-creating-parent-nodes nil)
> | (setq org-refile-targets (quote ((nil :maxlevel . 2) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 2))))
> | (setq org-refile-use-outline-path nil)
> | (setq org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t!)" "STARTED(s!)" "|" "DONE(d!/!)") (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "SOMEDAY(S!)" "OPEN(O@)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)") (sequence "QUOTE(q!)" "QUOTED(Q!)" "|" "APPROVED(A@)" "EXPIRED(E@)" "REJECTED(R@)"))))
> `----
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Save the files /tmp/x.org and /tmp/minimal.emacs
> 2. emacs -q -l /tmp/minimal.emacs /tmp/x.org
> 3. Go to CONTENTS view with S-TAB twice
> 4. Put point on **** TODO Clock Me
> 5. Clock in the task with C-c C-x C-i
> This adds a logbook drawer with the clock
> 6. Fold to OVERVIEW view with S-TAB
> So it looks like this
> ,----[ x.org folder ]
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | * Refile Tasks...
> `----
> 7. M-x org-clock-goto
> This reveals the buffer like so:
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | * Refile Tasks...
> `----
> I think this is the critical step.
> 8. Put point on Refile Tasks
> 9. Show task to refile with TAB
> 10. Put point on ** TODO Refile Me
> 11. Refile to Ten with C-c C-w Ten RET
> 12. Put point on Refile Me
> 13. Reveal with C-c C-r
> Shows that we are under TODO Ten. So far so good
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | ** TODO Ten
> | *** TODO Refile Me
> | * Refile Tasks
> `----
> 14. Now repeat steps 10-13 but refile to 'Two' instead of 'Ten'
> This goes to the wrong place. This files under Nine for me
> ,----
> |
> | * Refile Targets...
> | **** TODO Clock me
> | :LOGBOOK:...
> | ...
> | ** TODO Nine
> | *** TODO Refile Me
> | ** TODO Ten
> | * Refile Tasks
> `----
> 15. Repeat steps 10-13 with refiling to 'Two' each time
> This moves Refile Me up one task at a time until it gets to Two
> ie. it refiles to Eight, then Seven, then Six, then Five, then
> Four then Three, then Two.
> If you show contents view with S-TAB and then refile it goes to the
> right place immediately. So this definitely has something to do with
> the folded view of the org file.
Henry Atting writes:
> If org agenda is displayed in an other frame then windows aren*t
> restored when quitting, I have to kill the frame manually. I
> really would like it to behave like e.g. gnus-other-frame which
> automatically kills his frame on quitting.
The new keys are b and f. This used to be on the cursor keys, but
they do now again do cursor motion.
This is a significant change in the UI, I hope this will not cause too
many problems.
Longmin Wang writes:
> Hi,
> I am using org-mode integrated in emacs 23.1.1. When I export
> the org file to html file, the enumerations will be interrupted
> by some displayed math formulae. For example, the codes
> 1. The first.
> 2. A displayed formula: \[ \int_0^{+\infty} \frac{c}{1+x^2}dx=1. \]
> 3. The third.
> will generate
> 1. The first.
> 2. A displayed formula:
> <the formula>
> 1. The third.
> Is it a bug? Or I made some mistakes in the source file.
`org-cycle-separator-lines' can now get a negative value, to indicate
that, if the number of empty lines before a visible entry is greater
than the specified number, then *all* empty lines should be shown.
Use `gnus-summary-article-header' function when in gnus-summary-mode.
This way the article doesn't get displayed unnecessarily. We don't use
this function in the gnus-article-mode because it is not reliable.
Thanks to Leo for this suggestion.
Eric Schulte writes:
> Attached is a small patch for a small issue.
> Sometimes a language uses a major mode which can't be guessed
> from it's name. This patch introduces the `org-src-lang-modes'
> variable which can be used to map language names to major modes
> when this is the case. This is used when editing a source-code
> block, or when exporting fontified source-code with htmlize.
> So far the only instance of this that I know of is ocaml and
> tuareg-mode, so that's the only thing that `org-src-lang-modes'
> is pre-populated with. Maybe there are other instances as well?
Nick Dokos writes:
> I define a LaTeX macro at the top of my document, like so:
> ,----
> | ...
> | #+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\rowstyle}[1]{\gdef\currentrowstyle{#1}%
> | #+LATEX_HEADER: #1\ignorespaces
> | ...
> `----
> and export - I get the following inserted:
> ,----
> | ...
> | \begin{document}
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | ...
> `----
> Obviously, the macro argument spec is mistaken for a footnote.
This bug was caused by commit
8c177dc832, and reported by Matt
Lundin. The problem was that this commit tried to remove the text
propertes of the MATCH part of an agenda command. However, in block
commands, the MATCH part is not a string.