Keith writes:
> I noticed something strange and I think it's might be a bug converting
> to tex file. I've been trying to put a special symbol inside a
> bracket, e.g.
> air temperature (degree Celsius)
> and the symbol should look like ^{\circ}C in org file. It works well
> if it is standalone. However, when I put the brackets out of it, say
> (^{\circ}C), the pdf output looks bizarre. I have checked the tex
> output and the converting results from orgmode file are
> ^{\circ}C --> $^{\circ}$C
> (^{\circ}C) --> (^\{\circ}C)
Jambunathan K. writes:
> I would like to add the following observation as well -
> ---> org input <---
> #+AUTHOR: Jambunathan K\cr\href{mailto:{{{EMAIL}}}}{{{{EMAIL}}}}
> ---> actual tex output <---
> \author{Jambunathan K\cr\href{}\{\}}
> The above tex snippet has the effect of getting the "Url Box" wrong.
> I was hoping to produce the following line -
> \author{Jambunathan K\cr\href{}{}}
> Generally speaking, macro expansion in author string behaves strangely.
Lukasz Stelman writes:
I've create some presentation on programming (some more to do) and to my
surprise I've discovered that if org-mode escapes one "&" properly it
doesn't do its job in case of "&&" (and a single "^" too). I get "\&&"
in latex file which of course is wrong.
This support was totally broken. It works now again. Unfortunately
it is not possible to edit the table directly in the org-mode buffer
anymore - to edit such a table, you have to use C-c '
Bill Jackson writes:
> When exporting to LaTeX, curly brackets in a command will be escaped
> if that command also contains angle brackets. This can be a problem
> when using beamer. An example input file:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
> * The One and Only Frame
> When LaTeX \alert<2>{commands} contain angle brackets, the curly
> brackets are erroneously escaped in the output. \alert{Commands}
> that do not contain angle brackets work properly.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Typing C-c C-e l will generate the output file:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % Created 2010-01-15 Fri 13:57
> \documentclass{beamer}
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \usepackage{longtable}
> \usepackage{float}
> \usepackage{wrapfig}
> \usepackage{soul}
> \usepackage{amssymb}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \title{escCurly}
> \author{}
> \date{15 January 2010}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \begin{frame}
> \frametitle{Outline}
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}
> \tableofcontents
> \end{frame}
> \begin{frame}
> \frametitle{The One and Only Frame}
> \label{sec-1}
> When \LaTeX{} \alert<2>\{commands\} contain angle brackets, the curly
> brackets are erroneously escaped in the output. \alert{Commands}
> that do not contain angle brackets work properly.
> \end{frame}
> \end{document}
Bill Jackson writes:
> When exporting to LaTeX, the commands \LaTeX and \TeX are not
> processed consistently. In particular, the backslash for \LaTeX is
> escaped. This might not be a bug, but it is a bit confusing. An
> example input file:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * The One and Only Header
> The command \LaTeX generates an escaped backslash, while \TeX and
> \alpha do not. Note that LaTeX is converted to a command, while TeX
> is not.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Typing C-c C-e l will generate the output file:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> % Created 2010-01-15 Fri 13:47
> \documentclass[11pt]{article}
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{graphicx}
> \usepackage{longtable}
> \usepackage{float}
> \usepackage{wrapfig}
> \usepackage{soul}
> \usepackage{amssymb}
> \usepackage{hyperref}
> \title{escLaTeX}
> \author{}
> \date{15 January 2010}
> \begin{document}
> \maketitle
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}
> \tableofcontents
> \vspace*{1cm}
> \section{The One and Only Header}
> \label{sec-1}
> The command \\LaTeX{} generates an escaped backslash, while \TeX and
> $\alpha$ do not. Note that \LaTeX{} is converted to a command, while TeX
> is not.
> \end{document}
The coding system of the LaTeX class will now only be set to the value
corresponding to the buffer's file coding system if the class
specifies \usepackage[AUTO]{inputenc}. Any other value for the coding
system will not be modified.
Christopher Suckling writes:
> Thank you, but not quite working yet:
> ,----
> | #+BIND: org-export-latex-title-command ""
> `----
> now appears to be having the *effect* of setting a global variable.
> I load Emacs then visit the below test org file. I then export the file.
> I get a \maketitle line.
> I then C-c C-c on the #+BIND: line and re-export.
> \maketitle is removed.
> I then export another org file without the #+BIND: line.
> There is no \maketitle, even though there should be.
> I add
> ,----
> | #+BIND: org-export-latex-title-command "\foobar"
> `----
> to the new org file, C-c C-c and export:
> \foobar is added to the exported file.
> Finally, I re-export the original test org file (without C-c C-c on the
> #+BIND: line):
> \foobar is added to the exported file.
> However,
> ,----
> | C-h v org-export-latex-title-command
> `----
> always returns the value "\\maketitle", no matter what the value of the
> #+BIND: line.
> Best, Christopher
The regular expression was not optimal, and if there was a horizontal
rule, search would not start from the beginning of the buffer but from
after the rule!
Julien Barnier writes:
> I recntly noticed that in some specific cases, the final '}' was
> esacped when exproting an emphasis element to LaTeX.
> For example, the following element :
> /aa/
> Is exported to :
> \emph{aa\}
> This does not append if the string begins with a space or if it
> is ASCII-only. For example, the followig strings are exported
> correctly :
> /aaa/
> //
> I don't understand why the problem only occurs with non-ASCII chars,
> but I think that the regexp to protect added special chars in the
> org-export-latex-fontify function is missing a '?' in the
> beginning. Tha attached patch corrects it.