Some propel process LaTeX filed not directly to pdf, but go
through dvi and then to ps or pdf. In that case, allowed images
are ps and eps files, not pdf and jpg.
This commit adds the two extensions, so that export using that
alternative path can be supported better. However, it is up to the
user to make sure that the images are actually compatible with the
Patrick Bahr writes:
> I use tags-todo searches in my custom agenda
> commands. Unfortunately, tags-todo does not honour the
> org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels variable which I want to use in
> order to ignore nested todo items. Is there a way to persuade
> tags-todo to do this? I know that there is a variable
> org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options which does this for
> org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date etc. It would be nice if there
> is something similar to this for
> org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels. Even better would be if this
> could be adjusted per individual tags-todo search. For example
> for certain cases I do not want to see nested TODO items but I do
> want to see nested WAITING items. With two tags-todo searches
> having different behaviour on nested todo items this would be
> feasible.
This behavior is a loft-over from the old days, and I am changing
this now.
This commit implements refiling directly from the agenda.
It also implements a mechanism for selecting a number of entries in
the agenda and then executing a command on all of them. Possible
actions include archive, refile, todo state setting, and more.
Stefan Vollmar writes:
> taking up a nice suggestion from Sebastian Rose, I want to
> present some org source with proper syntax highlighting. However,
> there is a problem when using "BEGIN_SRC" blocks it seems.
> If one puts this org contents into a file "":
> * One Headline
> Some Text
> #+BEGIN_SRC python
> print "some output"
> * Another headline
> More text
> and renders it from another org-file with:
> #+INCLUDE: "./" src org
> everything will be fine (beautiful, infact) up to and including
> the print-line - the rest of the org file is not rendered as
> source but interpreted.