##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NEVER EDIT THIS FILE, PUT ANY ADAPTATIONS INTO local.mk ##-8<------------------------------------------------------------------- ## CHECK AND ADAPT THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name of your emacs binary EMACS = emacs # Where local software is found prefix = /usr/share # Where local lisp files go. lispdir= $(prefix)/emacs/site-lisp/org # Where local data files go. datadir = $(prefix)/emacs/etc/org # Where info files go. infodir = $(prefix)/info # Define if you only need info documentation, the default includes html and pdf #ORG_MAKE_DOC = info # html pdf # Define if you want to include some (or all) files from contrib/lisp # just the filename please (no path prefix, no .el suffix), maybe with globbing #ORG_ADD_CONTRIB = ox-* # e.g. the contributed exporter # Where to create temporary files for the testsuite # respect TMPDIR if it is already defined in the environment TMPDIR ?= /tmp testdir = $(TMPDIR)/tmp-orgtest # Configuration for testing # add options before standard load-path BTEST_PRE = # add options after standard load path BTEST_POST = # -L /ert # needed for Emacs23, Emacs24 has ert built in # -L /ess # needed for running R tests # -L /htmlize # need at least version 1.34 for source code formatting BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES = awk C fortran maxima lilypond octave perl python # R # requires ESS to be installed and configured # ruby # requires inf-ruby to be installed and configured # extra packages to require for testing BTEST_EXTRA = # ess-site # load ESS for R tests ##->8------------------------------------------------------------------- ## YOU MAY NEED TO ADAPT THESE DEFINITIONS ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- # How to run tests req-ob-lang = --eval '(require '"'"'ob-$(ob-lang))' lst-ob-lang = ($(ob-lang) . t) req-extra = --eval '(require '"'"'$(req))' BTEST_RE ?= \\(org\\|ob\\) BTEST_INIT = $(BATCH) \ $(BTEST_PRE) \ --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat default-directory "lisp"))' \ --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat default-directory "testing"))' \ $(BTEST_POST) BTEST = $(BTEST_INIT) \ -l org-batch-test-init \ --eval '(setq \ org-batch-test t \ org-babel-load-languages \ (quote ($(foreach ob-lang,$(BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES) emacs-lisp shell org,$(lst-ob-lang)))) \ org-test-select-re "$(BTEST_RE)" \ )' \ -l org-loaddefs.el \ -l cl -l testing/org-test.el \ -l ert -l org -l ox \ $(foreach req,$(BTEST_EXTRA),$(req-extra)) \ --eval '(org-test-run-batch-tests org-test-select-re)' # Running a plain emacs with no config and this Org-mode loaded. This # should be useful for testing and for manually verrifying problems. NOBATCH = $(filter-out -batch,$(BTEST_INIT)) -l org -f org-version # Using emacs in batch mode. # BATCH = $(EMACS) -batch -vanilla # XEmacs BATCH = $(EMACS) -batch -Q \ --eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil org-startup-folded nil)' # Emacs must be started in toplevel directory BATCHO = $(BATCH) \ --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path "./lisp")' # How to generate local.mk MAKE_LOCAL_MK = $(BATCHO) \ --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \ --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \ --eval '(org-make-local-mk)' # Emacs must be started in lisp directory BATCHL = $(BATCH) \ --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path ".")' # How to generate org-loaddefs.el MAKE_ORG_INSTALL = $(BATCHL) \ --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \ --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \ --eval '(org-make-org-loaddefs)' # How to generate org-version.el MAKE_ORG_VERSION = $(BATCHL) \ --eval '(load "org-compat.el")' \ --eval '(load "../mk/org-fixup.el")' \ --eval '(org-make-org-version "$(ORGVERSION)" "$(GITVERSION)" "'$(datadir)'")' # How to byte-compile the whole source directory ELCDIR = $(BATCHL) \ --eval '(batch-byte-recompile-directory 0)' # How to byte-compile a single file ELC = $(BATCHL) \ --eval '(batch-byte-compile)' # How to make a pdf file from a texinfo file TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf --batch --clean --expand # How to make a pdf file from a tex file PDFTEX = pdftex # How to create directories with leading path components # MKDIR = mkdir -m 755 -p # try this if you have no install MKDIR = install -m 755 -d # How to create the info files from the texinfo file MAKEINFO = makeinfo # How to create the HTML file TEXI2HTML = makeinfo --html --number-sections # How to find files FIND = find # How to remove files RM = rm -f # How to remove files recursively RMR = rm -fr # How to copy the lisp files and elc files to their destination. # CP = cp -p # try this if you have no install CP = install -m 644 -p # How to obtain administrative privileges # leave blank if you don't need this # SUDO = SUDO = sudo # Name of the program to install info files # INSTALL_INFO = ginstall-info # Debian: avoid harmless warning message INSTALL_INFO = install-info # target method for 'compile' ORGCM = dirall # ORGCM = dirall # 1x slowdown compared to default compilation method # ORGCM = single # 4x one Emacs process per compilation # ORGCM = source # 5x ditto, but remove compiled file immediately # ORGCM = slint1 # 3x possibly elicit more warnings # ORGCM = slint2 # 7x possibly elicit even more warnings