29 lines
605 B
Org Mode
29 lines
605 B
Org Mode
#+TITLE: Example file
#+OPTIONS: num:nil ^:nil
#+STARTUP: hideblocks
This is an example file for use by the Org mode tests.
* top
** code block
:header-args: :tangle yes
:CUSTOM_ID: code-block-section
Here are a couple of code blocks.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
;; 94839181-184f-4ff4-a72f-94214df6f5ba
(message "I am code")
* accumulating properties in drawers
:header-args+: :var bar=2
:header-args: :var foo=1
:ID: 75282ba2-f77a-4309-a970-e87c149fe125
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(list bar foo)