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@ -1799,6 +1799,147 @@ CONCLUSIONS: We developed a simplified, semi-closed system for the initial selec
publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited}, publisher = {Informa {UK} Limited},
} }
author = {A. L. VAN WEZEL},
journal = {Nature},
title = {Growth of Cell-strains and Primary Cells on Micro-carriers in Homogeneous Culture},
year = {1967},
month = {oct},
number = {5110},
pages = {64--65},
volume = {216},
doi = {10.1038/216064a0},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},
author = {Sorour Derakhti and Seyed Hamid Safiabadi-Tali and Ghassem Amoabediny and Mojgan Sheikhpour},
journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: C},
title = {Attachment and detachment strategies in microcarrier-based cell culture technology: A comprehensive review},
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pages = {109782},
volume = {103},
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author = {Allen Kuan-Liang Chen and Shaul Reuveny and Steve Kah Weng Oh},
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title = {Application of human mesenchymal and pluripotent stem cell microcarrier cultures in cellular therapy: Achievements and future direction},
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author = {Chengzu Xiao and Zicai Huang and Wengqing Li and Xianwen Hu and Wenlu Qu and Lihua Gao and Gaoyan Liu},
journal = {Cytotechnology},
title = {{High} density and scale-up cultivation of recombinant {CHO} cell line and hybridomas with porous microcarrier {Cytopore}},
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author = {Beum Jun Kim and Ti Zhao and Lincoln Young and Peng Zhou and Michael L. Shuler},
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title = {Batch, fed-batch, and microcarrier cultures with {CHO} cell lines in a pressure-cycle driven miniaturized bioreactor},
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author = {Adam Saltz and Umadevi Kandalam},
journal = {Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A},
title = {Mesenchymal stem cells and alginate microcarriers for craniofacial bone tissue engineering: A review},
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title = {Microcarriers in the engineering of cartilage and bone},
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@ -579,40 +579,39 @@ present our final conclusions in Chapter~\ref{conclusions}.
Microcarriers have historically been used to grow a number of adherent cell Microcarriers have historically been used to grow a number of adherent cell
types for a variety of applications. They were introduced in 1967 as a means to types for a variety of applications. They were introduced in 1967 as a means to
grow adherent cells `in suspension', effectively turning a 2D flask system into grow adherent cells `in suspension', effectively turning a 2D flask system into
a 3D culture system ( a 3D culture system\cite{WEZEL1967}. Microcarriers are generally spherical and
Microcarriers are generally spherical and are several hundred \si{\um} in are several hundred \si{\um} in diameter, which means they collectively have a
diameter, which means they collectively have a much higher surface area than a much higher surface area than a traditional flask when matched for volume.
traditional flask when matched for volume. Consequently, this means that Consequently, this means that microcarrier-based cultures can operate with much
microcarrier-based cultures can operate with much lower footprints than lower footprints than flask-like systems. Microcarriers also allow cell culture
flask-like systems. Microcarriers also allow cell culture to operate more like a to operate more like a traditional chemical engineering process, wherein a
traditional chemical engineering process, wherein a stirred tank bioreactor may stirred tank bioreactor may be employed to enhance oxygen transfer, maintain pH,
be employed to enhance oxygen transfer, maintain pH, and continuously supply and continuously supply nutrients\cite{Derakhti2019}.
nutrients ().
A variety of microcarriers have been designed, primarily differing in their A variety of microcarriers have been designed, primarily differing in their
choice of material and macroporous structure. Key concerns have been cell choice of material and macroporous structure. Key concerns have been cell
attachment at the beginning of culture and cell detachment at the harvesting attachment at the beginning of culture and cell detachment at the harvesting
step; these have largely driven the nature of the material and structures step; these have largely driven the nature of the material and structures
employed. Many microcarriers simply use polystyrene (the material used for employed\cite{Derakhti2019}. Many microcarriers simply use polystyrene (the
tissue culture flasks and dishes in general) with no modification (SoloHill material used for tissue culture flasks and dishes in general) with no
Plastic, Nunc Biosilon), with a cationic surface charge (SoloHill Hillex) or modification (SoloHill Plastic, Nunc Biosilon), with a cationic surface charge
coated with an \gls{ecm} protein such as collagen (SoloHill Fact III). Other (SoloHill Hillex) or coated with an \gls{ecm} protein such as collagen (SoloHill
base materials have been used such as dextran (GE Healthcare Cytodex), cellulose Fact III). Other base materials have been used such as dextran (GE Healthcare
(GE Healthcare Cytopore), and glass (Sigma Aldrich G2767), all with none or Cytodex), cellulose (GE Healthcare Cytopore), and glass (Sigma Aldrich G2767),
similar surface modifications. Additionally, some microcarriers such as all with none or similar surface modifications. Additionally, some microcarriers
\gls{cus} and \gls{cug} are composed entirely out of protein (in these cases, such as \gls{cus} and \gls{cug} are composed entirely out of protein (in these
porcine collagen) which also allows the microcarriers to be enzymatically cases, porcine collagen) which also allows the microcarriers to be enzymatically
degraded. In the case of non-protein materials, cells may still be detached degraded. In the case of non-protein materials, cells may still be detached
using enzymes but these require similar methods to those currently used in using enzymes but these require similar methods to those currently used in
flasks such as trypsin which target the cellular \gls{ecm} directly. Since flasks such as trypsin which target the cellular \gls{ecm} directly. Since
trypsin and related enzymes tends to be harsh on cells, an advantage of using trypsin and related enzymes tends to be harsh on cells, an advantage of using
entirely protein-based microcarriers is that they can be degraded using a much entirely protein-based microcarriers is that they can be degraded using a much
safer enzyme such as collagenase, at the cost of being more expensive and also safer enzyme such as collagenase, at the cost of being more expensive and also
being harder to make \gls{gmp}-compliant. Going one step further, some being harder to make \gls{gmp}-compliant\cite{Derakhti2019}. Going one step
microcarriers are composed of a naturally degrading scaffold such as alginate, further, some microcarriers are composed of a naturally degrading scaffold such
which do not need an enzyme for degradation but are limited in that the as alginate, which do not need an enzyme for degradation but are limited in that
degradation process is less controllable. Finally, microcarriers can differ in the degradation process is less controllable. Finally, microcarriers can differ
their overall structure. \gls{cug} and \gls{cus} microcarriers as well as the in their overall structure. \gls{cug} and \gls{cus} microcarriers as well as the
Cytopore microcarriers are macroporous, meaning they have a porous network in Cytopore microcarriers are macroporous, meaning they have a porous network in
which cells can attach throughout their interior. This drastically increases the which cells can attach throughout their interior. This drastically increases the
effective surface area and consequently the number of cells which may be grown effective surface area and consequently the number of cells which may be grown
@ -620,18 +619,16 @@ per unit volume. Other microcarriers are microporous (eg only to small
molecules) or not porous at all (eg polystyrene) in which case the cells can molecules) or not porous at all (eg polystyrene) in which case the cells can
only grow on the surface. only grow on the surface.
Microcarriers have seen the most use in growing \gls{cho} cells and hybridomas Microcarriers have seen the most use in growing \gls{cho} cells and hybridomas
in the case of protein manufacturing (eg \gls{igg} production) as well as in the case of protein manufacturing (eg \gls{igg} production)\cite{Xiao1999,
pluripotent stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells more recently in the case Kim2011} as well as pluripotent stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells more
of cell manufacturing\cite{Heathman2015, Sart2011}. Interestingly, some groups recently in the case of cell manufacturing\cite{Heathman2015, Sart2011,
have even explored using biodegradable microcarriers \invivo{} as a delivery Chen2013, Schop2010, Rafiq2016}. Interestingly, some groups have even explored
vehicle for stem cell therapies in the context of regenerative medicine. using biodegradable microcarriers \invivo{} as a delivery vehicle for stem cell
However, the characteristic shared by all the cell types in this application is therapies in the context of regenerative medicine\cite{Zhang2016, Saltz2016,
the fact that they are adherent. In this work, we explore the use of Park2013, Malda2006}. However, the characteristic shared by all the cell types
microcarrier for T cells, which are naturally non-adherent. in this application is the fact that they are adherent. In this work, we explore
the use of microcarrier for T cells, which are naturally non-adherent.
\subsection{overview of T cells in immunotherapies} \subsection{overview of T cells in immunotherapies}